Monday, March 28 – 1 Podcast

Parents ‘Bum-Rushed’ Easter Egg Hunt, Injured Children In Mad Scramble To Be First (VIDEO) | Truth Revolt

Welch told Eyewitness News that children were trampled, knocked over children and eggs were stolen of peoples’ baskets. Peterson said crowd was “kind of like locusts.”

One person is custody gunshots reportedly were fired at the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center, according to The Associated Press.

Legislator renews call for seatbelts on school buses –

Calls for seatbelts on ‘s are growing after carrying a high school basketball team overturned in a crash.

Capitol Hill shooter caught after shots fired | Washington Examiner

“No one will be allowed to enter or exit any buildings,” the police emailed all Capitol buildings. “You may move within the buildings and underground between buildings.”


Daily Prep: Monday, March 28

Parents ‘Bum-Rushed’ Easter Egg Hunt, Injured Children In Mad Scramble To Be First (VIDEO) | Truth Revolt

Welch told Eyewitness News that children were trampled, knocked over children and eggs were stolen out of peoples’ baskets. Peterson said the crowd was “kind of like locusts.”

US Capitol on lockdown after reports of shots fired | Fox News

One is in custody after gunshots reportedly were fired at the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center, according to The Associated Press.

Legislator renews call for seatbelts on school buses –

Calls for seatbelts on ‘s school buses are growing after a carrying a high school basketball team overturned in a crash.

Capitol Hill shooter caught after shots fired | Washington Examiner

“No one will be allowed to enter or exit any buildings,” the police emailed all Capitol buildings. “You may move within the buildings and underground between buildings.”

Let’s Scrap the Homework Our Little Kids Are Doing | LifeZette

is mainly a problem because it’s a theft of ,” Heather Shumaker, author of “It’s OK to Go Up the Slide – Renegade Rules for Raising Confident and Creative Kids,” told “It’s a grave opportunity cost. And kids feel it. Homework steals kids’ time at home — time they desperately need to play, connect with family, cope with big emotions, be outside and get (a) good, long sleep.”

Ex-Social Worker for 6-Year-Old Girl Who Was Seized From Her Longtime Foster Home Because She Is One-and-a-Half Percent Native American Reveals Her ‘Biggest Shock’ |

The former social worker for a 6-year-old girl who is one-and-a-half percent Choctaw Native American and was recently removed from her longtime foster home due to a 1978 federal law mandating that “Indian children” be raised by Native , is speaking out.

CBO cuts Obamacare enrollment projection « Hot Air

The latest enrollment estimate is an even steeper drop from the ‘s estimates from 2015, which predicted 21 million people would have marketplace coverage by this time.

Here’s What You Need To Know About Supposed Ted Cruz Sex Scandal

Ted Cruz has been accused of having multiple affairs, but there is no evidence the story is true at this time.

Kirsten Powers: Anti-Trump Operative Was AGGRESSIVELY Shopping Cruz Sex Scandal (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

“The Daily Beast reported it was shopped around by — reporters by somebody who was a Rubio person. I also happen to know that one of the people who was shopping the story around very aggressively was somebody who was completely anti-Trump, and was anti-Cruz also, but who was not a person who in anyway was supporting Trump.”

Show Prep: Thurs, Sept. 25

Holder resigning as attorney general, officials say | Fox News

Attorney General Holder plans to announce Thursday that he is resigning from the Obama administration, officials confirmed to Fox News. The decision would cap tumultuous six-year term for the ‘s top law enforcement official.

Second chance: How to get your criminal past expunged –

In Marion County, more than 2,000 people have tried to legally erase record of arrest or conviction for misdemeanors and felonies.

Porn-peeping federal workers rarely face time or attendance fraud charges – Washington Times

An employee at the U.S. Office of the Trustee — an arm of the Justice Department charged with overseeing the integrity of the bankruptcy system — spent up to five hours a day on the job looking at pornography, visiting more than 2,500 adult websites during 2011, investigators .

S.C. High School Apologizes for Forcing Students to Remove American Flags on 9/11

“We certainly offer an apology to our veterans and anyone else we offended,” Superintendent Dr. Rallie Liston told FOX Carolina last Thursday. “That is the last thing we would do. This community is God-fearing and flag-waving. We love God and country .”

