Daily Show Prep: Friday, June 12

Starbucks will allow staff to wear Black Lives Matters T-shirts and pins after facing boycotts over banning employees from wearing the items of clothing because ‘it could incite violence’

Celebs Crushed for ‘Cringeworthy’ PSA: ‘Terrible Lack of Diversity in This Video’

Biden says MLK’s assassination ‘did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death did’

Seattle Mayor Durkan: ‘We Could Have the Summer of Love’ – We Have Four Blocks That Are ‘More Like a Block Party’

Seattle Mayor’s Infuriating Characterization of Autonomous Zone

CBS Cheers ‘Art Displays,’ ‘Street Fair-Like Atmosphere’ of Seattle ‘Autonomous Zone’

Seattle Police Chief: Cops ‘Not Able to’ Respond to Rapes, Robberies Due to Autonomous Zone

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Facebook bans iconic photo of troops flying Soviet flag over the Reichstag and suspends Russian artist for her incredible colourised WWII pics – but she says the website is ‘deleting history’

Republican-led Committee Passes Elizabeth Warren’s Amendment to Rename Military Bases

Sen. Rand Paul Introduces ‘Justice For Breonna Taylor Act’ To Fight ‘No-Knock’ Police Warrants

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Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, April 7

Hour 1



CDC Director: Coronavirus Death Toll Will Be ‘Much, Much, Much Lower’ than Projected

Rand Paul Recovers from Coronavirus, Volunteering at Hospital

Rapper Master P Buying Groceries, Sanitizing the Homes of New Orleans Seniors

Hydroxychloroquine rated ‘most effective therapy’ by doctors for coronavirus: Global survey

MI Dem Says She Almost Didn’t Receive Hydroxychloroquine Due to State Block

How Misinformation About the U.S. Needing ‘1 Million Ventilators’ Spread

Delingpole: Trump Offers Boris Coronavirus Drugs Not Available Through British Health Provider

Ted Cruz: Mainstream Media Are ‘Rooting for This Pandemic to Be Worse and Worse’

Do COVID-19 Vent Protocols Need a Second Look?

Hour 2

Coronavirus: WHO Official Floats Removing the Infected from Their Homes

Trump Hints at Cutting WHO Funding Over Handling of Pandemic

51 Recovered COVID-19 Patients Test Positive Again in South Korea


Acting Navy secretary offers to resign over handling of virus-stricken aircraft carrier


Trump removes inspector general poised to oversee coronavirus stimulus funds

Hour 3

When will the money arrive? Here are answers to your questions about the coronavirus stimulus checks

Gordon Chang: U.S. Should Seize China’s $1 Trillion in Treasury Obligations as Coronavirus Compensation


Yes, yes she does.

Trump Breaks CNN, Smokes Out Pro-Beijing Reporter in One Press Conference

Texas Democrats Sue, ‘Demand’ Mail-In Voting Amid Pandemic



Daily Show Prep: Thursday, February 13

Warren Faces Blowback Over Cringe Story She Tells To Promote Campaign

Rand Paul Blasts YouTube For Censoring His Video

After Attending a Trump Rally, I Now Know Democrats Have No Shot in 2020

U.S. Warship in Arabian Sea Seizes Suspected Iranian Weapons

Barr: Trump’s tweets make it ‘impossible for me to do my job’

Roger Stone Lead Juror Testified She Had No Bias Against Him – But She Attacked Roger Stone on Twitter Shortly After He Was Arrested!

CNN Caught Red Handed Omitting Critical Information About Roger Stone Juror

How Is this Fair? Social Media Posts Prove Judge Amy Berman Jackson Rigged Roger Stone Trial with Far Left Loons and Activists

Hope Hicks Returning to Trump White House

Bus Driver Abandons 14 Kids, Leaves Them At Her Home In Another City, Report Says



Daily Show Prep: Thursday, February 6

WATCH: Trump Takes Aim At Romney, Pelosi At National Prayer Breakfast

WATCH! President Trump Unleashed, “Evil” “Corrupt” “Destroyers”

WATCH: Pelosi Snaps When Reporter Asks If Ripping Up Trump Speech Was ‘Dignified’

BREAKING: DNC Chairman Tom Perez Calls For Immediate Recanvassing In Iowa Caucuses

Iowa Democrats Blame Trump Supporters For Caucus Night Confusion, Claim App Hotline Sabotage


Hour 2

Decision made in South Bend Police tapes case, recordings still not released

Amish Acres auction earns more than $4 million; former US congressman among buyers

Dieter to re-enter politics; Running for County Council

Supermarket Chain Forced to Apologize for Asking Customers to Report Shoplifters of Tampons


Hour 3

Black Woman Claiming To Be Featured Behind Buttigieg Says She ‘Was Asked 3x To Move Away From My Friends’ For Photo Op

Harvard Professor’s Arrest For Lying About China Ties Is Part Of Ongoing Crackdown On Chinese Government Influence At American Campuses

FIREWORKS! Brennan Lashes Out at Rand Paul For Dropping Eric Ciaramella’s Name on Senate Floor – Rand Paul Responds with FIRE!

Busted: CNN’s attempted ‘fact check’ of Donald Trump’s claim about James Comey gets called out as fake news [screenshots]


Daily Show Prep: Thursday, January 30

Hour 1

A South Bend pastor lies about President Trump in silly song while pretending he’s more Christian than 81% of Evangelicals



BREAKING: Chief Justice Roberts Censors Questions From Rand Paul. Paul Releases It.



Hour 2

Democrats Signal Likely Defeat On Witnesses

Report: Republicans Plotting Friday Acquittal If Senate Turns Down Witness Testimony

WATCH: Trump Lawyer Lays Out Crucial Questions Dems Blocked On Ukraine Whistleblower, Including Biden-Burisma Issue

If the first time Schiff lied about the Trump/Zelensky call was just ‘‘ according to him, what are the three times he’s lied about the content of that call in the Senate?

Carter Page Files Lawsuit Against DNC Over Dossier That Targeted Him

Report: China Deliberately Spreading Misinformation About Coronavirus To Convince World Health Authorities Outbreak Is Under Control

Above the Law? Hillary Clinton Refuses to Get Served Tulsi Gabbard’s $50M Lawsuit


Hour 3

Video: Angry Rand Paul Demands Trump Sue Schumer

Liz Warren Pledges Not To Purposely Spread Misinformation Online

For 1st time in 4 years, US life expectancy rises