Daily Show Prep: Friday, March 1

Daily : , 1



BREAKING: US Senate Passes Stop-Gap Spending Bill, Now Heads to Biden’s Desk

BREAKING: Speaker Mike Johnson releases over 5,000 additional hours of J6 footage on Rumble


Indiana lawmakers slip ‘tampon tax’ elimination into a Senate bill

Hour 2

: .

Court Confirms Reaction Videos Are Fair Use


Hour 3


Below are examples of :

Explaining to My Eight-Year-Old That Yes, She Too, is Racist

Daily : Thursday, May 12

Backup Could Have Been Deployed To Benghazi, Says Airman | The Daily Caller

“Hillary [Clinton] screwed up; that’s not our fault. She doesn’t see effect the event had on families and still has on families,” said Paronto.

[bctt tweet=”Hillary screwed up; that’s not our fault. She doesn’t see the effect the event had on families and still has on families.” username=”CaseyTheHost”]

Chris Stevens’ Ex-Fiancee: Hillary Shouldn’t Have Ignored Requests for Help

The former fiancee of Ambassador , who was killed the 2012 terror attack, tells Newsmax TV that didn’t do her job by ignoring Stevens’ requests for more security.

[bctt tweet=”Hillary Clinton didn’t do her job by ignoring Stevens’ requests for more security.” – (Ambassador Stevens’ fiance) username=”CaseyTheHost”]

Wendy’s Pushed To Automate In Response To The Minimum Wage | The Daily Caller

Wendy’s will install self-serving kiosks at it’s over 6,000 locations later in the year, reports Investor’s Business . Retailers and restaurants have already started exploring automation with many places replacing cashiers and other low-skilled jobs with computers and machines. Wendy’s President Todd Penegor hopes automation will help his company overcome 5 percent inflation in wages.

Kickstarter 3D printer funds ‘used to build house’ – BBC News

How big is too big? Some theme park riders fear small seats and ‘the walk of shame’ – LA Times

The uncomfortable scene is a familiar one to anybody who has ever visited a : The overweight rider becomes increasingly embarrassed as the ride attendant pushes and shoves with all his might on the over-the-shoulder restraint that stubbornly refuses to click closed. Everybody waiting in line knows what comes next: the walk of shame.

Gun Used To Kill Trayvon Martin Disappears From Auction Site | The Daily Caller

Zimmerman put the 9mm on gunbroker.com, with the auction set to begin at 11 a.m. Thursday. The bidding was to start at $5,000. But now the link has vanished.

Judge rules for House Republicans in ObamaCare lawsuit | Fox News

A federal ruled Thursday for House Republicans in a challenge brought against the Obama administration over the legality of payments to insurers under .

FBI Tells Police To Hide Phone Tracking – Vocativ

Your local police may use a controversial piece of technology—ominously dubbed a —to track your phone. But, the is taking pains to make sure you never find out. The agency encourages police to find additional evidence that stingray technology never comes up in court, according to a new memo.

New Senate Bill Requires Health Inspections of all VA Kitchens in Wake of Cockroach Scandal

The RAID Act – Requiring Accountability and Inspections for Dining Service – would subject the to the same health standards as private hospital kitchens, which includes shutting down the facility until problems are corrected. The was introduced by . Mark Kirk, R-., a Review investigation revealed allegations of a cockroach infestation so massive that bugs were reportedly being served in food at a Chicago area VA hospital.

Nicopure Labs Sues FDA To Save E-Cigarette Industry | The Daily Caller

One of the nation’s leading e-liquid manufacturers is taking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to court over regulations that could wipe out 99 percent of the industry.

Trump Surges, Virtually Tied With Clinton In National Poll | The Daily Caller

Clinton leads with 41 percent and follows with 40 percent

Trump Surges, Virtually Tied With Clinton In National Poll | The Daily Caller

NeverTrumpers? Never Mind. | LifeZette

The Republican Party is unifying around Donald , and far fewer than speculated plan to split the party to vote for Hillary Clinton come November, new polls show.

DC lobbyists admit they’ve never felt so threatened following Trump’s GOP nominee status

“A lot of people woke up [on Wednesday] and went, ‘Oh, gosh, this is not a dream,’” said Jeff MacKinnon, a out of DC told the Hill. “I don’t think downtown was really prepared for it happening so quickly. It did catch people off guard.”

Beck Predicts Trump Will Beat Clinton | The Daily Caller

Earlier this month, Beck predicted that Clinton would win, although he added the caveat that he’s “been wrong this entire election.”

POLL: TRUMP SUPPORTERS More Conservative Than Average GOP Voter

Daily : Thursday, 10

Smoking ban to be considered again by South Bend Common Council – 953MNC.com

“Ultimately it comes down to public health and protecting employees,” Ferlic told Tribune. He proposed similar ordinances twice before, but they didn’t pass.

Is It Safe Yet to Have an Honest Conversation About Secondhand Smoke and Lung Cancer? – Hit & Run : Reason.com

Several years ago I was talking to an epidemiologist who is skeptical of the idea that smokers pose mortal threat to people in their vicinity.

Lungs from heavy smokers may be effective for double-lung transplant

Lungs from heavy smokers may be effective for double-lung transplant

Show Prep: Tuesday, June 12, 2012

“The results do not support a causal relationship between environmental tobacco smoke and tobacco-related mortality. The association between tobacco smoke and coronary heart disease and lung cancer may be considerably weaker than generally believed.”

