Monday, August 5 – Hour 3

Hour 3

Amazon Is Instructing Police On How To Obtain Customer’s Private Information Without A Warrant

Doctors HALT the menopause: Revolutionary 30-minute procedure delays the process by 20 years and tricks the body clock with ovary tissue implant into armpit

Playboy reporter, CNN analyst Brian Karem says White House suspended his credentials over clash with Gorka

NYC Man beaten by 15 teenagers for wearing Trump MAGA hat

Classmates: Connor Betts Kept a ‘Hit List’ and a ‘Rape List’

Daily Show Prep: Monday, August 5

Daily : Monday, August 5

Hour 1

Interview: Tommy Teach from Fortress Defense Consultants and Bruzer Less Lethal joins us to talk about preparing for mass shootings

UPDATE — Here Is The Patrick Crusius Shooter’s Manifesto… Still Not Confirmed By FBI Or Police…

The El Paso Shooter Admits he is a Progressive Leftist

Dayton Killer Conner Betts Killed His Own 22-Year-Old Sister in Shooting Spree

Ohio Mass Shooter a Self-Described Pro-Satan “Leftist” Who Supported Elizabeth Warren and Antifa


Hour 2

MSM still peddling lies about the two shooters over the weekend

Taxpayers Pay $2 Billion To Fund 30,000 Public Employees In Baltimore, Audit Shows

Washington Post Says Trump’s Favorite Food (Hamburger) Has a “Russia Connection”

NEW SUIT: Covington Teens Sue Sen. Warren, Ana Navarro, Other Media Players For Defamation


Hour 3

Amazon Is Instructing Police On How To Obtain Customer’s Private Information Without A Warrant

Doctors HALT the menopause: Revolutionary 30-minute procedure delays the process by 20 years and tricks the body clock with ovary tissue implant into armpit

Playboy reporter, CNN analyst Brian Karem says White House suspended his credentials over clash with Gorka

NYC Man beaten by 15 teenagers for wearing Trump MAGA hat

Classmates: Connor Betts Kept a ‘Hit List’ and a ‘Rape List’




Fair GAME! Seb Gorka uses Jerry Nadler and ‘s past against certain immigrants to SLAM Dems and it’s PERFECT

As Twitchy reported earlier, Democrats Jerry Nadler and Dick Durbin went after Sebastian Gorka as an immigrant in a way to threaten him for his political views. In other words, they were all but telling him to … wait for it … GO BACK TO HIS OWN COUNTRY.

Gotta love the hypocrisy, right?

Seb responded as only he can:

From The Hill:

Rep. (D-N.Y.) is asking the to hand President Trump aide ‘s immigration paperwork over to the House Judiciary Committee.

In a letter addressed to Trump, Nadler cites a report in The Forward, an American Jewish outlet, linking Gorka to a far-right group in Hungary, saying that the judiciary panel needs to “be assured that he did not enter this country under false pretenses.”

“If Sebastian Gorka is indeed a member of this organization, as high-ranking leaders of the organization claim he is, he would have been required to disclose this information on his immigration application, and on his application to be a naturalized U.S. citizen,” the letter reads.

“Failing to do so, he may have been withholding important material facts about his background from the United States, in violation of the law.”

Sebastian Gorka was also told to “Go home! Go home!” by contributor and Magazine White House correspondent Brian Karem. This was after Karem said Trump supporters were eager for ‘demonic possession’ and he invited Gorka to fight. That was Friday, July 12. Trump’s ‘go home’ tweet happened just two days later.

I read numerous stories about the Karem/Gorka incident and most MSM sources did not publish the “Go home! Go home!” part. They simply pretended it didn’t happen. No outrage, no condemnation of a MSM reporter behaving like a Jr. High School brat. Nothing. Why? Because Gorka is pro-Trump and it’s ok to be a xenophobic bigot towards Trump supporters.

Click here to view original web page at

The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters


Show Prep: Tues, Oct. 13

Man Fired From Bob Evans For Flying Confederate Flag | The Daily Caller

A man employed at the Hillsdale plant was fired after refusing to remove a from his truck, the Hillsdale Daily reports. According to the man, his bosses at the plant forced him to remove it after receiving a single anonymous complaint.

Indiana Sheriff: I Enforce 2nd Amendment, Not Obama’s Executive Actions on Guns | Truth Revolt

Students At The University Of Texas Are Walking Around With Giant Dildos On Their Backpacks To Protest Gun Laws

Kansas City Officer Says He Thought Olive Garden Employee Was Kidding With Comment — but She Wasn’t |

The president of the restaurant chain has apologized to a Kansas City police officer after a restaurant employee asked him to leave because he was armed.

AP Exclusive: Clinton Email Server Setup Risked Intrusions – ABC News

“That’s total amateur hour,” said Marc Maiffret, who has founded two cybersecurity companies. He said permitting remote-access connections directly over the Internet would be the result of someone choosing convenience over security or failing to understand the risks. “Real enterprise-class security, with teams dedicated to these things, would not do this,” he said.

Neighbors Are Up In Arms Over This Home With Extremely Graphic ISIS Halloween Decorations

Michigan woman trolls neighbors, passers-by with facedown dummy in her yard –

A dummy placed face down in a Detroit woman’s front yard as a Halloween prank has prompted repeated visits by police.

Halloween decorations from family in Parma, Ohio, cause controversy | Daily Mail Online

Politically Correct School District Cancels Halloween Parade | Truth Revolt

Milford Public school system in Connecticut has canceled the popular Halloween parade for its elementary schools “due to fear of excluding children who can’t or won’t participate in the tradition.”

Playboy to Stop Publishing Nude Photos | Truth Revolt

The New York Times is reporting that magazine will no longer publish nude photos of women. The change is expected to take place in March of 2016.

Woman in Michigan Charged After Shooting at Fleeing Shoplifters – The New York Times

A Michigan woman was charged Tuesday with reckless use of a handgun after firing at a vehicle carrying shoplifters fleeing a Home Depot.

The Supreme Court may finally rule on “assault weapon” bans « Hot Air

The justices on Friday were to consider the appeal in Friedman vs. City of Highland Park. If they refuse to hear the appeal, the announcement could come as early as Tuesday morning. Such a decision would signal that have the authority to restrict high-powered weapons.

AWFUL. Grieving Father of UCC Shooting Victim Barred by White House From Meeting Obama – The Gateway Pundit

One family member of a victim of the Umpqua Community College shooting said he was turned away from meeting with President Friday.

Atheist Adopt-A-Highway Sign Vandalized Again | The Daily Caller

These continued acts of vandlism [sic] makes it clear that some people in our pluralistic society believe it is acceptable to harrass [sic] and victimize certain communities with whom they disagree.”

New York woman sues 12-year-old nephew over hug that broke her wrist | US news | The Guardian

she said her life had been “very difficult” since the injury because of “how crowded it is in Manhattan”. “I was at a party recently, and it was difficult to hold my hors d’oeuvre plate,”

Aunt receives zero damages from suit over nephew’s wrist-breaking hug | US news | The Guardian

A woman who sued her 12-year-old nephew over a birthday hug that left her with a broken wrist has been awarded zero damages by a Connecticut jury.

Tough Reactions to New Planned Parenthood Fetal Tissue Policy Prove Battle Over Finances and ‘Baby Parts Trafficking’ Is Likely Nowhere Near Over |

David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress released a statement calling Planned Parenthood’s new policy into question, labeling the move to ax all payments a “PR stunt” that serves as “an admission of guilt.”