Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, Feb. 22

Daily : , Feb. 22

Hour 1

Interview: Todd Brown – Former UFC Fighter


, liberals were all seceding before the November elections.


Vivek Ramaswamy Could Get Traction, Thinks WHO Deal ‘Bad’

Hour 2


Average public salary – 2021


How Much Does the Average American Make 2022?


are the 10 states with the highest teacher pay:

  1. New York – $92,222
  2. Massachusetts – $88,903
  3. California – $87,275
  4. District of Columbia – $82,523
  5. Washington – $81,586
  6. Connecticut – $81,185
  7. New Jersey – $79,045
  8. Rhode Island – $76,852
  9. Maryland – $75,766
  10. Alaska – $73,722

Using the ATUS, we that teachers work an average of 40.6 hours during the work week, compared to 42.4 hours for private-sector professionals. Over a calendar year including vacations, teachers work at most 83% as many hours as private-sector professionals.

Trump Was Right Again: NYC Forced to Scrap Equipment Former POTUS Told Them They Wouldn’t Need



Hour 3

Rising Sea Levels from Climate Change Hit Venice

‘Now hiring non-stupid people:’ Ohio pizza shop’s sign goes viral

EXCLUSIVE: Arkansas cops rule suicide in death of Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey Epstein – who was found shot and tied to a tree with an electrical cord around his neck – despite no sign of weapon

Daily Show Prep: Wed, Nov. 16

Daily : Wed, Nov. 16


“America’s comeback starts right now!” Watch the highlights from Trump’s official 2024 announcement

takes calls from reacting to ‘s announcement.

Hour 2

Trump Reveals ‘National Greatness Agenda’ During 2024 Speech: Here’s What We Know

Candace Cameron Bure Says Her New Network Will Focus on ‘Traditional Marriage’ Instead of Gay Couples, Gets Smeared as a ‘Bigot’

Hour 3

NASA’s Artemis rocketship on course for moon after epic launch

Accused UVA gunman Christopher Darnell Jones Jr. was on police’s radar since September

Electric Vehicles Less Reliable Than Gas Powered Automobiles, Consumer Reports Finds


Poland President: Missile That Killed 2 Likely Ukrainian

Daily : Friday, July 7


Bankrupt Illinois Slams Citizens With 32% Income Tax Hike, More to Come

As the state of Illinois edges near becoming the first U.S. state to ever be rated junk bond status, the Democrat-controlled legislature of the bankrupt state of Illinois has just voted to slam its citizens with a hefty 32 percent hike state income taxes.

NYT Poll: Americans Agree with Mike Pence’s Rules About Dining with Women

After the mainstream media pilloried Vice President Mike Pence over his principle about not eating alone with women other than his wife, it turns that most Americans agree with him, according to a New York Times poll.

Ivanka Trump Targeted by Man Armed with Throwing Knives | TMZ.com

enforcement sources tell agents busted Sixto Benitez Thursday at Trump Tower when his knives and vest set off a metal detector. Agents patted him down and removed the weapons. When he was taken into custody, we’re told he claimed to Trump Tower and that he was a U.S. Senator there to see Ivanka.

86 Per Cent of Recently Tested ‘Underage’ Migrants in Sweden Are Actually Adults

The RMV released figures this week after medically testing 1,481 migrants to determine whether or not they had lied about being under the age of 18. Of the total number, it was revealed that 1,215, or per cent, of the individuals tested were adults.

Deliveryman Can’t Work After Noose Prank | The Daily Caller

“There’s no reason for this to quit his job besides the reason that suing is easier than working,” Kuby said.

Uncovering the Russia ties of Hillary’s campaign chief | New York Post

On Jan. 18, 2011, a small green-energy company named Joule Unlimited announced Podesta’s appointment to its board. Months later, Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin, pumped $35 million into Joule. Serving alongside Podesta on Joule’s board were senior Russian Anatoly Chubais and oligarch Ruben Vardanyan, who has been appointed by Putin to a Russian economic modernization council.

Hour 2

Study Targets Adjusted Climate Data | The Daily Caller

A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years “are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.”

FLASHBACK: Climategate, the sequel: How we are STILL being tricked with flawed data on global warming – Telegraph

Homewood was then able to check Giss’s figures against the original data from which they were derived, he found that they had been altered. Far from the new graph showing any rise, it showed temperatures in fact having declined over those years by a full degree. When he did the same for the other two stations, he found the same. In each case, the original data showed not a rise but a decline.

‘Scientist’ Michael Mann Commits Contempt of Court in ‘Climate Science Trial of the Century’

Now, Dr. Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann committed contempt of court in what is being dubbed the “climate science trial of the century”. Dr. Mann defied the judge presiding over the case and refused to surrender his data for “open court examination”.

Polish Prez Debunks Fake CNN Report That His Wife Snubbed Trump’s Handshake: ‘Let’s FIGHT FAKE NEWS’

Poland’s President Andrzej Duda slammed “fake ” reports — fueled by a deceptively edited video, shared by CNN’s Chris Cillizza — that his wife, Agata Kornhauser-Duda, intentionally snubbed President Donald Trump by refusing to shake his hand during his visit to Poland on Thursday.

Gorka: ‘Stunning’ That Polish President Had to Correct Fake News About Trump Handshake

“It demonstrates the clutching at straws, the desperation of the mainstream media complex,” Gorka said. “The president, our president, was absolutely right. He Tweeted a few hours ago that the Fake News media will never cover him accurately, but then he added, ‘Who cares? We will continue to Make America Great Again.’”

Hour 3

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