Wednesday, May 10 – Hour 1 Podcast


Video: Liberal Crowd at Colbert Show CHEERS Comey Firing–Then Sheepishly Changes to Jeering Trump After Colbert Shames Them

A stunned rebuked the audience, waving a shaming finger at them and saying, “Huge, huge Donald fans here tonight.”

James Comey Thought His Firing Was A Joke – The Burning Truth

Comey also recently swatted crazy liberal Russian conspiracies away during Congressional testimony.

10 Major FBI Scandals on Comey’s Watch :: Grabien News

Here are 10 of Comey’s biggest embarrassments at the :

University Caves To LGBT Pressure, Rejects Chick-Fil-A | The Daily Caller

Catholic Fordham University won’t be hosting Chick-fil-A at its New York City campus after caving to opposition led by gay activists The College Fix reports.

AHCA Medicaid Reforms Increase Funding For Elderly | The Daily Caller

The American Health Care Act () increases spending beyond Obamacare levels, despite claims that it “guts” funding for the government-backed health care program.