Joe Biden DID Suffer Medical Emergency – Shocking Details from Police Tapes!

Joe DID Suffer – Shocking Details from Tapes!

Metropolitan Department (Metro) recordings have been released by the Oversight Project. The tapes were obtained by a FOIA request.

The recordings confirm my sources inside Metro that the emergency story involving Joe wasn’t a conspiracy theory.

At the time there was no public confirmation Biden suffered a medical emergency but my sources were solid. appears other people had reliable sources too. I wasn’t the only one reporting this, nor was I the first. We all independently confirmed the story was true, but the media continued to insist it was a wild conspiracy theory. As they’ve done hundreds of times before.

The media has a habit of playing the ‘without evidence’ game and losing.

State has the tapes from the FOIA request.

The Las Vegas Metro tapes show police were requested to respond to a ‘Code 3’ emergency.

About 21 minutes into the clip one of the officers asks if another is available for a call, and the next thing said is, “For everybody on the radio, right now they’re on a hold for something regarding the President.

Not long after that, this comes across the radio:

“For everyone on the radio, right now POTUS is 421. He’s being seen, so we’re just kinda to see how this is shaping . So, for everybody’s knowledge, he’s 421 right now; we’re just trying to figure out what’s going on and we’re gonna go from there.”

421 is the code for ‘Sick or Injured .’

The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters

The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters

Police Abuse Happens To Everyone, Not Just Blacks

Migrant Buses At South Bend Social Security Office Causes Uproar

Migrant Buses At Office Causes Uproar

On Monday, July 29, I was tagged in several posts about two school buses dropping migrants off at the Bend Social Security office. People had expressed that they couldn’t utilize the office’s services because of the number of people there.

The people dropped off at the SSA building were all young men who appeared to be Mexican, Central, or South American. Most likely they were migrants. People asked that I look into it. I did.

Rep. Jim Banks, who’s also running for Senate in Indiana also shared a post about the buses in .

That particular post he responded to was removed, but others remain.

Vice President Kamala Harris was routinely labeled as Biden’s ‘border czar’ by the news media. The Democrats and many in the media are trying to erase that historical fact.

South Bend Mayor James Mueller issued this statement to the South Bend Tribune:

“This was a group of lawful, documented residents at the social security office,” Mueller, a Democrat, said in a written statement. “Rep. Jim Banks is a shameful opportunist, spreading racist political lies instead of advancing real solutions for South Bend or our nation’s broken immigration system.”

Before he issued the statement, Mayor Mueller’s spokeswoman told the paper:

the mayor’s office learned about the situation to know that the people were at the Social Security office lawfully conducting .

Given that migrants who have no legal standing to stay in the U.S. often get released into the pending their hearing, it’s certainly a concern that these might be illegal immigrants, or seekers who don’t qualify for asylum under the law. This is a common issue with the country’s border policies. Allowing migrants who crossed the border illegally to remain in the U.S. after captured is a signature complaint about Biden’s border policy.

I contacted Mayor Mueller’s office since he didn’t answer people’s questions about the migrants at the SSA building to see if I could get more information.

‘s what I sent him:

Screenshot 2024.07.30 18 31 07

After talking about the issue in my first segment on my radio show, Mayor Mueller’s office decided to send this response:

Screenshot 20240730 181004 Chrome

Rep. Jim Banks made no such assertions in his post. It was more ad hominem attacks from the Mayor’s office and the questions weren’t answered.

Finally, I was sent the response from the SSA about the migrant buses in South Bend from someone else who was working on this issue (I erased the of the recipient):


If the Mayor’s office hadn’t kept this all close to the vest and was just honest about what was happening, people might not have been as angry as they were. Instead, they chose to hurl false insults and attacks at people who were just trying to figure out what was going on.

Now you all know the truth.

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