Wednesday, July 13 – Hour 2 Podcast

Justice Ginsburg vows to move to New Zealand if Trump is elected

Tom Brady loses Deflategate appeal

NFL withholding air-pressure data from 2015

Transgender sexual predator strikes at Target

Supreme Court to consider if schools allowed to off transgender bathrooms aside from boys and girls

Today’s show prep:

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Daily : Friday, June 24

#Brexit Wins! Britain Votes To Leave European Union. | The Burning Truth

Today, the has voted to leave the in a vote of 52% to 48%.

Nicola Sturgeon says new independence vote is now ‘highly likely’ after Brexit | Daily Mail Online

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon (pictured casting her vote yesterday) said Scotland had delivered an ‘unequivocal’ vote to stay in Europe and said it was ‘clear that the people of Scotland see their future as part of the

Brexit Fever: Leaders in Other EU Nations Now Calling for Referendums – Leah Barkoukis

Many feared if the UK voted to leave the European Union it would signal the end of the EU as we know it. Now that the votes have been cast in favor of leaving, it looks like that may be the case, as leaders in other European nations are now calling for referendums of their own.

Obama: We Respect The Vote of The British People to Leave The EU – Katie Pavlich

The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision.

Michigan State police department dedicates unit to protect and defend – against bias – The College Fix

University’s police department has launched an “Inclusion and Anti- Unit” that not only hosts bias trainings, but also polices campus bias complaints.

Supreme Court: Warrantless DUI breath tests are constitutional | Washington Examiner

The ruled Thursday that police can run breath tests on drivers suspected of drunk driving without violating the Constitution, but must have a before requiring people to take blood alcohol tests.

Teen Asks White Guy Odd Question, Acts Fast When He Sees What’s Behind Him

Clinton failed to hand over key email to State Department | Fox News

Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew  , the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

Revealed: Hillary Withheld Work-Related Email Proving Her Server Endangered Even More US Secrets – Guy Benson

The emails, reviewed by The Associated Press, show that State Department technical staff disabled software on their systems intended to block phishing emails that could deliver dangerous viruses. They were trying urgently to resolve delivery problems with emails sent from Clinton’s private server.

Hillary Clinton’s IT guy invokes 5th Amendment more than 125 times

Bryan Pagliano gave his deposition today in a lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch. Fox ‘ Catherine Herridge reports he repeated the same statement invoking his Fifth Amendment rights more than 125 times:

Daily : Thursday, June 23

News from The Associated Press

The deadlocked Thursday on President Barack ‘s plan that sought to shield millions living in the U.S. illegally from deportation, effectively killing the plan for the rest of his presidency.

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Chicago Teachers Union Boots Chess Coach For Ignoring One-Day Strike « CBS Chicago

He crossed the line – the CPS teachers’ one-day strike — out of his love for the classroom.

Third Baltimore police officer tried in Freddie Gray case acquitted of all charges | Fox News

The Baltimore police officer who drove the transport van Freddie Gray rode in after his arrest was found not guilty on Thursday of all charges stemming from Gray’s April 2015 death, making him the third officer in that case tried without a conviction.

News from The Associated Press

The mysterious “” parasite that kills honeybees has reached the southern United States after scientists confirmed a case in Virginia about an hour outside Roanoke, researchers announced this week.

‘Don’t kill it!’: Runaway robot IR77 could be de-activated because of ‘love for freedom’ — RT News

A -maker from Perm, Russia, is considering de-activating – the world-famous machine that escaped its testing grounds in June and caused traffic chaos. The robot’s fans are in uproar, claiming the step would be akin to killing a living being.

Navy commodore to be relieved of command over Iran’s capture of his sailors | Fox News

“The story here is these guys had gotten so used to Iranians doing stupid s—, having weapons pointed at them all the time, they didn’t know they were being captured until the Iranians boarded their boats,” one defense official said describing the lack of situational awareness by the crew. “They messed up pretty bad.”

New York police deploy helicopters and K-9 units to find teen who skipped $2.75 subway fare

But even after police brought helicopters and scent dogs out to search for him, the 16-year-old ended up turning himself in a few hours later, according to the Daily . He’s been charged with escape and theft of services.

Feminists Upset That Physical Standards For Marines Are Too Tough for Women | Truth Revolt

But instead of leveling the playing field, the new standards have generated some shockingly disparate results: Of the recruits who took the test, 86% of the women failed compared to 3% of men.

