Daily : Thursday, April 30

Hour 1

Lawyer Admits To Paying Over $250,000 In Bribes To ICE, FBI Agents

FBI notes detail effort to catch Flynn in lie to ‘get him fired’ as Trump adviser


FLASHBACK: Comey Bragged About Violating FBI Policy To Ambush Flynn In Corrupt Setup

Trump Unloads On CNN For Not Covering Bombshell Flynn Story

Newly released FBI documents reveal communication between Roger Stone, Julian Assange

‘It’s an insult’: Nashville mayor proposes 32% property tax hike amid crisis

Hour 2

Trump Clashes With His Own Supporters Over Sweden’s Coronavirus Response

Sweden Health Chief Admits ‘It’s Not Over’ As Coronavirus Cases Leap

Coronavirus Update: WHO Praises Sweden For Resisting Lockdown Despite Growing COVID-19 Cases And Deaths


Experts surprised to find no evidence of COVID-19 spike from Wisconsin’s in-person voting

Hour 3

The Guy Biden Chose To Head Up Veep Picks Allegedly Harassed Waitress With Ted Kennedy

Chris Hayes Briefly Mentions Tara Reade; “#FireChrisHayes” Immediately Trends on Twitter

Study: Liberal TV Nets Give Pence Not Wearing Mask 3x More Coverage Than Biden Scandal


Cruz Introduces Bill to Halt Government Cooperation With China-Subordinate Movie Studios

Trump’s ‘Operation Warp Speed’ Aims to Rush Coronavirus Vaccine

HK scientists say new antiviral coating can protect surfaces for 90 days




Daily : Wednesday, July 12


Video=>Knife Wielding Liberals Terrorize Children at Bloody Chick Fil A Protest

“They came in slicing each other’s throats, putting each other on their knees, dropping them onto the floor in front of a bunch of children,” said Crystal Valle-Najar.

Look at us! We hate plants! #SaladIsMurder

House GOP allocates $1.6 billion for Trump border wall in 2018 – Washington Times

House Republicans said Tuesday they’ve included $1.6 billion in funding for President Trump’s in their new homeland security spending bill, setting up fight with Democrats who have vowed to block any wall funding — even if it means sending the government into a partial shutdown.

BREAKING : Illegal Border Crossings Hit 6 Year Low, Media SILENT – TruthFeed

St. Joseph County won’t hike property taxes | Local | southbendtribune.com

The St. Joseph won’t approve a hike that had been considered for 2018 to help pay for capital needs such as equipment, as a council member chose to withdraw the measure Tuesday from a vote.

Hour 2


NYPD Officers Turn Their Backs on De Blasio at Murdered Cop’s Funeral

Hundreds of turned their backs on left-wing Mayor when the Democrat spoke at a police funeral Tuesday — not the first time de Blasio has had the NYPD turn their backs on him in protest of his anti-cop actions.

Teen blasted ‘F–k Tha Police’ during slain officer’s funeral | New York Post

A Bronx teen defiantly blasted the NWA song “F— Tha Police” out his third-floor apartment window Tuesday as thousands of cops were gathered below to mourn slain cop — prompting a house call from about 20 officers.

VP Mike Pence: ‘We Hope and Pray that Little Charlie Gard Gets Every Chance’ – Breitbart

During an interview on The Rush Limbaugh Show Monday, pro-life U.S. Vice President said he prayed that ill British baby Charlie Gard gets every chance at life.

Science Is Turning People Into Batteries | The Daily Caller

Companies like Matrix Industries — scheduled to come out with the first ever watch powered by body heat in September — see commercial opportunities in tapping into the body’s battery potential.

Matrix Industries? You’re joking right? Humans were batteries in .

Vaping Study Torpedoes Claims E-Cigarettes Are A Gateway To Smoking

The study showed 96 percent of respondents already smoked before they started using e-cigarettes and roughly 90 percent of those respondents managed to quit with the device. It also showed the overwhelming majority said they experienced notable improvements in their health after switching to vaping.

Hour 3

Indiana Whiskey and Crooked Ewe Brewery are booted from farmer’s markets | Local | southbendtribune.com

Sensing an opportunity to market its product to a targeted audience, Whiskey Co. began selling its line of craft whiskeys at farmer’s markets in Indiana late last year, relying on a new state law that allows brewers and distillers to participate in trade shows or expositions 45 days out of the year.

FBI document dump reveals secrets of Clinton probe as new director nominee faces Senate | Fox News

neither smartphone received from the law firm contain SIM cards or Secure Digital (SD) cards, and a total of 13 mobile devices identified by the FBI as potentially using clintonemail.com email addresses were never located by Williams & Connelly.