Daily : Wednesday, Dec. 6


Trump: ‘I Have Determined That It Is Time to Officially Recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel’ – Breitbart

announced Wednesday in a televised address from the that the United States officially recognizes the city of as the , and will begin moving its embassy there.

Past Presidents US Embassy To Jerusalem | The Daily Caller

President Donald Trump will begin the formal process of moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem Wednesday and recognize the city as Israel’s capital, actually fulfilling a campaign pledge many of his predecessors made.

Moving Israel embassy “terrible,” says person who voted to move embassy – Hot Air Hot Air

So is the President going to be moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, recognizing it as their official capital? The short answer appears to be yes. The slightly longer answer is closer to, “Yes, but not right this moment.”

The Hill Identifies Conyers As A Republican | The Daily Caller

The Hill incorrectly identified former Democratic as a Republican for close to two hours in a recent article.

Politics Split On Assault Allegations | The Daily Caller

epublicans and Democrats are sharply divided on their reactions to sexual assault allegations, according to a study published Wednesday.

Report: House Intelligence Committee to Begin Writing Contempt Resolution for FBI, DOJ Officials

The will begin writing a resolution Tuesday to cite top and Justice Department officials in contempt of Congress after they missed a Monday deadline to turn over documents the committee subpoenaed in late August, according to the Washington Examiner.

GOP Lawmaker: When Dirty Cop Mueller Comes to Congress to Testify “WE NEED TO ARREST HIM” (VIDEO)

Dirty Cop did not release the information to the House committee as requested but instead LEAKED it to the liberal media.

Sara Carter: Inspector General’s Report Looking at 27 Leakers — Will Cause MAJOR SHAKE-UP AT FBI (VIDEO)

Sara Carter: We’re going to see parts of that report before December (end of the month). We’re going to see other parts of his report coming out after January. And they’re looking at Peter Strzok. They’re looking at Comey. They’re looking at 27 leakers. It would not surprise me if there was a shake-up at the FBI and a housecleaning.

Harvard: Millennials now biggest voting group in U.S., 2-1 Democratic

A new Harvard University poll Tuesday is blaring a loud danger signal to the Republican Party after finding that millennials are now the largest generation of voters and they are overwhelmingly Democratic, by a two-to-one margin.

Young People Say Calling Them a ‘Snowflake’ Damages Their Mental Health – Breitbart

New immigration, gun charges filed against illegal immigrant acquitted in Kate Steinle trial | Fox News

Federal officials filed a new set of immigration and gun charges Friday against Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, the illegal immigrant found not guilty last week in the murder of .

Rachel Dolezal has released a provocative calendar full of photos, birthdays, and Black History facts

If you’d like to be reminded of , a disgraced white woman who presents herself as African-American, you can be all throughout next year. The former university instructor and former President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s Spokane, Washington chapter, is asking $18.99 for her recently released 2018 wall calendar.

Rokita hits GOP Senate rival Braun over tax hike he once spoke favorably of – Post-Tribune

Todd Rokita has started a new feud in Indiana’s bitter Republican Senate primary, attacking a rival — whom he calls “Tax Hike Mike” Braun — over the former state lawmaker’s vote for a GOP-backed infrastructure plan that raised fuel taxes.

Indiana GOP Senate candidate voted Democrat until 2012 | Indiana | southbendtribune.com

A wealthy Senate candidate from Indiana who bills himself as a “conservative Republican” voted for more than a decade in the state’s Democratic primaries.


Daily : Monday, Oct. 30

Paul Manafort Indicted on 12 Counts Unrelated to 2016 Campaign

The first indictment of ‘s “Russia Investigation” was unveiled Monday morning against Paul Manafort, ‘s campaign manager from March to August of 2016, and his partner .

Manafort, Gates plead not guilty in grand jury indictment | Fox News

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates pleaded not guilty on Monday after being indicted on 12 counts by a federal grand jury as part of the special counsel investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign officials in the 2016 presidential election.

Ohio Dems: Don’t Talk About Mueller | The Daily Caller

Democratic Party leaders in are encouraging organizers to focus on important issues unrelated to special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictments and investigation over Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Manafort Indictment Shows That Mueller Is A F | The Daily Caller

More than anything else, the indictments of Paul Manafort and his partner Rick Gates demonstrate the fraudulent nature of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

LGBT Community Blasts Kevin Spacey for Coming Out Amid Molestation Allegations

LGBT advocacy organization GLAAD issued a statement Monday sharply criticizing actor ‘s decision to come out as gay amid allegations that he sexually molested a young actor at a party in the 1980s.

