Daily : Thursday, January 23

Hour 1

Chief Justice Roberts Admonishes Both Legal Teams After Nadler Accuses GOP Senators of Treachery and Voting Against US in Trump Impeachment Trial

Impeachment backfire? Key GOP senator ‘offended’ by Nadler charge, as trial tests patience and stamina

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don’t you want our evidence on Democrats?

Seattle Residents Can Cast Vote Via Smartphone in Local Election


Hour 2

Trump To Make History At March For Life

Trump administration releases rule to restrict ‘birth tourism’

School bus service changes coming to South Bend

Judge in South Bend Police Tapes case taking more time to decide on release

Threat of contaminated tap water across US ‘dramatically underestimated,’ scientists warn

Standoff: U.S. troops block Russian forces from capturing Syrian oil field

Senior Democratic Staffer: ‘We Do Not Care About Anti-Semitism’

UK Parliament Passes EU Withdrawal Bill, Paving Way for Brexit on January 31

British economy will grow faster than eurozone rivals, says IMF


Hour 3


55% say media are ‘corrupt’ and ‘exaggerate’ news

Nolte: Hillary Complains There Are Not Enough Democrats in the News Media


Mexican Security Forces Corral Migrants After Hundreds Enter From Guatemala


Tuesday, Sept. 12 – Hour 1 Podcast


Apple finally reveals its best ever smartphone with FaceID | Daily Mail Online

The $999 (£999 in the UK) X features an edge-to-edge display with richer colours, and called Face ID that allows users to unlock the phone without the need for a or physical home button.

National Guardsman accused of threatening to kill Pence | New York Post

A 22-year-old from Pennsylvania was accused of threatening to kill Vice President Mike Pence, officials said.

Liberal University Hacks Take Down 9-11 Remembrance Flags – Honor “Those Killed and Displaced” By ‘So-Called’ War on Terror

Some far left hack removed US flags commemorating those Americans and foreigners killed on 9-11.

September 11th Memorial at Notre Dame Chalked With Anti-War Graffiti

The University of Notre Dame‘s  chapter had a surprise waiting for them when they went to set up their annual “9/11: Never Forget” memorial on the campus quad. A chalked anti-war message was left on the sidewalk to counter-act their display.


Daily : Tuesday, Sept. 12


Apple finally reveals its best ever smartphone with FaceID | Daily Mail Online

The $999 (£999 in the UK) X features an edge-to-edge display with richer colours, and facial recognition software called Face ID that allows users to unlock the phone without the need for a fingerprint reader or physical home button.

National Guardsman accused of threatening to kill Pence | New York Post

A 22-year-old National Guardsman from Pennsylvania was accused of threatening to kill Vice President Mike Pence, officials said.

Liberal University Hacks Take Down 9-11 Remembrance Flags – Honor “Those Killed and Displaced” By ‘So-Called’ War on Terror

Some far left hack removed US flags commemorating those Americans and foreigners killed on 9-11.

September 11th Memorial at Notre Dame Chalked With Anti-War Graffiti

The ‘s Young Americans for Freedom chapter had a surprise waiting for them when they went to set up their annual “9/11: Never Forget” memorial on the campus quad. A chalked anti-war message was left on the sidewalk to counter-act their display.

Hour 2

GOP senator demands cap on ex-presidents’ payments – Washington Times

Sen. , Iowa Republican, said that while presidents should keep getting taxpayer-funded security details, they don’t need the more than $1 million in pensions and office equipment that former Presidents Obama and George W. Bush are each expected to cost in 2018.

Reed College course lectures canceled after student protesters interrupt class to protest Eurocentrism

Among activists’ sticking points, especially for a group of students called Reedies Against , was Hum 110. The course, which faces a curricular and pedagogical review every 10 years but has maintained a fundamentally Western orientation, is simply too white, too male and too Eurocentric, critics charged, especially for a course required of all students. Moreover, the student activists said, Hum 110 largely ignores how these works may have been used over time to perpetuate violence against people of color.

Chatbot Lets You Sue Equifax With A Click | The Daily Caller

Thanks to a unique computer program, people affected by the massive breach can sue the credit assessment company by clicking a few buttons.


What can I help you with?

Equifax says stock-selling executives were unaware of breached data

“[The executives] had no knowledge that an intrusion had occurred at the time they sold their shares,” Equifax said in a statement.

Cruz: Staffer ‘Liked’ Incest Porn T | The Daily Caller

Sen. Ted Cruz said Tuesday that one of his staffers “inadvertently” liked a tweet showing porn and that the issue is being dealt with internally.

Ted Cruz handles accidental porn like in the best way possible – twitchy.com

Sen. Ted Cruz just responded to the accidental like of a hardcore porn video on his @TedCruz Twitter account last night in the best way possible — with humor:

Hour 3

Hands On with the TSA’s New ‘Enhanced’ Pat-Down Procedure | The Weekly Standard

Well, since you asked, the agent runs his hand inside a passenger’s waistband and also runs his hand up the back of each leg until he “meets resistance” and then does the same from the front of each leg. And then the TSA agent swipes the front of his hands 3 or 4 times right over the zipper area of one’s Gap Outlet comfort-stretch khakis. That last part was the most unpleasant.

Credit Cards, Foreign Girlfriends at Center of Menendez Trial Day Three

Thousands of American Express points and a Florida doctor’s two Latin American “friends” were the focus of the proceedings in Sen. Robert Menendez’s (D., .J.) corruption trial Monday.

‘Where are the horns?’ Scumbags spew venom at Eric Trump and newborn son – twitchy.com

The birth of a child is possibly life’s greatest and most beautiful blessing. Unfortunately, for some people, it’s also an occasion to spew venom.

South Bend kindergartner claims she was sexually assaulted on school bus – 95.3 MNC

A kindergarten student in claims that she was sexually assaulted on the bus by another child on the way home from school last week.

Indiana officials consider ridding state of handgun carry licenses | Public Safety | southbendtribune.com

Police officials in say a proposal to eliminate the state’s handgun carry license requirement for civilians could result in a loss of revenue.

Seattle mayor’s cousin accuses him of sexual abuse – seattlepi.com

Hours after the allegations surface, Murray announced plans to resign Wednesday.

Wednesday, July 12 – Hour 3 Podcast


Indiana Whiskey and Crooked Ewe Brewery are booted from farmer’s markets | Local | southbendtribune.com

Sensing an opportunity to market its product to a targeted audience, Indiana Whiskey Co. began selling its line of craft whiskeys at farmer’s markets in Indiana late last year, relying on a state law that allows brewers and distillers to participate in trade shows or expositions 45 days out of the year.

FBI document dump reveals secrets of Clinton probe as new director nominee faces Senate | Fox News

neither received from the law firm contain SIM cards or Secure Digital (SD) cards, and a total of 13 mobile devices identified by the FBI as potentially using clintonemail.com email addresses were never located by Williams & Connelly.