Daily Show Prep: Tues, January 9

Daily : Tues, January 9


‘Go Bloo:’ Kellogg’s celebrates U of M championship with limited edition cereal box

Epps, accused of being FBI informant on J6, sentenced to one year probation

Defense Sec Austin was being treated for complications from prostate cancer, Walter Reed hospital

Media Outlets Bury Revelation That Epstein Accuser Retracted Trump Allegations

Tithe with

Hour 2

Judge dismisses Notre Dame professor’s defamation lawsuit against student newspaper

Appeals Court Hits ‘Off’ Switch on Biden’s Dishwasher, Washing Machine Regulations

The 4 Reasons a Staggering 38% of Companies Say They’re Likely to Have Layoffs in 2024, Survey Shows

DOJ Allows Biden-Tied Firm to Register as Foreign Agent 8-Yrs Late, in Contrast to Manafort

Hour 3

‘A Stain On Our Society’: Record Number Of Police Shot In 2023, Report Finds

Chinese Firm Deletes Website After Communist, Military Ties Exposed

Report: The Biden admin DRAMATICALLY lowered standards related to immigrants from China, reduced number of questions asked from 40 to 5

eviscerates for selling .

White House Report Card: Losing on most issues, Biden targets MAGA in reelection

Common Veterans Podcast Episode 11: Addendum 1: Oh Say Can You See

Common Episode 11: Addendum 1: Oh Say Can See

Understanding Military Traditions: Exploring the Why Behind the What


Welcome readers to the “Common Veterans Podcast: Season 1 Addendum,” we delve into the rich tapestry of military traditions, unraveling deeper meanings and historical significance. We’ll uncover why these practices endure, shedding light on the unique mindset and sense of humor prevalent among military members.

The Purpose of Traditions

Military traditions are more than rituals; they serve as threads weaving together the fabric of camaraderie, honor, and history within the armed forces. Understanding their origins provides a deeper appreciation for the backbone of military life.

Traditions Are Traditional

The Salute

From its roots in the Middle Ages as a gesture of peace to its modern-day symbolism of respect and recognition, the salute is a cornerstone of military etiquette.

Taps and Reveille

The solemnity of waking to a cornet’s notes and the symbolism behind honoring the national colors lowered underscore the reverence for duty and sacrifice.

Covers (Hats) Outside

Beyond fashion, these headpieces signify protection, camouflage, and a visible marker of rank, fostering a sense of and distinction among service members.

Being Pinned

The act of pinning, whether for rank or , represents a badge of honor earned through dedication, sacrifice, and the pursuit of excellence. It’s a tangible of one’s journey and accomplishments.

Because We Can

Military balls, replete with unique rituals like the ‘s “Grogg” or the Air Force’s “Jeff,” offer glimpses into the unit’s identity and shared experiences, strengthening bonds among comrades.

Walking the

Physical Training (PT) and Uniforms

Beyond physical fitness, PT instills discipline and preparedness, while uniforms promote unity and morale—a visual representation of a collective identity.


A controversial practice that, in elite units, serves to test resilience and integration. Stories from these experiences illuminate the dynamics within these specialized circles.

Battle Buddies and Group Dynamics

Emphasizing the importance of teamwork, battle buddies epitomize the ethos of collective success and safety, forming the backbone of military operations.

Deployments and Beyond

Embracing More Traditions

Exploring further traditions or quirks unique to different branches or deployments, highlighting the diversity and richness of military cultures.


Addendum II Teaser

As we conclude this deep dive into military traditions, stay tuned for our next podcast, “Take This Job and Shove It,” where we explore the service concept and possibly a special guest shedding light on their experiences.

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/commonveterans/message

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Dec. 18

Daily : , Dec. 18



Erasing History: Arlington National Cemetery Removing Civil War Reconciliation Monument

Graphic Video: Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape in Senate Hearing Room

‘Adults in Charge’: Top Nine Degenerate Democrat Scandals Under Joe Biden

FLAHBACK: Senator Whose Staffer Filmed Senate Sex Tape Said The Capitol Building Is ‘Sacred’

Hour 2

INDIANA child services took their kid away when they refused to affirm his “gender identity.” Now they are petitioning the Supreme Court.

All Indiana schools are required to adopt a new way of teaching students to read

Homelessness In America Hits Modern Record High

FBI secretly taped James Biden as it probed attorney who paid $100K to his consulting firm: report

Scientists are out here putting VR goggles on mice to simulate being attacked by birds

Lab-grown fake meat CEO says industry should “invite” customers to eat the product rather than “insult” them

Hour 3

NBC News: Elon Musk’s Cybertruck Would Be Lethal to Pedestrians, Experts Say

Stop Planting Trees, Says Guy Who Inspired World to Plant a Trillion Trees

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Dec. 11

Daily : , Dec. 11


doesn’t mean jack when comes to presidential campaigning.

Historically, do winners Iowa caucus go on to earn their party’s nomination, become president?

Vivek’s campaign ends with a whizz.

Ronna’s revenge on Vivek

Major Biden Supporter Donates Quarter of a Million to Nikki Haley

Melania Pushing Tucker for VP as Trump’s ‘Loyalty’ Cabinet Takes Shape


Hour 2

National Archives Will Give Comer Access To Over 1,700 Emails From Joe Biden’s Vice Presidency

Indiana secretary of state appeals ruling for US Senate candidate seeking GOP nod

Argentina: Milei Implements ‘Chainsaw Plan’ Slashes Government on Day 1

TUCKER IS LAUNCHING HIS OWN NETWORK. Check out the video announcement here.

Update: Oakland coffee shop fires staff who ranted against Israel, blocked woman from recording “Zionism = Fascism” sign

Hour 3

Recurring Payments to Joe Biden Were ‘Car Payments,’ Hunter’s Lawyer Says

Biden Wants to Seize Patents of Costly Drugs, Make Them Cheaper

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Dec. 18

Daily : , Dec. 5



Wait Until They Learn About EVs: Gen Z Will Give Up Vaping in ‘Solidarity’ With Congo Over Cobalt Mines

Sheila Jackson Lee Tells Her Supporters to Vote on the Wrong Day

Big fat free-speech update: Appellate court stays prison sentence of Doug Mackey, the man convicted for 2016 Hillary meme

Hour 2

The emerging details about the home that exploded in Arlington are WILD, even though police are staying silent

China Refuses to Take Back Military-Age Foreign Invaders

DOJ Indicts Illegal Alien Running Unlicensed Biolab in California

Hour 3

: Chaffee

An Army of Illegal Immigrants? Senate Dems Want One

Liz Cheney Says She’s Weighing Third-Party Presidential Run

School Forced Girl to Sleep w/ Boy Who ‘Identifies’ as ‘Trans’