Show Prep: Mon, Nov. 23

Show Prep: Mon, Nov. 23

New Research Shows 40% Of Millennials Think The Government Should Censor People Who Make ‘Offensive’ Statements

Latest: 17 injured, witness recalls 50 shots in Sunday shooting at Bunny Friend Park; live video of NOPD press conference at 2 p.m. | The New Orleans Advocate — New Orleans, Louisiana

Parents Face Fines for Kids’ Repeated Bullying Behavior | Parenting

In an effort to make parents accountable for their kids’ bullying, one Wisconsin town is enacting fines on parents for their kids’ repeated bad behavior.

Antibiotic resistance: World on cusp of ‘post-antibiotic era’ – BBC News

“If MCR-1 becomes global, which is a case of when not if, and the gene aligns itself with other resistance genes, which is inevitable, then we will have very likely reached the start of the post-antibiotic era.

Clinton Goes after Laugh Factory Comedians for Making Fun of Her – Judicial Watch

In what appears to be a first for a serious presidential contender, Hillary ‘s campaign is going after five comedians who made fun of the former Secretary of State in standup skits at a popular Hollywood comedy club.

After Ohio Bakery’s ‘Politically Incorrect’ Front-Door Sign Goes Viral, Staffers Describe How Customers Have Reacted |

“We say , God bless America, we salute our flag & give thanks to our troops, police officers and firefighters. If this offends you, you are welcome to leave. In God we trust.”

Obama’s VA Facility Bans Christmas Trees and ‘Merry Christmas’

President Barack Obama’s Department of Veterans Affairs has banned employees at its facility in Salem, Virginia, from saying “Merry Christmas” to veterans.

Russia destroys 472 ISIS targets in Syria bombing missions over the weekend | Daily Mail Online

Russian air force flew 141 bombing raids over this weekend, destroying almost 500 targets in the country

Russia Sends France A Puppy To Replace Diesel, The Police Dog That Died In Raid After Paris Attacks

Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev said the offering was a “sign of solidarity with the people and police of France.” He shared a picture of the puppy on Twitter and wrote a letter to France saying, “I ask you to accept from ‘s police dog handlers this shepherd puppy, who will be able to take his place in the ranks of Diesel, your dog who died doing his duty.”

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg among 3 Indiana mayors signing letter supporting Syrian refugees –

Three Indiana mayors are among 62 U.S. mayors who’ve signed an open letter supporting the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the United States.

Federal Law Enforcement: ‘No Effective Means’ to Block ‘Prospective Terrorists Hidden Among Throngs of Refugees’ |

“The truth of the matter is there is no effective means or magical litmus test to assess prospective terrorists hidden among the throngs of refugees applying for entry into the United States,” said Nathan Catura, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association.

China declares war on ISIS after terrorists claim to have executed Chinese hostage – Mirror Online

will join the war on ISIS after four of its citizens were killed by Islamist terror groups in two separate attacks this week.

Report: Canada to Exclude Single Men from Syrian Refugee Welcome Plan |

In an effort to prevent the infiltration of terrorists, the Canadian government is set to limit its Syrian refugee acceptance program to only women, children and families, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported Sunday night.

Obama Blocking 75 Percent of Air Strikes Against ISIS

The Washington Free Beacon is reporting that U.S. military pilots fighting against the Islamic State in Iraq were blocked from dropping 75 percent of their ordnance on terror targets because the Obama administration would not give clearance to launch a strike.

Barack Obama Dropped Leaflets- Gave ISIS 45 Minutes Before Bombing Them – The Gateway Pundit

The worst part is that this is Obama’s version of an “escalation”. He could have taken out ISIS tanker trucks a long time ago, but then the drivers would have died. (Via J.E. Dyer)

Jordan’s King Abdullah: This Is a War ‘Within Islam’

President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton can’t bring themselves to publicly acknowledge that and “Muslims” are inextricably linked to terrorism. Remarkably, however, one Muslim world leader has no problem in speaking openly about the war “within Islam.”


Three Syrians traveling with fake Greek passports are being held in the Dutch Caribbean island of St. Maarten, authorities said, while officials in the Central American nation of Honduras reported detaining a Syrian and two Pakistanis traveling by bus Saturday.

DHS Knew Illegal Aliens Falsely Claimed “Credible Fear” to Stay in U.S. – Judicial Watch

The Obama administration let hundreds of illegal immigrants stay in the U.S. even though federal authorities knew in advance that an open borders group coached them to falsely claim “credible fear” to get , according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Congress Learned Of Syrian Refugees Entering The U.S. Just Recently

The Obama administration did not tell Congress, until recently, that Syrian Refugees were arriving in Louisiana. According to a House Homeland Security Committee aide, Congress did not know about 13 Syrian refugees who arrived in New Orleans over the past two fiscal years until it was reported by a local outlet 10 days ago.


