Here Are All The Times The Media Has Jumped The Gun On Trump’s Troop Visits

Each time President has gone to visit troops overseas for a holiday, the media has either criticized it or said it wasn’t going to happen altogether.

We’ve compiled the most biggest flubs from the media when it comes to his relationship with the troops.

“Golfing, tweeting, and more” on : — 2019

While Trump’s official schedule featured a call with the troops and placed him at for the day, he ultimately made an unannounced trip to to visit the troops in person.

Newsweek later changed the headline, but users — including the president — ruthlessly criticized the outlet.

MAGA Hats Are Illegal: Various Outlets — 2018

“Trump has blurred the line between the office of the presidency and the campaign to such a degree that it is making it much more difficult for troops to make that distinction on their own,” military analyst John Kirby argued at the time. “It’s bad enough that Trump doesn’t see a problem with signing campaign paraphernalia at a military base, maybe even more so that some of our troops are OK with it.”

Days later, the denied distributing the hats, saying the soldiers had acquired them on their own and brought them to the event. Then-Press Secretary said the hats shows support for Trump personally, but were not an explicit political endorsement on the part of the military.

Read the rest at the link below.

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The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters

Police Abuse Happens To Everyone, Not Just Blacks


Canceled Charity Tribute to Fallen Officers: Widow Decries ‘Politically Charged’ Distraction

We discussed this on yesterday’s show.

The widow of a slain police officer has spoken of her disappointment that a charity tribute to his sacrifice turned into a “politically charged” national story after it was canceled over the political affiliations of the guests.

The “Blue Bowl” football game in , , was to occur this coming weekend to raise money for the family of Sergeant Ron Helus, who was killed in the 2018 Borderline Bar and Grill shooting, and as a tribute to other fallen officers.

But the event is now on hold after the police chief and ‘s office withdrew support—including the —after questioning the involvement of a local Republican politician, and a Trump-supporting singer who was billed to sing the national anthem.

The organizers claim that the overall line-up, which included local Democrats, was not partisan and that their speakers do not touch on .

They balked at the attitude of the police chief, who they claim said, “This is not Trump country and that slogan making America great again is not popular within 1,200 square miles of this event!”

But the late sergeant’s wife, Karen Helus, refuses to choose between her respect for President Trump and her loyalty to the deputies who she says have been with her “every step of the way” since her husband was killed in the line of duty.

Together with her son, she broke her silence on Oct. 2 on the controversy that exploded locally last week before flooding into the national media this week.

“Since the tragic events of last November, I have intentionally avoided relating political causes to the loss of my husband,” she said in a statement provided by the sheriff’s office.

She said that she was “sad and disappointed” that the political storm was now distracting from the point of the event.

“Since this event has evolved into more about politics and less about our loss, I feel it is important to remind everyone that I have met our president on several occasions and continue to respect and support him due to his unwavering support of my family and all law enforcement.”

But Helus said she also wanted to thank the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office who she described as a her “lifelong family” who had stood by her “every step of the way” from accompanying her to fundraisers to getting her nails done.

Stressing that their events are not political, the Fallen Officers said (pdf) that the original line-up of VIPs had included the district’s Democrat assembly member, , and the public safety liaison officer for the California Democrat Governor.

Also on the billing was local actor , a Republican supporter who attended the same church as Sergeant Helus, and , a singer known for being a Trump supporter.

But when they later added Kennedy, the Republican candidate who had run against the already-invited sitting assembly member, they got a phone call from Thousand Oaks Police Chief Tim Hagel.

Fallen Officers claims Hagel said it was “too political,” threatening to withdraw support if Republican guests were not changed.

“The only thing you could have made this worse was by inviting Dick Cheney or ,” Hagel said, according to the Vice President of Fallen Officers, Mike Randall.

Randall claims that Hagel told him, “These people do not represent our fabric of our community and nothing good will come out of this event by having them there.”

Randall said that Hagel also started to question inviting the singer Joy Villa.

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Thursday, Sept 14 – Hour 1 Podcast


White House Spox Refutes Pelosi-Schumer Statement – Excluding Border Wall Not Agreed To

sent out a tweet after Pelosi and Schumer issued a statement. She said, “While DACA and border security were both discussed, excluding the wall was certainly not agreed to.”

WH leg affairs director Marc Short calls Dems’ DACA statement “misleading,” says no deal on DACA or border wall $$ was reached tonight.

No deal was made last night on DACA. Massive border security would have to be agreed to in exchange for consent. Would be subject to vote.

“Ultimately, we have to have the wall. If we don’t have the wall, we’re doing nothing,” Pres. Trump says 

Trump: ‘The Wall Will Come Later’ | The Daily Caller

“The wall will come later,” Trump told reporters as he prepared to depart for Florida. “We’re right now renovating large sections of wall, massive sections, making it brand new. We’re doing a lot of renovations, we’re building four different samples of the wall to see which one we’re going to choose, and the wall is going to be built, it will be funded a little bit later.”

Trump Says No Citizenship For ‘Dreamers& | The Daily Caller

“We’re not looking at citizenship. We’re not looking at amnesty,” Trump told reporters before traveling to Florida to survey hurricane damage, reports MSNBC. “We’re looking at allowing people to stay here.”

House Agrees To $1.6 Billion For Border | The Daily Caller

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that will provide $1.2 trillion to fund the government past Sept. 30, and will allocate $1.6 billion towards President ‘s border wall.

Trump Has Reduced Immigration Without Lifting | The Daily Caller

Back in April, I reported that the monthly Household Survey report showed year-over-year growth in the immigrant population (legal and illegal, the government Doesn’t Ask) had completely stalled since Trump’s election.