Hour 2

Police Officer Fired for Wearing Confederate Underwear Gets $55,000 Settlement – Breitbart

A South Carolina for wearing underwear bearing the Confederate flag will receive $55,000 as part of a settlement with the city of North Charleston, a city attorney announced Friday.

Cuba: Sonic Attacks on U.S. Diplomats Were Cricket, Cicada Noises – Breitbart

The rogue communist regime of Cuba published an extensive report and hour-long documentary claiming that the sonic attacks on U.S. diplomats that occurred throughout the past year never happened, and that the diplomats involved mistook insect noises for sonic weapons.

Fla. politicians disagree on “bump stock” bans.

Since the mass earlier this month, U.S. representatives from both parties have called for a nationwide ban on bump stocks, Floridians among them.

Las Vegas shooting: Jesus Campos to get subpoena to testify, report says | Fox News

The Mandalay Bay security guard who is being eyed as a key witness in the will receive a subpoena to testify on the timeline and other circumstances surrounding the attack, according to local media.

Mandalay Bay security guard reports Las Vegas shooting by Los Angeles Times

Audio of , Mandalay Bay security guard, reporting the Oct. 1 shooting in Las Vegas that left 58 people dead.

Free Cash for Everyone? Stockton to Test Guaranteed Income Program | KTLA

Stockton will likely become the first city in the nation to test out a version of universal basic income, an economic system that would regularly provide all residents enough money to cover basic expenses, with no conditions or restrictions.

Hammers, axes will help test Trump border wall prototypes

The U.S. government announced Thursday that prototypes for President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall with Mexico have been completed and will be subjected to punishment to test their mettle — by workers wielding sledgehammers, torches, pickaxes and battery-operated tools.

Hour 3

New Study Reveals What Americans Fear The Most In 2017

Anyway, as we fast forward to 2017, some new items have made the top 10, but number one? It’s still the same.

(24) Casey Hendrickson – Radio Talk Show Host – Posts

The St. Joseph County Democrats calling MNC racist for saying what the judge said in his ruling without the fluff.

Court battle over Michigan straight-party voting ban continues – 95.3 MNC

A year after the 2016 election, the state of Michigan still is in court resisting a challenge to a ban on straight-party voting.


Daily : Tuesday, Sept. 19


Fake News: Trump’s Team Was Wiretapped. MSM Lied. – The Burning Truth

Here’s the thing, we already knew that Trump’s team was surveilled. That was never in question with anyone but the MSM, and liberal activists with confirmation bias. We know they were surveilled because of the Gen. Flynn leaks. Leaks that could only have happened if he were surveilled. The NY Times admitted Flynn was, in fact, wiretapped.

Toys ‘R’ Us files for bankruptcy | Daily Mail Online

Toys ‘R’ Us Inc, the largest U.S. toy store chain, filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday.

Puerto Rico imposes rationing as Hurricane Maria approaches – CBS News

Puerto Rico has imposed a rationing of basic supplies including water and baby formula as  approaches as a Category 5 storm.

8-year-old Cahokia football team kneels during anthem ahead of recent game | FOX2now.com

Every player on the football team (8 and under) took a knee during the national anthem ahead of Sunday’s game at Little Devil’s Field in Belleville.

St. Louis Young Democrats Caught Organizing the Anti-Police Protest-Riots in St. Louis City

The St. Louis Young Democrats Twitter account is followed by Rep. Lacy Clay, several local Democrat groups, and Democrat politicians.

Hillary Didn’t Get ‘Lock Her Up | The Daily Caller

In a new interview, revealed that she had no idea why people chanted “lock her up” during the 2016 election.

Hillary Still Questioning Election Result | The Daily Caller

Clinton told ‘s that she would not rule it out if the Russian interference is deeper than what we know now.

Man Arrested For Using Mask As Discipline | The Daily Caller

A man from , , was arrested Sunday after he reportedly donned a terrifying mask to discipline his misbehaving daughter.

In U.N. Speech, Trump Threatens to ‘Totally Destroy’ North Korea: ‘Rocket Man Is on a Suicide Mission’

President Trump gave his starkest warning yet to the North Korean regime Tuesday, telling the General Assembly that the U.S. is prepared to destroy the rogue regime if forced to defend itself.

Feinstein Disappointed With Trump Threatening NKorea at UN

Sen. , D-Calif., blasted President Donald Trump for using his first speech before the United Nations General Assembly “to threaten war” against North Korea.