The son of a New York mob boss has given Islamic State a stark warning, saying if they are planning any attacks in New York, they will have to contend with the Sicilian mafia. The notorious crime syndicate say they want to do their bit to protect locals.

Asylum Seekers Buying Fake Taliban Threat Letters to Get Into Europe

Afghan asylum seekers are buying fake Taliban threat letters in order to get into Europe.

Labor Department throws football party, but bans Redskins jerseys – Washington Times

There was only stipulation: no Washington Redskins jerseys, paraphernalia or memorabilia.

British Journalist Interviews Captured British Mercenary Aiden Aslin

Some things to consider before watching the 40-minute :

is considered a mercenary fighting alongside ‘s 36th Marine Brigade. His family disputes that designation since he has dual-citizenship.

As a mercenary, he’s not subject to the Geneva Conventions. As a member of Ukraine’s armed forces, he is subject to the Geneva Conventions.

On April 12, Aslin announced on that he had “no choice but to surrender to Russian forces” in Mariupol after running out of ammo.

Aslin is a in Russian custody in Donetsk. That is the capital city of the Donetsk People’s Republic in the Donbas region. They have declared their independence from Ukraine and has recognized their independence. They are actively engaged in hostilities with Ukraine, and have been for 8 years.

The fact that Aiden is a POW could affect what he says during the interview.

(British journalist) used to work for Russian agency RT (Russia Today) and is pro-Russian. His bias does show in the interview with Aiden.

Some of what Aiden alleges has been confirmed as true through my own reporting, independent journalists on the ground, and refugees. That doesn’t mean Russia hasn’t committed its own crimes, they have.

I don’t post this to take Russia’s side, as will undoubtedly be proclaimed. I have posted interviews with captured Russian soldiers too. The point is for you to see it and come to your own conclusions.

You have a right to information that you are being denied. It’s usually easy to see if a POW believes their own statements. If I’m honest, Aiden doesn’t seem to exhibit the usual tells. Neither did the statements by captured Russian soldiers for that matter. This doesn’t mean that you should forget that he is still in Russian custody and giving an interview with a pro-Russian journalist from the UK for purposes, and is likely compelled to do so.

I’d also like to point out that Aiden released a video shortly before he surrendered without a cut on his forehead. When pictures of him were released by Russia, he had a gash on his head. It’s not apparent how he got it but it’s assumed he was roughed up by Russians. In this interview, his hair is covering the cut on his head.

It would be interesting to see if Aiden changes his story if he’s freed, which I sincerely hope is soon.


Ukraine Are So Gay

I LOVE that I can say ‘gay’ all the time now. Thank you liberal oxygen thieves!

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Casey Hendrickson is a conservative radio talk show host based out of 95.3 MNC in South Bend, IN, and covering all of Michiana (Indiana & Michigan).

He’s been featured on @Fox News , Tucker Carlson, Fox & Friends, Brian Kilmeade, Lars Larson, @Tony Katz , and much more.



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Western Media Is Openly Embracing Real Nazis Now?

I know, you are sick and tired of everyone flippantly throwing around the word ‘Nazi.’ So am I. The frivolous use of the word as a catch-all slur for anyone liberals disagree with is annoying. However, real neo-Nazis do exist. A lot of them are in .

Point of clarification since people are inevitably going to take this out of context.

Ukraine is not a Nazi country. Most of the country is very tolerant. In the east, however, there are Nazis. Not as many as would have you believe, but they are there and they have committed war crimes against the people Putin is claiming to protect.

Recently, the UK Daily Mail ran this headline:

Russian separatist warlord who led Neo-Nazi ‘Sparta’ mob is shot dead during battle in eastern Ukraine town in fresh blow to Putin’s floundering invasion

Interesting that the Russians are alleging the Ukrainians are Nazis and now the Western media is declaring Russian allies as Nazis. Zhoga is called a in dozens of Western media outlets after he was killed. No one provides any actual evidence of this.

For the record, Zhoga has been accused of and appears to have admitted to war crimes. He’s no peach. But is he a neo-Nazi?

I can’t find anything about Zhoga or the Battalion (who DM refers to as a ‘mob’) being Nazis. I have found a LOT about them accusing Ukrainians of being Nazis and fighting against those Nazis murdering their people.

In fact, even in the Daily Mail’s article accusing Zhoga of being a neo-Nazi, they printed that the announcement of his death accused the Ukrainians of being Nazis.

Sparta fights for the DPR. Denis Pushilin is the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). He announced the death of Zhoga on his Telegram.

He was mortally wounded while ensuring the exit of civilians from this settlement. Scouts “Sparta” covered the evacuation of civilians, mostly women and children. The Nazis opened fire on them…

The Nazis in this announcement are the Ukrainian forces. The head of the DPR said Zhoga was killed protecting civilians from the Nazis who opened fire on the civilians.

