Show Prep: Fri, Dec. 18

Indiana lawmakers may consider regulating daily fantasy sports sites like FanDuel –

lawmakers are considering the possibility of regulating daily sites.

Toy Guns Banned in New York | Truth Revolt

College Student Suspended for Stating Opinion: Black Women ‘Not Hot’ | Truth Revolt

What started off as raising awareness quickly became “mud slinging,” Pryor told The College Fix in a phone interview. When someone wrote “#blackwomenmatter,” Pryor said he joined in, anonymously replying, “They matter, they’re just not hot.”

UPDATE: School Canceled After Backlash from Making Students Write ‘No God But Allah’ | Truth Revolt

Yet, according to the announcement, there was no threat whatsoever:

School Kids to Sing ‘Allahu Akbar’ at Holiday Concert | Truth Revolt

Minnesota are not happy that a holiday concert at their children’s high school will feature a song celebrating Ramadan in which their kids will sing, “Allahu Akbar.”

Hey! Let’s see if the Freedom From Religion Foundation is pitching a fit over these Islamic assignments in schools.



Clarence Moses-EL imprisoned for 28 YEARS after woman dreamed he raped her to be freed | Daily Mail Online

A man imprisoned for 28 years after a woman said she dreamed that he raped her could be freed after a Denver overturned his conviction, saying he would likely be acquitted at a new trial because someone else confessed to the crime.


The House of Representatives just passed the incredibly huge spending bill and according to the AP, the Senate will vote for it later today and then send to Obama for his signature:

Here Are the 95 Republicans Who Opposed the Omnibus Spending Bill

Ninety-five Republicans split with House GOP leadership to vote against the spending bill. Another 150 Republicans supported it, while just 18 Democrats opposed the legislation.


Show Prep: Tues, Dec. 1

Leonardo DiCaprio ‘raped by a bear TWICE in his new film The Revenant’ as actor looks poised to finally achieve Oscar glory | Daily Mail Online

Governor Snyder OKs concealed carry exemptions, paramedic immunity –

Prison guards and retired probation and parole officers with a concealed-carry permit can have their gun in schools and other generally off limits areas under laws signed by Gov. Rick Snyder.

Judge says Nativity lawsuit plaintiffs can remain anonymous –

A federal has ruled that a high school student and a parent can remain as they sue over a live scene that’s part of a northern school district’s annual Christmas show.

NSA “Ends” Bulk Phone Surveillance Program But Not Really | Cop Block

The ruling followed the passage of the Freedom Act two months prior – that is now supposed to force the to stop warehousing telephone metadata starting on Sunday. The act allows the information to remain with phone companies, but unfortunately, it can still be searched by the government after authorization from a secret counter-terrorism court that has no public oversight.

Scientists Argue Appendix Might Not Be ‘Irrelevant’ to Our Health, Propose This as the Organ’s Current Function |

The has been dubbed a vestigial organ, thought to no longer perform any necessary function, but new research is supporting a previously proposed theory that it might still have a relevant purpose in the human body today.

Common Core Forces Fiction From Classroom | The Daily Caller

The nonfiction-heavy reading regime has forced English teachers nationwide to ditch short stories, poetry and literary classics such as “Huckleberry Finn” and “The Great Gatsby” in favor of dry how-to manuals and dated dispatches from the Federal Reserve.

Veteran Says Political Correctness Is ‘Just Getting Out of Hand’ After School Officials Bar Him From Using This Word to Promote Event |

Fliers that included the phrase “” are not welcome in some New Hampshire schools, according to one veteran.

Exposed: World Lung Foundation Makes Bogus E-Cigarette Claim | The Daily Caller

Siegel, who has 25 years of experience in the field of tobacco control, examined the study and found not only was it based on statements made by a small group of 16-17 year olds in one part of Scotland, but in no way did the study actually conclude that e-cigarettes are a gateway to smoking.

Hillary Classified Email Count Up to 325

All told, some 325 messages in the new batch of emails were deemed “classified,” and one was deemed “secret.” Most of the classified messages were exchanged with fellow State Department employees, but a few of them were between Mrs. Clinton and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and others involved Sidney Blumenthal, a controversial confidante of the Clintons.

Northwestern Indiana lawmakers push pro sports team bill –

A group of lawmakers dreaming of bringing a professional sports team to northwestern Indiana is pushing a bill that would create a panel to pursue that goal.

Show Prep: Thurs, Oct. 15

Army Secretary’s Comments on Equality Spark Debate Over Female Draft Registration – Ben Swann’s Truth In Media

“If we find ourselves as a military at large where men and women have equal opportunity, as I happen to believe they should, serving in combat positions at least on a formal basis … then ultimately the question of extending the requirements to women as well will have to at least be discussed,” said Sec. McHugh

Texas football coach denies ordering players to hit referee | Fox News

Texas high school sports officials have punished two players and coaches involved in an intentional hit on a referee, showing some leniency to a former assistant who denied allegations he ordered the players to blindside the game umpire.

Aunt who sued nephew over exuberant hug: It’s a claim against the insurance company, nothing more « Hot Air

“This was meant to be a simple homeowners insurance case,” she said. “Connecticut law is such that I was advised by counsel that this is the way a suit is meant to be worded.”…

Congressional Review Of Copyright Law May Threaten Drudge | The Daily Caller

Congress may update digital affecting aggregator sites, like the and Real Clear , along with sites in the near future.

FAA Now Has The Tech To Hijack Your Drone In The Air | The Daily Caller

The Federal Aviation Administration now has the technology to hijack drones in the middle of the air, adopted as part of an effort to keep personal and commercial drones away from sensitive areas.

Here’s What Americans Are Most Afraid Of | TIME

Corruption of government officials (58.0%)

Follow the Money: Biggest Campaign Contributors 2016, by Company and Industry | The Daily Caller

“The importance of money flows from it being a link between the present and the future.” ~ Economist John Maynard Keynes (1883-1943) Campaign contributors 2016: Politicians famously fail to follow through on their campaign promises once elected. Just look at the track record of our current leadership…

Lobbyists for Clinton’s ‘Enemies’ Are Bankrolling Her Campaign

Asked to name the enemies that she is most proud of during Tuesday’s Democratic presidential debate, Clinton cited industries represented by lobbyists who are among her top campaign fundraisers.

A Veteran Publicly Confronted Someone He Thought Was Committing an Act of Stolen Valor, but Now He’s Facing a Disciplinary Investigation | Video |

A Wisconsin graduate student and Iraq war veteran is surprised that he is under disciplinary review, barred from campus outside of attending classes, after a confrontation in which he accused a classmate of stolen valor.

California Trains Kids To Ask For Consent Every 10 Minutes During Sex

A look at the new landscape of education published by The New York Times contains an eye-opening anecdote: In California, teachers are telling kids to get consent every ten minutes during sex to avoid committing .

Anti-Rape Activist Resigns After Raping Somebody | The Daily Caller

A racial equality officer, gay rights, and anti-rape activist at Oxford University is resigning her positions after admitting she engaged in “not consensual” sex while at a student conference.