Daily : Monday, July 10


Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material | TheHill

More than half of the memos former Director James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with about the Russia investigation have been determined to contain classified information, according to interviews with officials familiar with the documents.

Black Lives Matter leaders sued over Baton Rouge police shooting

A police officer wounded in a shooting rampage in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, last year that left three officers dead sued on Friday, accusing them of inciting violence that spurred the attack.

Lawyer Dinged From Crowdfunding Site | The Daily Caller

A website removed the fundraising page of a lawyer seeking help to fund a against Black Lives Matter leaders Sunday.

Cash for Clunkers Was a Complete Failure – Foundation for Economic Education – Working for a free and prosperous world

It is difficult to make the case that the brief acceleration in spending justifies the loss of $4.0 billion in revenues to the auto industry, for two reasons.

Hour 2


Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Only 3 or 4 Intelligence Agencies Agreed on Russian Interference – ‘It Wasn’t 17’ – Breitbart

So how this narrative got out there about 17 components being involved, I don’t know. But the report itself makes it clear that it was the three agencies plus the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that put this intelligence community assessment together.

So … in 9 months of the 17 agency lie being used daily Clapper never rebuffed it publicly? Why?

The 17 agency myth was retracted over a week ago, but over the weekend this happened.

Maxine Waters Pushes Debunked Claim That 17 Intelligence Agencies Agreed On Russian Election Hacking (VIDEO)

Maxine Waters still hasn’t gotten the message that the claim “seventeen ” agreed on Russian hacking was which The and the Associated Press were forced to admit over a week ago wasn’t true.

Delingpole: Record-Breaking Cold in Greenland; Alarmists ‘Look. An Arctic Squirrel!’

Greenland just broke the record for the coldest July day ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere at -33C.

Solar Makes More Waste Than Nuclear | The Daily Caller

Solar panels create 300 times more toxic waste per unit of electricity generated than nuclear power plants

VIDEO: Far Left Activists Applaud Speech Comprised Entirely of Hitler Quotes

At the ‘Impeach Trump March’ in Chicago earlier this week, a Trump supporter disguised as an “anti-fascist” protester read a speech comprised entirely of Quotes.

Hour 3

Imagine Vegan Cafe Has Facebook Meltdown Over Bad Review

A review that called out the restaurant for having a naked baby running around and showing off his butthole to people eating food.

Former MNC morning host Matt Patrick loses battle to cancer – 95.3 MNC

Former 95.3 MNC morning host has died. He was 58 years old.

CLASS ACT: President Trump Picks Up Marine’s Hat and Puts It Back On His Head After the Wind Carries It Away (VIDEO)

Saturday, President Trump picked up the hat of a Marine that was blown off due to the turbulence from the President’s helicopter.


“Female predator”: Former colleagues, leaked emails cast doubt on Scottie Hughes’ allegations against Charles Payne – Red Alert Politics

Thursday, May 4 – Hour 2 Podcast

SoCal family thrown off overbooked Delta flight over child’s seating | abc7.com

The Schear family of Huntington Beach says they were flying from Hawaii to Los Angeles last week when airline staff asked them to give up a seat occupied by their 2-year-old son and carry him on their laps for the duration of the flight.

Stormtrooper costume leads to high school evacuation on Star Wars Day | WSBT

A student who took Star Wars Day a little too far sparked the evacuation of Ashwaubenon High School Thursday morning.

New York Principal Investigated for ‘Communist Activities’ | Truth Revolt

Those documents show Bloomberg is being investigated for several issues. Among them is an allegation that her husband filmed a documentary for an organization associated with the Progressive Labor Party, and that students and staff at the school “were included in the documentary without their authorization.” The city also says that there may be a conflict of interest, because the documentary was screened at the school.

Purdue Professor Argues Images of Aborted Babies Are ‘Child Pornography’ – Breitbart

David Sanders, an associate professor of Biology at University, accused pro-lifers who use images of aborted fetuses of participating in “child pornography” activities.

Did Bill Nye Strategically Edit his 1996 Episode on Gender to Cover His Tracks? | Truth Revolt

I’m a girl. Could have just as easily been a boy, though, because the probability of becoming a girl is always one in two.

Donald Trump signs religious freedom order to give churches their voices back’ – Washington Times

signed an  Thursday to make it easier for to participate in and to protect faith-based groups from being forced to pay for services under Obamacare, proclaiming, “We are giving our churches their voices back.”

Fake : Lies About Patriots Attendance

Not with this again. The anti-Trump media is once again playing the ‘crowd size card’ to attack . Just like they did on inauguration day where they attempted to compare crowd size long before Trump was on stage to when was being sworn it. The crowd was bigger than those initial attacks, though not as large as Obama’s.

[sociallocker id=”40942″]

The same media largely ignored the fact that Trump’s crowds during the campaign were the largest consistent crowds seen in a campaign.