Daily : Tuesday, August 22


Navy Looks Into Whether Ship Was Hacked | The Daily Caller

The U.S. Navy’s into the latest fatal collision at sea will consider the possibility of cyber intrusion.

Long lost USS Indianapolis wreckage discovered by Paul Allen crew | Fox News

Wreckage from the , which sank 72 years ago after being torpedoed during World War II, was found in the Philippine Sea by the expedition crew of billionaire .

Did Black Clergyman Defiantly Snub Trump at National Prayer Service?

The Washington National Cathedral has denied allegations that a now viral video clip circulating on social media shows a black clergyman delivering a defiant and subtle snub to during the church’s prayer service the day after the inauguration.

Now Democrats Wants Robert E. Lee Statue Removed at ANTIETAM NATIONAL BATTLEFIELD

Hour 2

Over $6 Million In Social Security Benefits Stolen From Bank Accounts

Identity thieves stole over $6 million in by hacking the government’s online direct deposit program, an agency watchdog reported.

Google Doubles Down on Purging Conservative Speech – Breitbart

TechCrunch blog reported that Google has partnered with coalition and Pitch Interactive to create a data visualization tools that leverage the Google Cloud Natural Language API analytic algorithm to extract geographic and contextual information to provide journalists with a 50-state ‘Hate Index.’

ProPublica is George Soros’ ‘news’ outlet.

Google also owns YouTube.

FLASHBACK: YouTube Will Censor Non-Rulebreaking Content, Manipulate Search Results, And Work With ADL – Breitbart

Content creators on YouTube who follow all of the site’s rules may still face censorship by the platform, under new plans announced by Google.

FLASHBACK: YouTubers React To Content Censorship | The Daily Caller

The move was met with widespread skepticism from YouTube content creators.

FLASHBACK: Professor: Google and YouTube censored me for refusing to use gender-neutral pronouns – Red Alert Politics

The shutdown occurred after the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) announced that they were joining YouTube’s “Trusted Flaggers Program.” This is potentially concerning considering the fact that the ADL released what many called a “hit list of conservative commentators” which lumped the middle-of-the-road conservatives in with a group of actual neo-Nazis and other anti-Semitics. The list published by the ADL named people like , Mike Cernovich, Lucian Wintrich, and Jack Posobiec as hate-mongers.

Hour 3

Clarke Office Okayed $120k Linked To Awan | The Daily Caller

A chief of staff for Democratic Rep. quietly agreed in early 2016 to sign away a $120,000 missing electronics problem on behalf of two former IT aides now suspected of stealing equipment from Congress, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

2 Former Wasserman Schultz IT Aides Indicted for Conspiracy Against US

A federal grand jury Thursday indicted two former information technology aides of Rep. Debbie , D-Fla.—Pakistani-born Imran Awan and his wife Hina Alv—on four counts of conspiracy in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

IT staffers may have compromised sensitive data to foreign intelligence | New York Post

Federal authorities are investigating whether sensitive data was stolen from congressional offices by several Pakistani-American tech staffers and sold to Pakistani or Russian intelligence, knowledgeable sources say.

FINALLY! The Post is saying what I’ve been saying since February.

American Bar Association Asks States to Adopt Firearm Confiscation Laws – Breitbart

The NRA-ILA writes: Over the years, the American Bar Association has defended the due process rights of some very unpopular groups, including, enemy combatants, terror suspects, and convicts on death row. The organization also advocates that stringent due process standards be applied to the disposition of positive rights, such as “universal access to healthcare,” and welfare benefits. Such advocacy might give some the false impression that the ABA holds a principled position on due process rights in general. When it comes to the due process rights of gun owners, however, the ABA has abandoned any pretense of principle and adopted the prevailing left-wing orthodoxy.

Netflix Co-Founder’s Crazy Plan: Pay $10 a Month, Go to the Movies All You Want

As movie theaters struggle with tepid sales, Mitch Lowe has an extreme proposal for how to get more people into seats: Let them come to all the showings they want for about the price of a single ticket each month.


Tuesday, August 1 – Hour 1 Podcast


Foreign workers being used to build auto plants in U.S. – CBS News

Foreign have received billions of dollars in and to build factories in the U.S. and create American jobs.

Report: At least 45,000 Illegal Votes In 2016 Election – The Burning Truth

A new bombshell study released by the shows why President Donald Trump‘s has such an important job ahead of it.

Judge mocks opponents of Trump voter commission – Washington Times

A federal judge Tuesday shot down the latest attempt to derail ‘s voter integrity commission, saying there wasn’t enough evidence that Americans’ rights are being violated by the request for voters’ information.