California Town Rocklin Considering Total Outdoor Smoking Ban — Even on Private Property

California Town Rocklin Considering Total Outdoor Smoking Ban — Even on Private Property

Dan Coats is angry about ‘hangry’ study funded with taxpayer dollars – 953MNC.com

U.S. Sen. is fed up with a recent study on whether or not “hangry” exists.

Here’s Sen. Coats (R-IN) doing a terrible job of explaining ‘hangry.’ This is a story from March 2015 fyi, but he finally learned of it.

UK Government Spends $54,000 On Toilet Based Art | The Daily Caller

Toilets are deeply problematic for feminists because they reinforce the idea that there are differences between men and women, according to research that cost U.K. taxpayers $53,731.

Boy Named Goodell Proves Tom Brady’s Deflategate Innocence at Seventh Grade Science Fair | VICE Sports


Namibia Crushes Anti-Hunters By Banning All Hunting Bans | The Daily Caller

According to All Africa, the cabinet voted to go on the record as a pro-hunting , opposing any and all hunting bans-and to campaign against any bans proposed in the future. Cabinet members were directed to promote the through public forums and to “communicate at all possible opportunities its importance to national conservation and sustainable development programs.” let’s help them spread the news!

Poetic Justice: Judge Slams NLRB for Not Bargaining in Good Faith with Its Own Union | U.S. Chamber of Commerce

As they say: What goes around, comes around.

AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers | TheBlaze.com

“This matter has been discussed. We have received information about it and have referred it to the to consider whether or not it meets the criteria for which we could take action on,” Lynch answered. “I’m not aware of a civil referral at this time.”

One-Year Anniversary Of Hillary UN Speech | The Daily Caller

Thursday marks the one year anniversary of Hillary Clinton’s UN press conference in which she first publicly addressed her use of a private email system as secretary of state, and the Republican political action committee America Rising is out with a video to commemorate the event.

Army Seminar Warned Soldiers About The Dangers Of ‘White Privilege’ | The Daily Caller

The government watchdog group Judicial Watch has obtained documents showing the U.S. Army held a seminar in April 2015 for 400 soldiers of the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon on “white privilege.”

FBI could force us to turn on iPhone cameras and microphones, says Apple | Technology | The Guardian

If the FBI wins in its case against Apple to help it unlock the San Bernardino killer’s iPhone 5C, it won’t be long before the government forces Apple to turn on users’ iPhone cameras and microphones to spy on them, according to the company’s of services Eddy Cue.

Senate bill will impose fines on tech companies that refuse to unlock smartphones | ZDNet

The would compel companies to comply with court orders to bypass the security of devices or “backdoor” the encryption, or face civil fines, similar to contempt of court charges.

Surprise! NSA data will soon routinely be used for domestic policing that has nothing to do with terrorism – The Washington Post

What does this rule change mean for you? In short, domestic enforcement officials now have access to huge troves of American communications, obtained without warrants, that they can use to put people in cages.

Journal News' Map Leads To Burglary

Home Burglary Tied to Journal News’ Gun Map Reported

On Jan 13, Gregory Ball announced that a burglary had been reported which appears to be a direct result of Journal -owner-name-dump.


“The Journal News has placed the lives of these folks at risk by creating a list for criminals and nut jobs. If the connection is proven, this is further proof that these maps are not only an invasion of privacy but that they present a clear and present danger to law-abiding, private citizens. er convicts have already testified to the usefulness of the asinine Journal News ‘gun maps’ yet the reckless editors are evidently willing to roll the dice, gambling with the lives of innocent local homeowners,” said Senator Greg Ball.

Tomorrow, Senator Ball will be publicly unveiling three separate pieces of legislation, all with bipartisan support, among them (S2132), to protect the privacy rights of ; including: law enforcement personnel, victims of domestic violence and private citizens. Let it be clear however, that under Ball’s legislation that has garnered bipartisan kudos and support, law enforcement and all related agencies would continue to have full access to permit ination. Senate bill (S2132) would protect lawful , including thousands of retired and active law enforcement and victim of domestic violence survivors, from having their ination publicly disclosed.

I predicted this on my , and told you about this possibility here.

I Told You So: Newspaper Gun Owner Map ‘Gold’ For Burglars | The Burning Truth

Reed crooks say the New York newspaper that published a map of names and addresses of gun owners did a great service – to their old cronies in the burglary trade.

The the media got a taste of their , and cried like a bunch of babies with scraped knees.

Media Publishes Gun Owner’s Addresses, Gets Upset When Same Done To Them | The Burning Truth – Podcast

The Journal News published the names and addresses of gun owners on their website, then got mad when citizens fought back and did the same to them.  Now Gawker is in the same boat.  They published the names of legal gun owners in NYC, and made it clear in their post (twice) that they were upset they couldn’t get the gun owner’s addresses.  Later that day, the author got upset his address was made public.

John Nolte wonders why the MSM is ignoring law-abiding citizens being exposed to public demonization, while they always have a ‘healthy debate’ about sex offenders having to register.

Gun Owner ID’d By Newspaper Burglarized

When the idea of having sex offenders publicly register came about (Megan’s Law), for a number of reasons, the media engaged in a mature debate over whether or not notifying residents of a convicted sex offender living in their area was a good idea. And while I’m in favor of the law, I would also argue that this was a perfectly legitimate and necessary debate to have.

But nowhere are we seeing the elite media doing anything other than to ignore the Journal News treating law-abiding gun owners as though they’re sex offenders. The media simply wants to pretend it didn’t happen and that there’s been no fallout. And it’s not just about the media protecting its own, either.