He Took Things Too Far With A Bully And Then The Bully Committed – Brass Pills

This story from Reddit is really something,

Original post:

I was an average school going kid who has a pretty average life. Waking up, going to school etc.

But there was this kid “Andrew” who I hated very very much. This kid used bully me all the frigging time. I was annoyed by this kid and what he did to me. He used to make jokes about me, kick me, punch me, even steal from me. He made me look “gay” to everyone.

Now years later I am in high school and this same guy was in my class and he did not change one bit. Except for me only, he bullied others too. But I had a perfect plan to get him back this time. So I decided to make fake accounts ( Multiple different accounts on , , ). I made a list of things that triggered him, one of those things that triggered him the most was his body weight.

Every day I used to spam his account(s) with fat shaming quotes, jokes about how he managed himself to get diabetes. I also made all other boys and girls of my class and other classes to fat shame him ( Note: these guys were also subject of his bullying).

He was so annoyed of this that one day he completely stopped coming to school. And after some days we got that he took his life.

Now all my friends are calling me asshole for taking things to far. I also had to explain this to the school authorities and principle, though some have my back in this case. His parents are very mad at me and the others.


I know I am terrible and and huge asshole for doing this. Apparently I have this huge burden on me. My parents have been distant from me for past few weeks, also I lost all my friends. I am in the limelight at the school for about some time. Only my cousin talks with me.

I don’t know what to do. I feel guilty of all of this. I feel like commiting too. I feel like dying too. Everyone hates me now. My school has suspended me and I am going to be put to therapy and counselling. I don’t know about much about what’s going on as I am not allowed to leave the house . But I may be put through 3 months of as I overheard this from my parents.

My this academic year will be over soon. And even if I got out of all of this, I may have to repeat a entire year again as I may be missing my exams. I would be withdrawn from my scholarship.

I currently read my old comics and novels as I am banned from using any electronic devices in the house. I am typing this from my grandma’s phone as she is asleep and my parents are sitting out on the porch. I may not get any chances to see any replies. But I am sharing this to get it out from my head. Thank you if you had read through all of this.

Source: He Took Things Too Far With A Bully And Then The Bully Committed Suicide – Brass Pills

John Hawkins basically says ‘too bad’ the kid killed himself. He does make sure to point out that he would never want that to happen but to hold his victim accountable for turning the tables is wrong. I agree.

Have we gone so far down the rabbit hole now that we can’t even retaliate against bullies? We can justify and endorse punching people on the street because we disagree with their but we aren’t supposed to defend ourselves against bullies?

Look, most bullies bully because they are compensating for their own low self-worth. We all get that. However, to blame this guy for turning the tables on his lifelong tormentor is asinine. What if he just punched the bully right in the nose and this embarrassed the bully so much he still took his own life? Would he still be held accountable then?

Clearly, the bully had issues that weren’t treated. Everyone in their inner circle either ignored or didn’t see the signs. The school never really intervened either. After years of this behavior, no one did anything?

This is obviously a case of the bully’s family, school faculty, etc. using this poor kid as a scapegoat for their own guilt for having not done anything to divert the bully from this path. Now they have someone they can pin the blame on so they don’t have to feel guilty for not helping the bully when they clearly needed it.

Monday, October 16 – Hour 1 Podcast


Young Man Arrested for Underage Sex Was Re-Arrested for Sharing a Pizza with a 17-Year-Old – Hit & Run : Reason.com

Anderson works on the tech team at his local church. Recently, a 17-year-old girl joined the as an intern. While Anderson has never met or spoken with her, the fact that they volunteer on separate teams at the church is a violation of his , according to officials who issued a warrant for his last week.

To whom it may concern:

My name is Pete Tarwacki and I am the Creative Arts Director of Granger Community Church. For the last two years I have had the privilege of serving our Church together with Zach Anderson. He serves on my team almost every Sunday and does so with Excellence and Integrity.

It has come to my attention that Zach has been sited with talking to a minor inside our church walls and I want to make sure we are all on the same page about this.

We are aware of Zach’s past at GCC, so we have taken every measure to make sure that he is following his court orders to the fullest. I have experienced Zach asking me many times how old someone is and if ever hearing they were a minor, he would tell me right away “I’m not allowed to talk to them”. I have witnessed him ignore a hello from a minor and even go upstairs if a kid would get near him on the main floor. Zach has shown nothing but integrity when it comes to these situations to make sure he is not violating any of the policies put in place for him. When he attends evening rehearsal he will say “I need to leave to get home in time for my ”. He had told me before that I can’t email him because he is not allowed to be on the . My entire experience with Zach has been him trying to never violate any of the restrictions placed on him.

