January 6 Commission Officer Is Liar – , July 27 – 2


Pelosi’s Latest Claims About the January 6 Commission are Absolutely Shameless

Liz Cheney Lectures Republicans at January 6 Commission Hearing: ‘Remember Our Children Are Watching’

White House says buyers of Hunter Biden’s paintings will remain anonymous

NSA admits they unmasked Tucker

Florida man who hid HIV status from lovers sentenced to prison

Report: 1.8 Million Americans Have Turned Down Jobs To Stay On Unemployment

Complaint Filed After Gretchen Whitmer Admits Using Campaign Funds for Secret Private Jet Florida Trip

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Ok, Let’s , July 20 – 2


Black Rifle Coffee Calls Its Customers ‘Racist’ After Being Funded by Liberal ‘Venture Capitalist’, Says Pro-Trump Covfefe Coffee

Sterling Partners donate to Democrats, not Republicans

Project Veritas Has Leaked Video from Hasbro Corporation CRT Training Features Indoctrination Chief Telling Parents That Their Children Are Racist as Early as Three Months Old

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Wednesday, July 14 – 1


Biden Admin Waives Sanctions on Iranian Oil Trade As DOJ Announces Charges On Spy Network

Kidnap Target to Biden: ‘Show Some Gumption,’ Act Against Iran

Biden’s Homeland Security Secretary Threatens Cubans Fleeing Communism With Deportation

Go on offense. tells his to force to defend position that can’t come to but Central can.

Republicans Get a Big Win Over Stacey Abrams in Georgia

BREAKING: Trump responds to massive fraud news coming out of Georgia

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Wednesday, April 7


  • County Commissioners Slam Health Officer Letter Mask Mandate
  • Notre Dame to require COVID vaccines for all students in fall
  • Pence creates a conservative political advocacy group
  • REPORT: Caitlyn Jenner Considering Run For California Governor

Hour 2

  • Report: Joss Whedon Threatened Gal Gadot’s Career On The Of Justice League
  • North Las Vegas Mayor announces that he’s dumping the Democratic Party and becoming a Republican
  • Interview: John Farnam
  • His website

Hour 3

  • to Executive Order Requiring for So-Called ‘Ghost Guns’
  • Of course, it’s a nonsense EO since it’s illegal to transfer a ‘ghost gun’ to person. Therefore, requiring background checks for buying something that is illegal to buy is nothing more than political posturing.
  • D.C. Medical Examiner Reveals Causes Of Capitol Insurrection Deaths—Except For Officer Brian Sicknick
  • It wasn’t an ‘insurrection’ you ditz.
  • A Man Died In A Taco Eating Contest. Now His Family Is Suing
  • Tampa Bay Buccaneers player Carlton Davis apologizes tweeting anti-Asian slur

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Monday, 1 – 3

Hour 3

The Folly of Lockdowns Exposed in One Simple Graph
Pfizer CEO: ‘Every Year You Will Have to Get Your Annual Shot for COVID’
New York Times Blasted for Citing ‘Unpublished Research’ Inciting Fear About New COVID Variant
A Modest Proposal For Republicans: Use The Word “Class.”

After years of me using ‘political class vs us’ … people are starting to get it.

Virginia School System Bans Dr. Seuss Books from Read Across America Program over ‘Strong Racial Undertones’

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