Thursday, April 8

Hour 1

Fact-Checking Biden’s Latest Gun Control Press Conference

Biden can’t say ‘ATF’ correctly

AG Merrick Garland explains that a stabilizing brace ‘effectively turns a pistol into a short-barreled rifle,’ which is ‘still concealable’ (and people have questions)

CBS Shifts 60 Minutes DeSantis Piece Narrative to Lack of Vaccine Access for Minorities

Hour 2

The TODAY show admits COVID-19 ‘experts’ are ‘scratching their heads’ over why cases are dropping in states like Texas

‘Absolutely spectacular’: Masked public health officials get THE BOOT from and OMG YAAAAAAS (watch)

Lee Zeldin Announces 2022 Campaign To Unseat , ‘Losing Is Not An Option!’

Un-Canceled: SF School Board Formally Rescinds Move To Rename Lincoln, Washington, Feinstein

Alert: Pine trees are now racist

‘Senseless, Irrational, Cowardice Bulls***’: High School Track Coach Fired After Refusing To Make His Team Wear Masks

Hour 3

In honor of CBP’s newly released migrant data, Daily circles back to Jen Psaki’s BS characterization of the border crisis

Remember that thing about “kids in cages”?

Group Trying To Convince That America Is Oppressive Has Ties To Chinese State Media

‘Terminated, Effective Immediately:’ 2 NYC Doormen Who Failed To Act During Brutal Attack On 65-Year-Old Asian Woman Have Been Fired

While Obama Made Millions off the , New Report Says Trump More Than $1.1 Billion

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Interview: Instructor

Ever wonder trains who train law enforcement?

, president of Defensive Training International, is one of the top handgun instructors the world. He has personally trained thousands of federal, state and local law enforcement personnel, as well as non-, in the serious use of firearms. In addition, he has authored four books on the subject — “,” “The Method of Defensive Shotgun and Shooting,” “The Street Smart Book,” and “Guns & Warriors – DTI Quips Volume 1.” (For all book orders, contact Vicki at [email protected])

BLM Assaults , Armed Thug , Jan. 11 – 3

Hour 3

Anti-Trump, BLM, Transgender Protester With Unlicensed Pistol and High Capacity Magazine, Arrested Near Capitol…Stepfather: “He’s Not a MAGA Person”…Father Blames Trump [VIDEO]

BLM-Antifa Thugs Violently Attack Female Journalist in NYC – Police Stand by and Do Nothing (VIDEO)

Biden Has Ties To 5 Major Tech Companies

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