As a church we believe in erring on the side of caution and as a church we have policies in place for our own staff that to some, may look unnecessary. An example would be that a male and female not be alone in a building together or that a married man or women not ever ride in a car alone with a person of the opposite sex who is not their spouse. As a church we never want anyone to assume the worst in us, but instead we always take extra steps to have the highest integrity in all we do.

The minor in question is a member of the Staff as an intern in the Creative Arts department and is 17 years old. She completed High School last year and decided to serve the Church for a year until she attends in the fall of 2018. She does not serve directly with Zach and I have never seen the two of them talk, ever.

I just got off the phone with her and asked her if she knew and she replied, “I don’t think I do, maybe if I saw a picture of him.” I asked her if she has ever spoken with him and she replied, “NO”. I asked her to email me a statement of that and she sent the following:

           I have never interacted with Zach Anderson and have never met him.

I am so proud of Zach and how much integrity he has shown in front of me in every instance at our church. Our church is better because of Zach and I count it an honor to serve with him at GCC.

Pete Tarwacki | Creative Arts Director
Granger Community Church | Elkhart


Monday, June 27 – Hour 3 Podcast

Former IU student charged in 2 rape cases takes plea deal, will serve 1 year of probation | Fox 59

John Enochs will serve one year of after accepting a plea deal. He agreed to plead guilty to battery with moderate bodily injury (class A misdemeanor) and his two charges were dismissed. Court records show he spent one day in jail.

The Parental Rights Amendment – Parentalrights.org – Protecting Children by Empowering Parents

View the annotated version here.

Soon-to-come bill puts parental rights back on the charts

Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain are preparing to introduce the to the U.S. Constitution. Estrada summarizes what that amendment could mean.

Feds abandon ‘equal rights’ claim to raise your kids

Federal officials have reversed their claim that they have “equal rights” to children to raise them, a claim that stirred outrage in many quarters of America when it was first made a few months back.

Daily : Monday, June 27

Hour 1

[contentcards url=”http://953mnc.com/2016/06/26/south-bend-police-rescue-baby-hot-car-ireland-road-strip-mall/” target=”_blank”]

Civil Uprising Escalates As 8th EU Nation Threatens Referendum | Zero Hedge

It appears, just as we warned, that was indeed the first of many dominoes. Even before the Brexit result, a poll by Ipsos Mori showed that the majority of people in France and Italy want to at least have a referendum on leaving:

Hah! Liberal Media Gets Punked by 4Chan – Petition for Second Brexit Vote was Spammed

The poll was manufactured by 4Chan and Anonymous hackers who loaded up the signatures with fake names from The Vatican, Ghana, North Korea and elsewhere.

[contentcards url=”http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/683739/EU-referendum-German-French-European-superstate-Brexit” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.southbendtribune.com/news/business/extreme-sandbox-lets-adults-play/article_2a207638-d50f-5342-b0fd-783a01e8a267.html” target=”_blank”]


Hour 2

[contentcards url=”http://hypeline.org/nyc-gay-pride-parade-orlando-banner/” target=”_blank”]

American Flag Burned at Trans March – Christine Rousselle

Black Lives Matter Protesters Crash Event Honoring LGBT Community | Fox News Insider

protesters interrupted a conference last week as the Toronto police chief was unveiling a mural for the city’s  community.

Caught on Video=> MUSLIM WOMAN at LAX Trashes Gays, Threatens to Bomb America

“F*** America,” the woman said. “I will make sure we bomb America. You wait and see!”

[contentcards url=”https://pjmedia.com/homeland-security/2016/06/26/isis-video-threatens-san-francisco-shows-golden-gate-and-skyscraper/?singlepage=true” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/marshals-innocent-people-placed-on-watch-list-to-meet-quota” target=”_blank”]


Hour 3

Former IU student charged in 2 rape cases takes plea deal, will serve 1 year of probation | Fox 59

John Enochs will serve one year of after accepting a plea deal. He agreed to plead guilty to battery with moderate bodily injury (class A misdemeanor) and his two charges were dismissed. Court records show he spent one day in jail.

The Parental Rights Amendment – Parentalrights.org – Protecting Children by Empowering Parents

View the annotated version here.

Soon-to-come bill puts parental rights back on the charts

Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain are preparing to introduce the to the U.S. Constitution. Estrada summarizes what that amendment could mean.

Feds abandon ‘equal rights’ claim to raise your kids

Federal officials have reversed their claim that they have “equal rights” to children to raise them, a claim that stirred outrage in many quarters of America when it was first made a few months back.

[contentcards url=”http://brobible.com/life/article/students-quotes-donald-trump-hillary-clinton/” target=”_blank”]