Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, May 15

Daily : , 15



Hour 2

Mike Pence Sought Public Funds as 2024 Presidential Bid Collapsed

Biden plans executive order to shut down border once crossings reach 4,000 per day — despite saying he needs Congress to act



Snopes Reverses ‘Fact Check’ after Ashley Biden Confirms Diary Is Real

Hour 3

Hemingway: If You Don’t Speak Out Against Democrat Lawfare, You Have No Future In The GOP

Ohio purges ‘non-citizens’ from state voter rolls, calls on Biden admin for data ahead of 2024 election

Convicted Florida Sex Offender Voted Illegally 18 Times Over Three Decades: REPORT

‘FBI Kept PUSHING’: Damning Thread Shows Just How Involved the FBI Really WAS in Plot to ‘Fednap’ Whitmer

BoA ‘De-Banks’ Whitmer Kidnap Conspiracy Documentarian

Biden compares lives lost in the line of duty to the death of his son (again), this time at the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service

Episode 5: Proud to be an American

Episode 5: Proud to be an American

The Common Veteran’s Season 2

Episode 5: Proud to be an American

The Common Veterans are all United States . Pride in the country is pride in their service because they were willing to write a blank check to include up to their lives. The life of a Veteran often revolves around their service and how much they love their country. The Common Veterans discuss their love for God and country and the transition back into a noncombatant once back home…
I) Correlation Often Relates to Causation
a. an American
i. Being proud to be an American often stems from upbringing and family members loving their country
b. Becoming a Veteran
i. Marketing or family heritage… Maybe something else
1. The Few… The Proud… The
2. An Army of One
3. Aim High
4. Family Heritage – Dad, Grandpa, Uncle, etcetera were Veterans
6. The recruiter saw you coming
II) Service = Citizenship – Love of Country
a. Becoming a promotes love of country
i. Have to love the country to be willing to die for it
ii. Path to citizenship through the Green Card Program
b. Any stories of war that can be told to
III) American’s Take Veteran’s for Granted… or do they?
a. Soldiers go to war and often come back loving their country more…
i. Notwithstanding bad pullouts of combat areas
ii. Provides love of Country because they don’t know what they have till they don’t have it anymore.
iii. Americans love our soldiers, but don’t understand what Veterans did for this great country
IV) Pride is Pride Not Your Knees or Flags
i. There is one American
1. Flag code
ii. Don’t take a knee over the National Anthem – that is a military anthem about the soldiers who died
V) Next : Episode 6: Daddy’s Mad, or is He?
a. The Common Veterans figure and discuss having kids and how they teach their kids to cope with “Daddy’s Mad,” even though Daddy not be mad, just dealing with PTSD.

Episode 4: Let’s Talk About War

Episode 4: Let’s War

The Common Veteran’s Season 2
Episode 4: Let’s About War
“War, huh, yeah… What is it good for?” The Common Veterans take on war – the amount of Veterans that have fought in combat – or been to a combat zone, and why it is so hard to transition back into a noncombatant once back home…
I) Defining War and Combat Experiences
a. What is war?
i. Is it just a of mind or an actual state of being?
b. What is considered a combat experience?
i. Combat arms vs. Support
1. Define POG
2. Define Combatant
II) What does war do to Veterans?
a. Is it an all-one-size-fits-all situation?
i. How much does one’s mindset play a role in combat?
ii. Does being physically fit change the mental aspect of things?
b. Any stories of war that can be told to emphasize what it means to be a warrior?
i. Combat explosions
ii. Door kicking
iii. Medical aspects
iv. Support for…
III) Transitioning back to civilians… Uh what?!
a. Support systems that… well.. support!
i. Family doesn’t always understand
ii. Vet organizations such as VFW, DAV, American Legion
iii. Nonprofits: FSO, Team RWB, Get Wet for a Vet. Etc…
b. Linking PTSD to TBI to survivor’s guilt to readjusting to civilian life
i. Mental is not often away
IV) Continuing on, what’s next?
a. Figure your triggers are:
i. What is a trigger?
ii. How do we become the next level combatant?
V) Next : Episode 5: Proud to be an American
a. The Common Veterans are all United States . Pride in the country is pride in because they were willing to write a blank check to include up to their . The life of a Veteran often revolves around their service and how much they love their country. The Common Veterans discuss their love for God and country.

Daily Show Prep: Monday, April 15

Daily : , April 15


IDF says air base hit in Iran attack running as usual

US: Hamas rejected latest hostage deal offer and remains the obstacle to Gaza ceasefire

American Anti-War Activists Cheer for Iran’s War

: Capt. Chad Fleming

Get tickets to FreedomSystem.org’s Remember event featuring Capt. Chad Fleming

Buttigieg visits predominantly Black Alabama community following ABC News investigation about neighborhood flooding

Hour 2

BARK Air launches first luxury airlines for dogs — but charges $16K for ‘white paw service’

Report: Americans Own over 700 Million Ammo Mags with Greater Than 10-Round Capacity

Kelso gun store owner sold hundreds of high-capacity magazines in 90 minutes that ban was overturned


McDonald’s $25 ‘deal’ goes viral; users blame California’s minimum-wage increase: ‘Your new normal’

Least Trusted Restaurant Chain in America Has 45 Indiana Locations

Indiana sees the highest gasoline price increases in the U.S. in the week before the eclipse

Liberman: US knows we need to hit back at Iran; we must seek ‘maximal coordination’

Legal aid groups welcome proposed state funding to help asylum-seekers

US House Passes Bill Renewing Warrantless Surveillance Under FISA Section 702 Amid Privacy Concerns

Report: Chronic Absenteeism in Public Schools a National Crisis

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, March 14

Daily : , 14


37 percent say Biden is respected by world leaders: Gallup

Yell About This: Inflation Surges Twice As Much As Expected

Another Inflation Gauge Comes in Smoking Hot

Ukraine is bombing Russian oil refineries right when Russia really needs its oil money

Biden-Orbán feud heats up as Hungary summons envoy over ‘dictatorship’ diss

No Political Freedom Without Monetary Freedom

Suing the National Park Service for Not Accepting Cash

Hour 2

Allen County 2023 tax abatements to bring $543 million investment, report says

St. Joseph County Commissioners officially fire Sharon McBride

House Launches Probe Into China’s Meddling in US

Indiana set to ban ‘foreign adversaries’ from buying land — why the ‘homeland security’ issue has experts torn

Kamala Harris Will Make 1st Visit By Vice President Or President To Abortion Clinic

EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Joni Ernst Introduces Legislation To Track Taxpayer Dollars Subsidizing Federal Employee Unions

Toronto Police Dept Told Car Owners To Leave Fobs Near Front Door So They’re Easier To Steal

West Point Ditches “Duty, Honor, Country” From Mission Statement

Schumer calls for new Israeli leader to replace Netanyahu in Senate floor speech

Save Our Signal! Politicians close in on votes needed to keep AM radio in every car