Listeners Debate If The Speed Limits Are Too Low – Podcast

A Michigan State Lieutenant thinks the in the US is , and should be raised. He’s not the only official to research and suggest raising the speed limits.

Listeners call Casey to react and debate whether the speed limits are too low.

Many agree that our speed limits are too slow, and need to be raised. Others think distracted driving in the US makes raising the speed limit too risky.

Where do you stand?



Monday, May 2 – Hour 1 Podcast

Almost every speed limit is too low — Quartz

“We all speed, yet months and months usually pass between us seeing a crash,” lieutenant Megge tells us when we call to discuss speed limits. “That tells me that most of us are adequate, safe, reasonable drivers. Speeding and traffic safety have a small correlation.”

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Podcast – Officer Gives To Woman Going Too Slow

March 14, 2013

A officer gave a woman a for going under the , and not moving to the right.

There’s outrage at the officer’s conduct. I say BRAVO!! It’s about time police started enforcing the law for those that impede traffic instead of giving them a pass.