Monday, June 12 – Hour 1 Podcast


Nurses Sue Over Hostage, Rape Incident at Illinois Hospital

Four are suing a , the county he works for, and the company that provides security for a hospital in Illinois after a prison escaped while being treated, causing mayhem — including raping a nurse — before being shot and killed by police.

Pelosi Keeps Confusing George W. Bush With Donald Trump

House Minority Leader Nancy (D., Calif.) has confused President Donald  with former President George W. at least four times since Trump took office in January.

Threes Brewing, Brooklyn company, to release ‘Gender Neutral’ beer prior to NYC Pride March – Washington Times

Brooklyn-based Threes Brewing plans on capitalizing on thirsty members of the community this month with the June 22 release of a new lager called “Gender Neutral.” The flavor will debut at a “Human Rights are Gender Neutral” party in celebration of the city’s Pride Week.

More Footage of CNN’s Staged Protest at the London Bridge :: Grabien News

Narrator Claire Jordan walks viewers through the scene before filmed the ‘protest’


Fake : Does Not Make A Pre-Existing Condition

The GOP House’s bill has been attacked as making a that wouldn’t be covered under the bill’s language. Meaning … an insurance provider could deny coverage to you if you were raped. The fact that you have to put special willful effort into not having your pre-existing condition covered under the (even MORE protections were added with the Upton amendment) has been ignored. Instead, it’s been replaced with mythology that the AHCA won’t cover pre-existing conditions. A claim that is patently false.

The most of these false claims is that evil Republican men are ripping coverage away from women who have been raped by removing any pre-existing coverage requirement for rape related injuries.

This claim has been debunked by … well … pretty much everyone. Here’s a couple of links just to start:

Washington Post

Associated Press Fact Check

And while all of those sources clearly debunk this nonsensical claim by amoebas, the next link is the most important. Why? Because NY Mag started the rumor, and has now retracted their bogus claim.

After running the initial headline:

Under New Health-Care Bill, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition

They now have this correction in the article:

Correction: This story originally stated that rape is considered a pre-existing condition in the AHCA. It has been updated to reflect that conditions stemming from and domestic violence, such as PTSD and certain STDs, could be considered preexisting conditions, not sexual assault itself.

There, now that that is settled … why am I still seeing amoebas sharing this nonsense on social media? That was rhetorical. They are idiots, liars, and only interested in the of fear and personal destruction. They are not interested in truth, facts or decency.

I’m looking right at you Ashley Judd.




Monday, June 27 – Hour 3 Podcast

Former IU student charged in 2 rape cases takes plea deal, will serve 1 year of probation | Fox 59

John Enochs will serve one year of after accepting a plea deal. He agreed to plead guilty to battery with moderate bodily injury (class A misdemeanor) and his two charges were dismissed. Court records show he spent one day in jail.

The Parental Rights Amendment – – Protecting Children by Empowering Parents

View the annotated version here.

Soon-to-come bill puts parental rights back on the charts

Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain are preparing to introduce the to the U.S. Constitution. Estrada summarizes what that amendment could mean.

Feds abandon ‘equal rights’ claim to raise your kids

Federal officials have reversed their claim that they have “equal rights” to children to raise them, a claim that stirred outrage in many quarters of America when it was first made a few months back.

Daily : Monday, June 27

Hour 1

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Civil Uprising Escalates As 8th EU Nation Threatens Referendum | Zero Hedge

It appears, just as we warned, that was indeed the first of many dominoes. Even before the Brexit result, a poll by Ipsos Mori showed that the majority of people in France and Italy want to at least have a referendum on leaving:

Hah! Liberal Media Gets Punked by 4Chan – Petition for Second Brexit Vote was Spammed

The poll was manufactured by 4Chan and Anonymous hackers who loaded up the signatures with fake names from The Vatican, Ghana, North Korea and elsewhere.

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Hour 2

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American Flag Burned at Trans March – Christine Rousselle

Black Lives Matter Protesters Crash Event Honoring LGBT Community | Fox News Insider

protesters interrupted a conference last week as the Toronto police chief was unveiling a mural for the city’s  community.

Caught on Video=> MUSLIM WOMAN at LAX Trashes Gays, Threatens to Bomb America

“F*** America,” the woman said. “I will make sure we bomb America. You wait and see!”

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Hour 3

Former IU student charged in 2 rape cases takes plea deal, will serve 1 year of probation | Fox 59

John Enochs will serve one year of after accepting a plea deal. He agreed to plead guilty to battery with moderate bodily injury (class A misdemeanor) and his two charges were dismissed. Court records show he spent one day in jail.

The Parental Rights Amendment – – Protecting Children by Empowering Parents

View the annotated version here.

Soon-to-come bill puts parental rights back on the charts

Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain are preparing to introduce the to the U.S. Constitution. Estrada summarizes what that amendment could mean.

Feds abandon ‘equal rights’ claim to raise your kids

Federal officials have reversed their claim that they have “equal rights” to children to raise them, a claim that stirred outrage in many quarters of America when it was first made a few months back.

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