South Bend Tribune Owner Sued For Racist Employment Policies

South Tribune Owner For Policies

The South Bend Tribune is owned By Gannett Media. The same publisher of USA Today.

Gannett is currently being sued for racist employment policies.

America’s largest newspaper publisher is formerly on notice of legal challenge over a so-called reverse racism policy.

the lawsuit filed in Virginia federal court, there are currently five named plaintiffs, four men and one woman, whose careers were allegedly adversely affected by Gannett Co. Inc.’s corporate diversity protocols.

Headline USA

The employees were allegedly denied promotion opportunities and some were even fired because of Gannett’s goal of reaching “racial and gender parity” by 2025.

Executives are of tying manager bonuses and perks to hiring quotas based on the demographics of the local community.

The lawsuit also alleges that a high-ranking executive told managers that “no more straight males should be hired going forward.”

Gannett’s legal counsel, Polly Grunfeld Sack, claimed Gannett “seeks to recruit and retain the most qualified individuals for all roles within the company.”

She then called the lawsuit “meritless.”

The plaintiffs are seeking a to stop Gannett’s affirmative action policy and a jury trial.

They are also asking for lost wages (past and future) as well as other damages.

In , Poynter published a story how Gannett was facing an exodus of top executives.

As of this article, the South Bend Tribune has not published a story about its parent company, the largest newspaper publisher in the country, being sued.

Last April, the Tribune announced a partnership with -TV.

WNDU hasn’t published a story about this situation either. Their last mention of Gannett was about Tribune workers going on against Gannett in June.

EXCLUSIVE: Police Tapes Case, Dave Wells, Says ‘ Documents ‘t Authentic


#SouthBend #TheYoungTurks #PoliceTapes


Dave Wells of the SBPD is plaintiff the Bend Police Tapes case. He, along with the other plaintiffs in the case have been fighting to keep the tapes from being released to the public under grounds that they may violate the Indiana Wiretapping .

The plaintiffs in the case have been accused of discussing illegal activity and using language on the tapes. We’ve never had context or specifics on what that means exactly. Also, no evidence has ever been presented publicly to prove those claims, just hearsay.

Recently, The Young Turks, an online liberal media outlet, purported to have documents with specific allegations of what former South Bend police communications director Karen DePaepe says she allegedly heard on those tapes. Those documents seemed to confirm some rumors what was on the tapes dating back many years. However, the authenticity of the documents presented by The Young Turks has never been established.

The South Bend Common Council has recently considered calling Karen DePaepe in to confirm or deny if she heard what those documents allege.

In the middle of a segment where I was updating my audience on activists demanding the tapes be released, Dave Wells called to offer his side of the . He also said the documents presented by The Young Turks are not authentic and the statements in the documents are false.

This is the first time I’ve had one of the plaintiffs in the case on my show, for obvious reasons.

My desire to have the tapes released is well known in this community. However, I’ve always been careful to tell my audience I don’t know what’s on the tapes, neither does anyone else, and we need to not jump to conclusions about their content. Nor should we assume the officers on the tapes are guilty of anything. We don’t know if Karen DePaepe is telling the truth or not.

I’m a member of the media wants transparency and I don’t think Mayor Buttigieg has been very forthcoming in this matter. I believe he’s mismanaged this case from the beginning. As a result, rumors have spread.

Though I might disagree with the plaintiffs on releasing the tapes, I do not want them falsely accused of anything. Especially if documents used against them aren’t authentic as David Wells says. They deserve a chance to defend themselves. I hope you’ll, at least, hear Dave Wells out before forming your opinion.