Daily Show Prep: Thursday, April 11

Daily : , April 11


Members of media have an obligation to watch people die if they those stories. ‘s of our job. Otherwise, write dumbass like this …

Seat belt violation ends with Black man dead on Chicago street after cops fired nearly 100 bullets

CHD Files FOIA Requests: Why Did Government Shut Down Studies on Cellphone Radiation and Cancer?

: No, your cell isn’t killing you

Hour 2

Stanford Investigates Allegations of Research Misconduct Against ā€˜Equitable Math’ Advocate

Republican lawmakers aim to reverse Biden’s expanded gun background check rule

Democrats Vote Against Bill Adding Citizenship Question to Census

Monday, May 22 – 3 Podcast


Fake News: Ivanka Is Not Engaged In Pay-To-Play Scheme ā€“ The Burning Truth

Journalists and pundits spread on Sunday that Ivanka was engaged with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

CNN Fudges Data To Cast Fox News In A Poor Light [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Mic Picks Up Trump, Netanyahu Discussing Mutual Disdain for the Press

President Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin and his wife Sara Netanyahu were overheard discussing their shared disdain for the media shortly Trump arrived in Tel Aviv, Israel on Monday.


Ebay accused of failing its sellers as fraudulent buyers manipulate the system | Money | The Guardian

ā€œWe couldn’t open it until we had signed for it,ā€ says Rose. ā€œOn the label it said items were inside. When we had signed and opened it up we found the cheaper Ā£540 sword badly damaged because of poor packaging, and brick. The Ā£1,400 sword, for which he had been trying to barter, was not there.ā€

Humans May Have Accidentally Created a Radiation Shield Around Earth | Hackaday

Overall, this seems likeĀ an accidental, but potentially positive effect of human activity ā€“ the barrier protects the Earth from potentially harmful radiation.