Thursday, March 31 – Hour 3 Podcast

Apps Make It Easy for Teens to Hide Secrets | LifeZette

One such popular app, It Pro, disguises itself on phones as an “Audio Manager.” Even after opening the app, its true intention is still hidden. It shows up as a false app that helps to control the volume level of one’s phone. However, after holding the title bar down, it will ask for a password to unlock all of the user’s hidden content.

About That Anti-Trump Protester Who Was Pepper Sprayed … | The Burning Truth

Yeah, she is lying.

Anti-Trump Teen Says She Deserved Getting Pepper Sprayed | The Burning Truth

in fact, prove she deserved it.


Thursday, March 31 – Hour 1 Podcast

Redding teenager arrested for child pornography – NewsTimes

A 14-year old Redding male has been charged with possession of child pornography, obscenity, and harassment, after sharing a photo of another Redding student, police said.

Should Cops Arrest a 14-Year-Old Boy on Child Porn Charges Because He Sexted? – Hit & Run :

According to, the cops investigated this for three months. Three. Entire. Months. How many police resources were tied up while the officers were busy figuring out why two were each other?

South Bend bar owner stands by Nazi salute after smoking ban pas – Fox 28: South Bend, Elkhart IN News, Weather, Sports

Elkhart bar owners weigh in on similar smoking ban in South Bend – Fox 28: South Bend, Elkhart IN News, Weather, Sports

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