Yes, Women Should Be Forced To Wax Men’s Privates

A biological man is suing to force women at spas to wax their genitals because they identify as a .

Several spas have declined to perform a Brazilian wax on this individual because they still have private parts.

I completely support this person’s quest. can’t have it both ways. If you are going to require biological males be allowed to use locker room showers and , you must also force women to wax their privates.


It’s For White People To Make , Or Something – Podcast


This is from my show that aired on May 25.

Amoebas in , OR are outraged that two white women did what, literally, every chef in the world does. They went to a foreign country, loved the , learned how to make the food, then came home and opened a business serving that food.

The SJWs out there were outraged that these women, who did nothing wrong, were ‘culturally appropriating minorities. Apparently these women are white supremacists because they love tortillas.



Wednesday, May 17 – Hour 2 Podcast


Teachers learn to use math as Trojan horse for social justice

According to the course developers, regular is “too abstract” for many students, and incorporating can help them better understand “the power and meaning” of math.

NRCC Raises Over $10 Million in April

Last month was the best April on record for the ‘s fundraising, according to Roll Call. It also was the fourth straight month in which the House GOP’s fundraising arm raised $10 million or more–the longest streak at that level ever.

Winning! Atlanta Fed Projects 2nd Quarter GDP Above 4% in President Trump’s First Full Quarter in Office

This is the first time for this rate to be projected above 4% since before 2012.

Democratic Rep: ‘My First Amendment Right Is Different From Yours’ – The Burning Truth

The exchange started when Demings wrote on Facebook that she supports “common sense gun legislation” and “stand[s] against the gun lobby.”

# Amoebas Now Say The Are Racist

One thing the politically correct movement loves to do more than anything else, is rewrite history. It’s an obsession with them, and nothing from the past is safe.

Now, the Spice Girls are racist.

A full 20 years after the released their “Wannabe” single, people are freaking out about how “” it is that the one black member, , was known by the nickname “.”

The group recently announced that three of its original members, including Brown, will be reuniting under the name “GEM” — and, according to , SJWs just couldn’t resist using that hook to scream “problematic” about an issue that they’d apparently forgotten to be mad about in the ’90s.

By all appearances, however, Brown herself completely embraced it. There are no reports of her ever complaining that it was “racist,” she certainly seemed to enjoy playing it up by making “scary” faces in photos, and in a recent interview, she gave the impression that she considered it an empowering compliment:

“I’m still Scary Spice. It was because I was very opinionated and people perceive that as being a bit scary. But these days women who have opinions speak up – they know what they want.”

In fact, she still refers to herself as Scary Spice all the time.

Of course, this will be ignored by most SJWs, and embraced as societal sexism by others.

It’s a brave new world, and only whites are scary.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]It’s a brave new world, and only whites are allowed to be scary. Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]