Show Prep: Tues, Oct. 20

Jim Webb May Run As An Independent | Truth Revolt

Bernie Sanders: let’s turn the Post Office into a bank! « Hot Air

wants to turn the U.S. Postal Service into a bank so it can put out loans. He told last week how awesome of an idea it’d be because it would fight back against those dirty, rotten payday lenders.

Ballot ‘selfies’ law in Indiana cannot be enforced, judge rules –

A federal judge has barred the state of from enforcing a new law that prohibits voters from taking photos of their election ballots and sharing the images on social media.

Students Say They Are Absolutely Dumbfounded by Reason School Is Punishing Them for ‘Racial Insensitivity’ | Video |

On Friday, students from Atascocita gave Summer Creek students a decorated Halloween bucket along with a , coconut, pineapple and watermelon gum.

US Army forced to borrow British helicopters amid budget cuts – Telegraph

America no longer has any tanks in Europe, and the number of US troops stationed there has decreased by more than a third since 2012. Many of the weapons used for Nato exercises rotate between bases in the US and in Europe.

Federal Spending Increased $183.9B in FY15—But Spending on Defense, Homeland Security, Justice Declined

Even as overall federal increased by $183,890,000,000 from fiscal 2014 to fiscal 2015, spending for the departments of Defense, Homeland Security and Justice declined, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement for September.

S.F., Nevada reach tentative settlement in patient-dumping case – SFGate

has agreed to pay $400,000 to for the costs of caring for 24 homeless, indigent former mental patients who were sent to the city with one-way bus tickets from a Nevada state psychiatric hospital.

Federal court tells the DEA to stop harassing medical marijuana providers – The Washington Post

In a scathing decision, a federal court in California has ruled that the Drug Enforcement Administration’s interpretation of a recent medical bill “defies language and logic,” “tortures the plain meaning of the statute” and is “at odds with fundamental notions of the rule of law.” The ruling could have a broad impact on the ‘s ability to prosecute federal medical marijuana cases going forward.

Illinois School Teaches 12 Yr-Old Kids 9-11 Attacks Had Nothing to do with Islam – The Gateway Pundit

“We have to present, with 9/11 or anything, it wasn’t a religion that did that. It was bad men that did that. I think you have to take moments like that and use them as teachable moments,” he said. “You have to look at the age group and your students, and to me you can talk about different things in the world and teach about tolerance.”

Many Low-Income Workers Say ‘No’ to Health Insurance

“Based on what we’ve seen in the marketplace, we’re advising some of our clients to expect single-digit take rates,” said Michael A. Bodack, an insurance broker in Harrison, N.Y. “One to 2 percent isn’t unusual.”

Vulgar Personality Quiz Angers Parents Arizona | The Daily Caller

“Would you go to a wife-swapping party?”

High School Bans 21-Gun Salute Honoring Vets Because it ‘Promotes Gun Violence’ | Truth Revolt

Veterans firing rifles at the assembly has been a fun, safe tradition for as long as some students can remember. But even though the vets are firing blanks, and since all guns under any circumstances are viewed as being possessed by Satan now, the tradition has been nixed.

Sears Ditches ‘Infidel’ Hat For CAIR | The Daily Caller

John Brennan email hacked, U.S. investigates –

The FBI and Secret Service are investigating reports that non-government personal accounts associated with Director John Brennan as well as Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson were hacked, law enforcement officials told CNN.

How You Pay Bills May Affect Your Credit | The Daily Caller

Lenders are no longer just interested in whether you pay your bills or not. Increasingly, they are looking at how you pay those bills to determine whether they want you as a customer.