Daily Show Prep: Thurs, Oct. 12

Daily : Thurs, . 12


‘Not sending their best … ‘ John Fetterman’s self-own on Colbert FUNNIEST self-own we’ve seen (watch)


Israel kibbutz the scene of a Hamas “massacre,” first responders say: “The depravity of it is haunting”

GOP Rep. Mills: I Had to Help Get Americans out of Israel Because Biden Won’t Do His Job

Hour 2

Wash. Post Firing 240 Employees, Expected to Lose $100M This Year

Leftist ‘Victim’ Josh Kruger Allegedly Raped, Drugged & Blackmailed His Teen Killer

White House and Qatar Freeze Infamous $6 Billion to Iran, Leave Major Questions

BREAKING: Congressman Steve Scalise Doesn’t Have the Votes for Speaker; Jim Jordan Expected to Step In

The Left is still saying Matthew Shepard was killed for being gay instead being a meth head who got beat senseless by an ex-lover over a drug shipment 😑

Hour 3

Hamas terrorist sent mom video of son, girlfriend’s murder after music fest massacre, TV star says

White House knew Biden had his own document problem before siccing FBI on Trump, new timeline shows

Daily Show Prep: Wed, Sept. 20

Daily : Wed, Sept. 20


Louisiana trucker wins right to display flag saying, ‘F* Biden and f* you for voting for him,’ after town tries to stop him

UAW Union Rejects 21% Pay Hike, Demands 4 Day Work Week

UAW Strike Expands to 4th Plant, in Alabama

Forget Subway’s Tunagate … It’s time for Starbuck’s Fruitgate! New lawsuit says chain’s fruit drinks lack fruit.

Joe Biden uses executive powers to bypass the House and Constitution, launches the AMERICAN CLIMATE CORPS

Zelensky Lectures The World About Climate Change, Tries New Tactic For Increased Aid

New Mexico State Republicans Are Moving Forward With Their Plan to Impeach Governor

Hour 2

Actor James Woods Scuffles With JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon on X in His Usual Amusing Way

The CDC is trying to convince healthcare workers that surgical masks are just as good as N95s and they are having none of it

‘Body Positivity’ Is Literally Killing People, Science Finds

Asteroid hit by NASA’s DART spacecraft is behaving unexpectedly, high school class discovers

NASA predicts large asteroid could smash into Earth in 159 years

Battery Scientists Claim Breakthrough, 10-Minute Fast Charging For 1,500 Cycles

Hour 3


Mollie Hemingway translates AG Garland’s claim that he’s ‘not the president’s lawyer’

Feds thwarted probe into possible ‘criminal violations’ involving 2020 Biden campaign, agents say

Cracking Coalition? Polish President Duda Snubs Zelensky at U.N., Calls Ukraine a ‘Drowning Man’

Black Lives Matter Protests Led To 11.5% Increase In Murders, Thousands Of Additional Deaths, Study Shows

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, May 11

Daily : , 11


How started …

Byron Donalds takes on ENTIRE CNN panel after Trump’s town hall and WHOOPS them all (watch)

CNN’s ‘gotcha’ question for Trump town hall focus group goes so VERY WRONG … for CNN (watch)

Hour 2

College Football Nat’l Champs U.Ga. Reject Biden Invitation to White House

FLASHBACK: Media Said Gas Stove Bans Were a Right-Wing Conspiracy

Democrat AGs Support Gas-Stove Bans Nationwide

National Park Service Outsources Website, Loses $140M

Biden Admin To Release Illegal Immigrants ‘En Masse’ Without Tracking Technology, Court Dates

Migrant Kids’ Caretakers Not Vetted for Sex-Offender Status

Hour 3


CNN CEO Chris Licht’s Trump town hall take ‘explains everything that is wrong with’ journalism today

Daily Show Prep: Friday, May 5

Daily : , 5


Title 42 Countdown: 700,000 Migrants in Mexico Waiting to Rush U.S. Border

ATF overstated job tasks to overpay workers, $20M wasted on overpayments, US Special Counsel

: Teshka

IRS’s ‘Non-Partisan’ Pick to Study Tax System Isn’t So Non-Partisan

Legislative Wrap-up and what lies ahead

Hours 2 & 3

Interview: Senator Jonathan Lindsey

Horse Farm Under Investigation by MDARD After Hosting Gotion Rally; State Reps Call for Investigation

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky announces departure

Flynn v U.S. – The USG Want’s Change of Venue

Fox News Competitors Line Up To Sign Tucker Carlson. Here‘s Who Wants Him.

Fox Competitors Up To . ‘s Him.

was Fox News’ biggest draw, of that, there is no doubt. While Fox continues to slump in the ratings from Tucker Carlson’s exit, they have announced who will temporarily replace him. Lawrence Jones is considered a rising at Fox, and I wish him well.

Tucker Carlson’s first video since the split with Fox News garnered over 22 million plays on the first on Twitter. That’s about half of the cable news viewership for that day. One man did that.

Naturally, people are wondering where Tucker will land next, if he chooses to land anywhere, or go out on his own. Former Fox News personality Megyn Kelly thinks Tucker Carlson should do that latter.

While The Blaze, OANN, and Daily Wire have publicly said they would love to have Tucker Carlson join them (no kidding), almost no one actually thinks he would do so.

According to , upstart News Nation is very interested in hiring Tucker Carlson. The issue for News Nation is the money. Can they afford him? Most indicators say they can’t but they are so serious about making a move for Tucker Carlson that their executive team flew to NYC to discuss the move internally.

Disgraced former CNN host Chris now works for News Nation making just 1/6 of his CNN salary. Tucker Carlson would demand much more. Former Fox News personality can also be seen on News Nation regularly.

Most Fox News viewers, however, are not watching News Nation. They do watch Newsmax. Many feel that Newsmax would be the natural landing spot for Tucker Carlson. They are a growing network that Tucker Carlson viewers could easily get comfortable with. It’s not outlandish to think former Fox News viewers would permanently adjust their dial to Newsmax if they landed Tucker Carlson. It has happened before.

Newsmax is reportedly ‘beating down Tucker Carlson’s door‘ to get him on their network. They even floated the idea of Tucker programming the entire channel, not just his show. I’m not sure I can trust that report, but it could be true. It’s more likely they offered Tucker a chance to pick his lead-in show to help drive ratings. Newsmax also likely has the resources to pay Tucker a salary he’d be comfortable with.

Of the traditional networks, Newsmax makes the most sense. I’m just not sure that it makes the most sense for Tucker Carlson. Megyn Kelly has a valid point that he could easily strike out on his own. To do so, he’ll probably need to establish himself on Rumble unless he self-hosts everything. YouTube isn’t to let a -range Tucker Carlson say what he wants to say during an cycle.

One thing is clear … everyone is talking about Tucker Carlson. Not so for Don Lemon.