Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, May 26

Hour 1


Media botched the virus crisis and made it ‘worse’: Poll

Study: Heat-Sensitive Coronavirus Will Drop Decisively in Summer


Hide the silverware: Plastic forks rule as restaurants reopen

Hour 2


Every one of those blue knew they were lying to their followers. Their followers forgive them and defend them. Thus, encouraging them to lie to them more.

‘Captain of its own fate’: Trump honors fallen on Memorial Day

Trump: ‘I Played Golf Over the Weekend. The Fake & Totally Corrupt News Made It Sound Like a Mortal Sin’

Why Doesn’t CNN Care When Anonymous Sources Give Them Fake News?



How to Watch When SpaceX Crew Dragon Launches

Hour 3

Gov. Whitmer: ‘I’m Never Going To Apologize’ For Shutting Down Michigan

Whitmer Says She Censors Herself So Trump Won’t Cancel Aid To Michigan

CONFIRMED: Governor Whitmer Begs Michiganders Not to Travel to their Summer Home — Then Her Cars Are Seen Parked Outside of HER SUMMER HOME!

Report: Gretchen Whitmer’s Husband Asked for Special Help to Launch Boat

So you rake leaves with the boat in the water for a holiday weekend, eh?


Yes, yes they did.





Report: McDonald’s Straws Can’t Be Recycled — Unlike The Ones

The new straws that McDonald’s restaurants in the U.K. and have been giving clientele for the last year are reportedly not recyclable, unlike the old straws.

The paper alternatives not only make drinking a soda or more difficult — at least in regards to their stability, or lack thereof — they go straight into the waste basket, according to a Sunday report from The Sun.

An internal memo reportedly states: “Paper straws are not yet recyclable and should be disposed of in general waste until further notice.” (RELATED: Man Tries To Throttle McDonald’s Employee Over Plastic Straws. She Serves Him A Super-Sized Whooping)

“When McDonald’s introduced paper straws it was getting pats on the back for being environmentally responsible,” a source told The Sun. “But it seems like it was a stunt to appease green campaigners because the things go straight in the rubbish. It’s ridiculously stupid.”

Click here to view original web page at dailycaller.com

Trump Campaign Is Now Selling Straws To Own The Libs

Since Libertarians have jumped the shark and gone full SJW in the past few years, Reason.com tried to paint the as hypocritical over the merchandise. When you go woke, you lose the ability to appreciate a good troll. This is genius.

As and other places around the country implement bans on drinking straws, the Trump 2020 campaign is taking a different approach.

The campaign is now selling “Trump Straws” in packs of 10 for $15. The plastic straws are red and say “Trump.” The campaign’s merchandise website states that “Liberal straws don’t work,” and describes the straws as:

  • BPA free
  • Reusable & Recyclable
  • 9″ long
  • Pack of 10 identical straws as shown
  • Laser engraved
  • Made in USA

    On Friday, Trump mocked the focus on plastic straws in major .

    “I do think we have bigger problems than plastic straws,” Trump said. “You know, it’s interesting about plastic straws: so, you have a little straw, but what about the plates, the wrappers, and everything else that are much bigger and they’re made of the same material?”

    “Everybody focuses on the straws. There’s a lot of other things to focus [on],” he added.

Click here to view original web page at www.dailywire.com