St. Joseph County Democrat Candidate Is Power Of Attorney For The Tiger King

St. Joseph County Is Power Of For Tiger King

Ah, the primaries are behind us. Now onto the general election.

Primaries are always ugly affairs. The inexperienced always take them too seriously. It’s like a family battle royale at Thanksgiving. Most of the time, fences are mended. Sometimes they aren’t. Rarely do general elections, outside of the presidency, reach the climax of insanity you see primary elections. Especially in smaller races.

Well, that’s about to change.

St. Joseph County Council District I is the hotbed of attention in . The primary was ugly for Republicans. For such a small race, it was all a bit out of proportion. However, what if I told you the general election race for District I was even MORE interesting?

Republican Andy Rutten is the GOP nominee. Tami Springer is the Democratic nominee.

New Main Pg

Follow me down the rabbit whole …

Tami Springer has worked for the University of Notre Dame for 42 years. She’s raised 7 children and “coordinated our annual college drive for 19 years in a row for the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry. I served on the Board of the South Bend League of Women Voters and I was President of the Staff Advisory Council at Notre Dame.”

Pretty political stuff. But …

She’s also the power of attorney for Joe Freakin Exotic, the Tiger King!

Yes, this guy:


The ‘that B!tc# Carole Baskin!’ guy.

Tiger King Netflix

Yeah, and you thought the District I primary was spicy.

In July, 2022, she went on the I Helped Make That podcast (#19) to talk about her journey getting to know the Tiger King and becoming his power of attorney.

In the podcast, she tells you how she became prison pen pals with Joe Exotic watching the show. She thought he was innocent, was set up, and was mad he was in prison. After the fourth letter, Joe Exotic started emailing her. A few months later they started speaking on the phone. Eventually, Joe Exotic wanted an online store to cash in on his fame. He also wanted to change his power of attorney to someone ‘he could trust.’ That person was Tami Springer. On the podcast, she says they talk on the phone every day. She became his power of attorney after season 2 of Tiger King.

Osceola woman manages Joe Exotic’s web store and has his power of attorney

An Indiana University professor said that Indiana will work its way into every story. Happy, sad, good, bad. There is a Hoosier connection. Probably not all the time, but it does seem to come up that way.

Here’s the next one: “Tiger King.” Yes, that one. Tami Springer, of Osceola, manages the website store for Joe Exotic and is his executive assistant and power or attorney. “No one believes me. They think I’m crazy,” she said. It all started when she began to write to him.

South Bend Tribune
Tami Springer leads a demonstration in Oklahoma in 2021.

Just last year she helped Joe Exotic in a public feud with Florida Seminoles quarterback Jordan Travis.

She doesn’t seem to mention this on her campaign site. I taking over as power of attorney for an ‘innocent’ man to help get him out of prison isn’t campaign-worthy in St. Joseph County.

Fierce Sunglasses Off

Tiger King was good and very entertaining. I still use the memes from that show regularly. Many might think it’s a far cry from engaging in the lore of the show to actually becoming pen pals and taking over as power of attorney for a guy sitting in prison. Especially considering what his convictions are for. Let alone his other accusations of grooming young boys.

Also, Joe Exotic is accused of being pretty racist.

Joe Exotic is ‘categorically racist’ and ‘unsettling’ examples of his bigotry were left out of the show, the directors of Netflix’s Tiger King claim

I’m not done with the rabbit hole yet.

Accusations have been made that Tami Springer my be defrauding Tiger King fans.

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Please keep in mind, I have no way of knowing if this is true or not. The whole realm of Joe Exotic stuff is shady as hell.

There are several more accusations online about Tami Springer and potential fraud. I’m looking into it further. There’s even reports that Joe Exotic himself isn’t happy with how Tami Springer always seems to be looking for media attention.

Stay tuned to this one folks. Make sure you sign up for my free newsletter.

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Daily Show Prep: Friday, March 17

Daily : , 17


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Exactly Would Justify To Pacifist Hordes

I’ve often asked this question in my writings and on my show. Most often, in discussions with the ignorant about Saddam being the innocent victim of Bush/Cheney aggression.

No clear answer has been given by pacifists to the question: “What would justify war?”

The pacifist hordes often give conflicting answers.  For example, Ron Paul (who claims form of pacifism) was interviewed by John Stossel in 2007, and was asked what would justify a war.

If you’re , you have a right and an obligation to defend (your) country. I do not believe there is ever a moral justification to start the war.

That sounds nice, but I found Paul’s answer interesting, and vague.  What constitutes an attack?  Is it on your property, your citizens, or must it be within your national borders?  Pacifists have been unable to clarify this position for me over the years.

What does this have to do with , and my greater point later?

Before the 2003 Iraq invasion, Saddam was repeatedly ‘attacking’ the US and her allies in a little discussed conflict in the no fly zones.  Yet Ron Paul, and others, have frequently said that there was no justification for the invasion of Iraq.  So … shooting/attacking US citizens, and destroying US property is not an attack?

I’m of a different viewpoint, and my training to invade Iraq under Clinton proved that even Slick Willy agreed with me.

So why bring this up now?  Iraq was a resounding success, and Saddam is dead.  Because we may be heading for another war.

Tensions have been rising with Pakistan for years.  The killing of Osama only catapulted those tensions to the .  During the aftermath of that operation, we clearly learned that Pakistan is no of the US. Yet, something far worse was kept from us.

NY Times:

A group of American military officers and Afghan officials had just finished a five-hour meeting with their Pakistani hosts in a village schoolhouse settling a dispute when they were ambushed — by the Pakistanis.

Yep.  Ambushed by the Pakistanis … ahem … allegedly.

Maj. Larry J. Bauguess lost his in the attack.

This blatant act of war was covered up by both the Pakistanis and Washington.  In , Pakistan has been well-known to retaliate for collateral damage by US forces with open attacks on US personnel.

Some will blame America for the incident, and say that Pakistan was just retaliating for their losses.  An interesting point, albeit one that ignores Pakistan’s hindering our intelligence, and often openly helping the enemy against us.

Then there’s Iran.  We know they are sending weapons across the border into Iraq to help kill Americans.  There have even been clashes with US and Iranian military forces.  Something that was also kept quiet, and has happened more than once.

Right about now someone will say that none of this would happen if we weren’t there to begin with, so we are still the aggressor.  That’s about as intelligent as inviting someone over for dinner, and then calling them a burglar.

Am I calling for war with Pakistan or Iran?  No.

Were those two incidents justification for war in my ?  Yes.

I’m saddened that neither party has an option for president that touts legit military credentials.  We have, after all, been at war for a decade with no truly experienced military veteran in the White House.  Going forward, we may not have an option for peace either.  It makes me wonder … how different things would be if a competent military commander were also sitting in the White House.