Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Nov. 7

WATCH: Trump Reads Whistleblower’s Lawyer’s Tweets At Rally, Crowd Goes Nuts

Alleged Whistleblower’s Name Appears In Transcript Released By Democrats

Fox News brass to network hosts and personalities: Do not identify the whistleblower



After Facebook Eliminates Conservative Content to Suburban Voters Democrats Have Another Big Night in Kentucky and Virginia

Hour 2

South Bend schools get $5.5 million to recruit teachers and partner with IUSB

Joy Behar roasted for denying wearing blackface: ‘Enjoy the cancel culture you created’

Arizona Politician Charged in Human Trafficking Adoption Scheme


Hour 3

Whistleblower’s Lawyer Reverses Course – Refuses to Let Client Eric Ciaramella Speak to Senate Intel Committee

New York Judge Orders Trump to Pay $2 Million for Charitable Foundation Violations

CBS Allegedly Fires Former ABC Employee Who Had Access To Amy Robach Video

WALSH: ABC And CBS Just Colluded To Fire A Whistleblower. The Hypocrisy Is Breathtaking.

BREAKING: Ex-Twitter Employees Charged For Spying For Saudi Arabia, Reports Say

A Giant F-U to the International Left: Ambassador Rick Grenell Plants Reagan Statue on Berlin Embassy as German Government Snubs US


UPDATE: 7-Year-Old Boy Whose Mom Claims He’s Trans Opts To Go To School As Boy

House Releases Transcript of Schiff Star Witness Bill Taylor – Exchange Between Rep. Ratcliffe and Bill Taylor DESTROYS Quid Pro Quo Narrative


Daily Show Prep: Friday, Oct. 11

Hour 1

Sports betting at Indiana casinos attracts $34M in first month

Why Purdue Faces Major Obstacles Legally, Logistically in Sports Betting Ban

New York Times Reporter Reveals That James Comey Had a Spy In Loretta Lynch’s Office, and Knew That She Had Declared She Would Not Permit the Clinton Email Scandal to Go Very Far

FLASHBACK: FISA court says James Comey’s FBI was constantly breaking the law – Podcast

FLASHBACK: James Comey Sued By Former Intelligence Contractor For Hiding Illegal Surveillance

Court Rules FBI Searches For Info On Americans Went Against Surveillance Law

Andrew McCabe admits Steele told FBI he couldn’t vouch for all materials in the dossier


Hour 2

Trump says US has come to a substantial phase one deal with China

Shepard Smith exits Fox News after 23 years: Read his statement

Conservatism, Inc.: Free Beacon Fires Reporter Bill Gertz Over Undisclosed Financial Arrangement With an Individual He Also Covered

Biden’s Campaign Is Asking Major Media Outlets, Big Tech To Black Out Trump’s Ads On Ukraine

‘STRONG LETTER TO FOLLOW’! Joe Biden’s campaign has reportedly warned Dems about what NOT to dare mention at the debate

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden’s Campaign Tells Networks Not to Book Rudy Guliani; Trump’s Lawyer Hits Back

Ukraine Envoy Blasts ‘Concerted Effort’ By Ukrainians And Trump Allies To Take Her Down

BREAKING: Trump Administration Threatens Sanctions on Turkey

Pentagon to send more troops, fighter jets to Saudi Arabia to confront threat from Iran


Hour 3

Open Lines

Communism: Cuba Urges Citizens to Eat Banana Peels to Improve ‘Humor’

Pete Buttigieg wants South Bend police reform recommendations before he leaves office


Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Sept. 19

Hmmm: Intel Whistleblower Filed Complaint Over Trump “Promise” To Unknown Foreign Leader; Trump: “Another Fake News Story”

‘Snitch!’: CNN’s Phil Mudd Loses It Over Whistleblower Who Filed Complaint Over Trump Phone Call

Did FBI and CIA have an agent provocateur who tried to entrap the Trump Organization in a Russia deal?

Here’s All The Evidence That Iran Is Responsible For The Saudi Attack

No fetal remains found at South Bend clinic of former abortion doctor

Study: U.S. abortion rate lowest since 1973 legalization

Local benches promoting alternatives to abortion vandalized


Hour 2

Justin Trudeau Says He’s ‘Deeply Sorry’ For Blackface Incident, Claims Costume Wasn’t Racist At The Time

Groundbreaking $4.8M Lawsuit Threatens to Unearth SPLC’s Secrets

Buttigieg: ‘I Can’t Even Read the LGBT Media Anymore’

Trump Jr. Blasts The New York Times After More Bigoted Tweets Revealed

NYT Fact-Checker Apologizes For ‘Offensive Tweets’ That Say ‘I Dress Like A Jap’ And ‘Dykes’


Hour 3


After banning cellphones, some schools are seeing students actually ‘making eye contact and talking face to face’

China Losing $97 Million a Day Due to Attacks on Saudi Arabia Oil Facilities

China’s industrial growth slowed to new 17-year low in August, even before new US trade war tariffs took effect




Monday, Sept. 16 – Hour 1

Hour 1

UPDATE: Fetal remains found on property of former South Bend abortion doctor

Pro-life group demands investigation into former SB doctor who stored 2000+ fetal remains

Evidence indicates Iranian arms used in Saudi attack, say Saudis

Trump Signals Military Action Over Attack On Saudi Oil Sites: ‘Locked And Loaded’

New York Times Corrects Kavanaugh Story After Omitting Relevant Facts

New York Times Deletes Tweet About Brett Kavanaugh’s ‘Penis’

Trump urges Brett Kavanaugh libel lawsuits after new allegations surface

Son Of ‘Witness’ Who Denied Blasey Ford’s Kavanaugh Assault Claim Speaks Out: Pressured To Lie By Blasey Ford Allies

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Sept. 16

Hour 1

UPDATE: Fetal remains found on property of former South Bend abortion doctor

Pro-life group demands investigation into former SB doctor who stored 2000+ fetal remains

Evidence indicates Iranian arms used in Saudi attack, say Saudis

Trump Signals Military Action Over Attack On Saudi Oil Sites: ‘Locked And Loaded’

New York Times Corrects Kavanaugh Story After Omitting Relevant Facts

New York Times Deletes Tweet About Brett Kavanaugh’s ‘Penis’

Trump urges Brett Kavanaugh libel lawsuits after new allegations surface

Son Of ‘Witness’ Who Denied Blasey Ford’s Kavanaugh Assault Claim Speaks Out: Pressured To Lie By Blasey Ford Allies


Hour 2

Former NFL Player Arrested For Staging Smollett Style Fake MAGA Hate Crime

REPORT: Over A Million Households Have Risen To Middle Class Under Trump, According To Census Data

Teenager Files Lawsuit Against E-Cigarette Maker Juul After Doctors Say He Has Lungs of a 70-Year-Old

Buried in the article is that he bought illegal, homemade THC devices on the street.


Hour 3

DOJ watchdog submits draft report on alleged FISA abuses to Barr

Tanya McDowell sentenced to 5 years in prison

She Told The Cops She Was Raped. Text Messages Showed Otherwise. Now She’s Been Arrested.