The Daily Mail published that nearly halfway down their article after they accused Sparta of being neo-Nazis. Daily Mail either missed it, as did everyone else repeating the claim, or they are intentionally lying to you.

It gets worse …

Look at this screengrab from just a few minutes before I wrote this article.

That’s the Wikipedia page on the Sparta Battalion. There is no reference to them being neo-Nazis in the entire article. Zero results for ‘neo’ for ‘Nazi’ and for ‘white.’ No one has considered Sparta Battalion to be neo-Nazi before now when it suits the Western powers that be to push that narrative.

Now, look at this from the search results for that exact same Wikipedia article:

The search results for that Wikipedia page claim Sparta are neo-Nazis but the actual article doesn’t … yet.

Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger recently:

Larry Sanger has warned that the website can no longer be trusted — insisting it is now just “” for the left-leaning “establishment.”

“If only one version of the facts is allowed then that gives a huge incentive to wealthy and powerful people to seize control of things like Wikipedia in order to shore up their power,” he said.

“There’s a global enforcement of a certain point of view on issues like COVID,” he insisted.

The Ukrainian Battalion is widely recognized as neo-Nazis. The US government attempted to ban any funding of them with Ukrainian aid packages. A ban that was removed for … reasons.

AZOV Battalion – NBC News

NBC – News: German TV Shows Nazi Symbols on Helmets of Ukraine Soldiers

The Ukrainian AZOV Battalion and the DPR Sparta Battalion are enemies. Are the neo-Nazi groups fighting each other? Why does Sparta constantly refer to their enemies as Nazis in a derogatory way?

It seems that Sparta Battalion and their former leader are not actually neo-Nazis but are, in fact, in a war against actual neo-Nazi units.

Sidebar: The AZOV Battalion used to be a privately funded gang that was funded by rich oligarchs but was officially absorbed into the Ukrainian National Guard by former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko. Poroshenko praised AZOV as:

“These are our best warriors,” he said at an awards ceremony in 2014. “Our best volunteers.”

In fact, so did NATO’s Atlantic Council.

40 members of the US Congress tried to have AZOV declared a terrorist organization. This is a great writeup about that situation:

Is the Azov Battalion a terrorist organization as 40 US House Democrats claim?

This brings me to the next story.

Russian soldier THREATENS Ukrainians with two grenades in his hands, demands surrender

Remember that story? The of Konotop appealed to the city and asked if they wanted to fight or surrender. They chose to fight. I even covered it on my show. A harrowing story of bravery, right? What I didn’t know is that the mayor being lionized by the West is a for-real neo-Nazi.

His name is . He’s the mayor of Konotop in the North East of Ukraine.

From 2015:

Local Jews in shock after Ukrainian city of Konotop elects neo-Nazi mayor

According to reports, Semenikhin drives around in a car bearing the number 14/88, a numerological reference to the phrases “we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” and “Heil Hitler”; replaced the picture of President Petro Poroshenko in his office with a portrait of Ukrainian national leader and Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera; and refused to fly the city’s official flag at the opening meeting of the city council because he objected to the star of David emblazoned on it. The flag also features a Muslim crescent and a cross.

Oh my.

From 2019:

Anti-Semitic politician beaten in Ukraine

Ex-mayor of Konotop severely maimed, attack linked to his political activity

Semenikhin attempted to run for Parliament and a new mayor was elected in Konotop but died of COVID shortly after that in late 2020.

Oleksandr Luhovyi, who was elected mayor of Konotop in the October 25 election, has died from an illness

New elections were held and Artem Semenikhin regained his old post as mayor of Konotop.

Given that Artem Semenikhin is a neo-Nazi with a criminal history, why did put him on their programming to promote his bravery?

PBS Hosts Neo-Nazi Ukraine Mayor, Blurs Image of ‘Hitler Accomplice’ Behind Him.

Now, when I covered the story of Konotop’s ‘surrender or die’ predicament, I didn’t know who Semenikhin was. I could forgive PBS for the same except they tipped their hand.

You see, behind Semenikhin in the PBS story is a painting of Stepan Bandera. Bandera was a Ukrainian politician and Nazi sympathizer during WWII. PBS knew that and that’s why they blurred the painting out.

Here’s the picture blurred on the wall of Stepan Bandera:

Screenshot for posterity:

I suppose you could say PBS didn’t do this intentionally and it was just a standard blur filter that streamers use all the time, but I’d find that claim dubious, at best.

Just so we are clear … Western media seems to have falsely accused a pro-Russian commander and his whole unit of being neo-Nazis when they are actively engaged in hostilities with a confirmed neo-Nazi unit while PBS knowingly put neo-Nazi on their programming and hid a painting of a well-known Nazi ally hanging on his wall while they did it.

Good thing the West has banned all Russian media outlets so their narrative doesn’t get challenged like with so many fake Ukrainian stories exposed so far in the conflict.