Rep. John Lewis et al Protest for Nothing

The American Civil Liberties Union strongly urges you to vote “NO” on both the Cornyn Amendment No. 4749 and the Feinstein Amendment No. 4720 on firearms permits, which will be considered on the Senate floor this week as amendments to H.R. 2578, the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriations bill. Our concerns about both amendments are informed by our policy on the regulation of firearms, as well as our knowledge of the overbreadth and misuse of watchlists, and are twofold: the use of vague and overbroad criteria and the lack of adequate due process safeguards.

Fact Check: Snopes Is Liberal As Hell | The Daily Caller

She described herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She trashed the Tea Party as “teahadists.” She called Bill Clinton “one of our greatest” presidents. She claimed that conservatives only criticized Lena Dunham’s comparison of voting to sex because they “fear female agency.”

Daily : Wednesday, May 18

U.S. Slaps 522% Tax On Chinese Steel And Trump Isn’t President Yet | The Burning Truth

has been using unfair trade practices and currency manipulation for decades. It’s not in dispute, and universally accepted as fact. We have three choices in the matter:

Trump may be proven right on China tariffs: Chang

“People say [] would start a trade war. Well, no matter what The Donald does he can’t start a trade war because we’re already in a trade war with . But only they are waging it,” Chang told CNBC. “The question is how do we end it on terms not only advantageous to the United States but also to the international community.”

Highmark Inc. is suing the federal government over about $220 million it claims it is owed under .

Coke Markets to Children Despite Pledge Not to, Report Finds ~ Newsroom ~ News from CSPI ~ Center for Science in the Public Interest

Coca-Cola says it won’t market soda to children under 12 and does not advertise on children’s television. But a new investigation from the Center for Science in the Public Interest finds that some of the company’s marketing practices are inconsistent with its pledges. ‘s policies bar marketing that “directly” targets children under 12 and in which 35 percent or more of the audience is composed of children under 12. But advertises on family-oriented TV shows, at theme parks, and other venues that reach huge numbers of children. While the company says it won’t use celebrities or characters whose primary appeal is to children under 12, it exempts its own “equity characters” like the Coke polar bears, and it uses Santa Claus in throughout the world.

Buzzfeed Busted=> Story About Hispanic Reporter Booted From Trump Interview Was All a Hoax

On Monday Hispanic Marcos Spudenengo was booted from Tower before an interview with Donald Trump. Except that he never had an interview scheduled with Donald Trump.

Shopper Upset Man Allowed To Use Women’s Dressing Room In Ross « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

A Forney woman says a Ross department store in Mesquite let a man into the women’s dressing room Monday.

Woman Harassed in Bathroom for Appearing Transgender — and She’s Not Alone

A woman in a baseball cap who was harassed by a fellow -goer at a Connecticut Walmart over the weekend, apparently being mistaken for a man, has been getting much media play this week.

Two hour Sydney-London flight on track for 2018 launch

The project, which saw US and Australian military scientists combine resources, is on track to launch in 2018 after its latest engine trial hit the speed of Mach 7.5 – more than seven times the speed of sound.

0 to 400 mph in mere seconds: Welcome to the age of hyperloop

BamBrogan noted that humans in a pod wouldn’t feel the acceleration as it would happen more gradually, eventually hitting close to 750 mph.

Carson says Christie, Cruz, Kasich, Rubio and Palin are on Trump’s shortlist for VP

Ben Carson says Donald Trump’s list of possible running mates includes some awfully familiar names for anyone who’s followed the 2016 presidential race: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

5 Republicans who’d seriously consider being Donald Trump’s VP — and 12 who wouldn’t

YES Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich

These are Donald Trump’s 11 potential Supreme Court nominees –

Trump’s picks include Steven Colloton of Iowa, Allison Eid of Colorado and Raymond Gruender of Missouri.

Trump Releases List of Supreme Court Picks

CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin called the list a “conservative dream team.” He said it would be very similar to what conservative Sen. Ted Cruz would have released.

Monday, March 21 – Hour 3 Podcast

Rhode Island models bill after Michigan bill to criminalize direct contact online

They also want to ban in cold weather

Huffington Post peddles lies about and , gets called out by experts

says you can’t take into post offices

Supreme Court orders lower court to rehear case that ruled weren’t constitutionally protected

Island who tried 100% abandon it for fossil fuels

Greenies blaming for California drought