The media has been running with this narrative since the White House visit was announced. Every time a player was not to attend, it became about politics. I’m sure Tom Brady’s mom’s illness had nothing to do with him not attending this year. He must have turned his back on Trump.

Then there’s Danny Amendola. He didn’t attend because he had a funeral to go to. President Trump gave him a shout out, and he tweeted:

No big deal right? Except a bunch of idiots thought he was taking a moral stand against Trump, and they felt betrayed that he didn’t hate the President. The attacks were on.

So the Patriots decided to put the New York Times in their place for their fake ass tweet about fewer players attending the White House celebration this year.

Then they provided an explanation for the New York Times’ bogus photo.


Daily : Thursday, March 3

Daily Show Prep

FBI Director Admits Apple’s ‘Backdoor’ Could Be Used for Other iPhones

At a House Judiciary Committee hearing, director James Comey admitted that if the federal government succeeds in forcing Inc. to create a “backdoor” into the iPhone, the software could be used as a precedent for gaining access to phones in future cases.

Outpouring of support for Army veteran fired from CVS for confronting suspects – Story | WTTG

We reached out to CVS Tuesday and a spokesperson said, “In the unfortunate event of a robbery at one of our stores, the safety and well-being of our customers and employees is always our highest priority. We do not comment on specific security procedures or policies as we do not want to undermine them.”

North Charlotte restaurant asks customers to take down hoodies, pull up pants | WSOC-TV

A controversial sign posted on the front door of a north Charlotte Japanese is raising eyebrows.

Marco Rubio Anti-Trump KKK Ad Is Reminiscent of Disgusting Anti- Bush James Byrd Chains Ad in 2000

In the not so distant past Republicans were appalled when the NAACP ran disgusting racist ads against George W. Bush.

Sean Hannity BLASTS “Suicidal” Marco Rubio for Running DISGUSTING KKK Ad Against Trump (VIDEO)

What is his goal here? In other words, is his goal to win or his goal to prevent Trump or Cruz from getting 1,237 delegates?

VIDEO=> Anti-Trump Crowd Cheers as Romney SLAMS Donald Trump – A Failed Businessman …Plus Bonus Video- Mitt Praising Trump in 2012

Former Republican presidential nominee held a stump speech against GOP front-runner on Thursday.

Romney: Vote For ‘Whoever Has The Best Chance To Beat Trump In A Given State’ [VIDEO]

Mitt Romney advised Republicans to vote for whichever candidate “has the best chance of beating Mr. Trump in a given state,” which could take the Republican Party to a contested convention in July.

Trump Releases Attack Video Against Mitt Romney Before His Thursday Speech

On Thursday morning Trump went on offense.

Michael Steele Dumbfounded on Romney’s Anti-Trump Speech: “I Don’t Know Who They Think This is Going to Influence” (VIDEO)

I don’t know why they think this is going to work in the first place. I don’t know who they think this is going to influence.

After meeting, Obama and GOP remain at impasse over Supreme Court vacancy | 12NEWS.com

“They think they are going to wait and see what will do, I guess.”

Bin Laden Letter Attacks Capitalism, Defend Global Warming | The Daily Caller

was not available for comment and was last seen in 2011 sinking to bottom of the Arabian Sea.

Hillary Tech Worker Granted Immunity | Truth Revolt

, a tech worker who set up the server inside Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY, home in 2009, is cooperating with the FBI as it wrap ups its probe, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.

Napolitano: Hillary Clinton Should Be ‘Terrified’ IT Guy Was Given Immunity [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Judge Andrew Napolitano says “should be terrified” her IT technician, Bryan Pagliano, was granted immunity by a federal judge.

Black Diners Upset That Black Server Called Them ‘Black People’ | Truth Revolt

At an Austin, Texas IHOP restaurant on February 29, a black couple wandered in at 3:00 in the morning to grab a to-go order. Their server, Dwayne Williams, also black, failed to get a name for the order and hastily entered “BLACK PPL” to connect the bill to the proper customer.

FBI investigating if Clinton aides shared passwords to access classified info | Fox News

The FBI is investigating whether computer passwords were shared among Hillary Clinton’s close aides to determine how sensitive intelligence “jumped the gap” between the classified systems and Clinton’s unsecured personal server, according to an intelligence source familiar with the probe.

Activist Scientist Admits No Proof Fracking Poisons Water | The Daily Caller

A Cornell University engineering professor often used by activists to attack ran from reporters after he admitted in court there was no proof drilling had contaminated Dimock’s drinking water.

FLASHBACK: Lawyer Suing Oil Company Admits ‘No Proof’ that Fracking Fluid Contaminated Water | Truth Revolt

This is not a case — this is not a case about toxic materials ending up in the water. We do not have proof of that. We don’t have proof of that. This is not about fracking fluid appearing in the water. Hydraulic fracturing materials, we don’t have proof of that.