Another : Don’t Do Jack Squat – , 3

Hour 3

REPORT: Biden Still Separating Migrant Children from Family Members at Border
Texas surges resources to border amid migration ‘crisis’

Greyhound bus company requesting all migrants be COVID-free while traveling
Arizona Border Sheriff On Border Crisis: Biden ‘Owns This,’ ‘We Had It Under Control’ Under Trump

Andrew Cuomo to sign bill stripping his own emergency COVID powers
Cuomo Misled The Public Using Nursing Home Figures His Top Aides Manipulated
BREAKING: Cuomo administration revealed to have doctored report proving nursing home deaths
Pelosi-ordered review of Jan. 6 riot calls for 24/7 ‘Quick Reaction Force’ at U.S. Capitol, report

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Gretchen By For Hiding Nursing Deaths – , March1 – 2

Hour 2
Pulitzer-winning journalist to sue Michigan Gov. Whitmer over nursing home death data
Whitmer’s Cuomo Problem: Nursing Homes
Governor Andrew Cuomo Releases Statement Apologizing For Behavior Following Sexual Harassment Allegations
The Media’s Shameful Cover-Up of Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Scandal
Watch: Joe Biden Botches Democrats’ Names, Asks ‘What Am I Doing Here?’

Biden vs Trump On National Security: Here’s The New Administration’s First Month Report Card

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Biden Buyer’s Remorse Continues To Expand – , Feb. 1 – 3

Hour 3
Judges go easy on fed workers convicted of crimes linked to Russia collusion lies
Report: Biden administration can’t account for as many as 20 million vaccine doses that were sent to states
#BidenLied trends on Twitter as critics demand the $2,000 stimulus checks they claim he promised to deliver during campaign

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Buttigieg’s Stupid Idea To Miles Driven – , Jan. 26 – 1

Hour 1
New tax on number of miles you drive? Incoming Transportation Secretary Buttigieg likes the idea
Biden Administration Is Contemplating a New Tax That Would Disproportionately Impact Rural Americans

Twitter Encourages Users to Snitch on Each Other with ‘Birdwatch’ Feature
New Yorker Returns National Magazine Award Over Dubious Story

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Trump Is NOT Starting Third Party – , Jan. 25 – 3

Hour 3
Trump Ends Patriot Party Talk, Will Primary Never-Trumpers
‘Your Order Is A Direct Attack’: Native American Tribe Condemns Biden Administration’s Secretarial Order
Utah Tribe Calls Biden’s Order On New Oil Drilling A ‘Direct Attack’ On Its Economy
Panic Has Struck a Blue State Now That Biden’s Taking Aim at Fracking
Congresswoman Lauren Boebert introduces bills to resist Biden’s executive orders on Paris agreement, WHO, and mask mandate
Biden Stops Trump Order To Slash Price Of Insulin, EpiPen
Biden Proposing to Extend U.S.-Russia Nuclear Arms Deal by Five Years.
Biden Rescinds Trump Order Banning Chinese Communist Involvement In US Power Grid
After Firing of Trump Doorman, Bidens Promptly Get Locked Out of White House

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