Monday, August 7 – Hour 1 Podcast


Loretta Lynch Used Email Alias As Attorney Ge | The Daily Caller

Using the “Elizabeth Carlisle,” Lynch corresponded with DOJ press officials to hammer out talking points in response to media requests about the meeting. The tarmac encounter drew criticism from conservatives because Lynch was overseeing the federal investigation into whether mishandled classified information on her private email system.

‘U.S. flag’ among items banned by Michigan school |

has a long history of working with the VFW and other patriotic groups. We would never ban the appropriate display of the American flag. The exact language can be found on Page 34 of the Roseville High School student handbook which is available online.”

Govt Pay Almost Double Average Worker’s | The Daily Caller

There’s a reason government jobs are so sought after: The average government salary is nearly double the average American worker’s.

Stossel: $2 Million Bathroom –

John Stossel investigates a New York City park bathroom that cost $2 million to build.