FLASHBACK: Mocked for Overreaction to VA, NJ Elections in ’09

I keep trying to remind everyone these elections were always going to go blue, and it wasn’t a big surprise. I also pointed out that the elections in 2009 shouldn’t cause the type of overreaction we saw from . Frankly, the whole thing exposes a lot of people as the political amateurs they really are in spite of their social media popularity.

I’d also like to point out that have made every special against Republicans since Trump won a ‘ on Trump’s agenda.’ They lost all five of those elections. The was 5-0 before Virginia and New Jersey, and Democrats were beside themselves when they lost their overhyped races.

After Democrats celebrated big victories in Virginia and New Jersey on Tuesday, may commentators read into the results as a referendum on President Trump’s first 10 months. But it’s important to remember that mocked conservatives for the exact same overreaction when the GOP swept the two states in 2009, the first year of President […]
