Teachers’ Union President Deletes Endorsing Republican’s Plan

You aren’t allowed to give credit to the other side even/especially when it’s exactly what you want.

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten doesn’t want people to know that she once expressed support for Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey’s (R.) plan.

Weingarten deleted a praising Ducey’s plan ahead of her visit to Arizona this week since she is now supporting a Democratic challenger to Ducey, Steve Farley. In January, she said Ducey’s plan for K-12 education was “good for Arizona.”

“Good news for Arizona!” she tweeted. “Gov. Doug Ducey just said he plans to add $100 million in new K-12 education funding this year as a down-payment on the full restoration of a school capital funding formula that was slashed during the Great Recession.”

Source: Teachers’ Union President Deletes Tweet Endorsing Republican’s School Funding Plan