Miss a Payment? Good Luck Moving That Car –

The thermometer showed a 103.5-degree fever, and her 10-year-old’s asthma was flaring up. Mary Bolender, who lives in Las Vegas, needed to get her daughter to an emergency room, but her 2005 Chrysler van would not start.

ESPN Suspends Another Host For Offensive Remarks | Truth Revolt

I really hope somebody calls me or emails me and says I’m in trouble for anything I say about Roger Goodell. Because if one says that to me, I’m going public. leave me alone. The commissioner’s a liar and I get to talk about that on my podcast. … Please, call me and say I’m in trouble. I dare you.

New Video Seems To Confirm John Crawford Murdered By Police In Walmart, Witness Who Called 911 Should Face Manslaughter Charges : The Burning Truth

Ronald Ritchie is the pile of crap that called 911 saying Crawford was aiming the gun at children and other Wal-Mart customers.  He then gave statements to local news after the confirming that Crawford was indeed a threat.  He later recanted those statements in an with The Guardian.  In other words, he lied.  We also learned that he was lying about his military background.  As a result of his lying to 911, police believed they had an active shooter at the Wal-Mart when they only had a man who was innocently shopping.

Exactly Would Justify To Pacifist Hordes

I’ve often asked this question in my writings and on my show. Most often, in discussions with the ignorant about Saddam being the innocent victim of Bush/Cheney aggression.

No clear answer has been given by pacifists to the question: “What would justify war?”

The pacifist hordes often give conflicting answers.  For example, Ron Paul (who claims a form of pacifism) was interviewed by John Stossel in 2007, and was asked what would justify a war.

If you’re attacked, you have a right and an obligation to defend (your) country. I do not believe there is ever a moral justification to start the war.

That sounds , but I found Paul’s answer interesting, and vague.  What constitutes an attack?  Is it on your property, your citizens, or must it be within your national borders?  Pacifists have been unable to clarify this position for me over the .

What does this have to do with Iraq, and my greater point later?

Before the 2003 Iraq invasion, Saddam was repeatedly ‘attacking’ the US and her allies in a little discussed conflict in the no fly zones.  Yet Ron Paul, and others, have frequently said that there was no justification for the invasion of Iraq.  So … shooting/attacking US citizens, and destroying US property is not an attack?

I’m of a different viewpoint, and my training to invade Iraq under Clinton proved that even Slick Willy agreed with me.

So why bring this up now?  Iraq was a resounding success, and Saddam is dead.  Because we may be heading for another war.

Tensions have been rising with Pakistan for years.  The killing of Osama only catapulted those tensions to the mainstream.  During the aftermath of that operation, we clearly learned that Pakistan is no of the US. Yet, something far worse was kept from us.

NY Times:

A group of American military officers and Afghan officials had just finished a five-hour meeting with their Pakistani hosts in a village schoolhouse settling a border dispute when they were ambushed — by the Pakistanis.

Yep.  Ambushed by the Pakistanis … ahem … allegedly.

Maj. Larry J. Bauguess lost his in the attack.

This blatant act of war was covered up by both the Pakistanis and Washington.  In fact, Pakistan has been well-known to retaliate for collateral damage by US forces with open attacks on US personnel.

Some will blame America for the incident, and say that Pakistan was just retaliating for their losses.  An interesting point, albeit one that ignores Pakistan’s hindering our intelligence, and often openly helping the enemy against us.

Then there’s Iran.  We know they are sending weapons across the border into Iraq to help kill Americans.  There have even been clashes with US and Iranian military forces.  Something that was also kept quiet, and has happened than once.

Right about now someone will say that none of this would if we weren’t there to begin with, so we are still the aggressor.  That’s about as intelligent as inviting someone over for dinner, and then calling them a burglar.

Am I calling for war with Pakistan or Iran?  No.

Were those two incidents justification for war in my opinion?  Yes.

I’m saddened that neither party has an option for president that touts legit military credentials.  We have, after all, been at war for a decade with no truly experienced military veteran in the White .  Going forward, we may not have an option for peace either.  It makes me wonder … how different things would be if a competent military commander were also in the White House.