Daily : Tuesday, May 17

Despite Supply Disruptions, Summer Gasoline Prices Should Stay Relatively Low | Indiana 105 | THE Country Station from Chicago to South Bend | Northwest Indiana

Gasoline prices have gone up in recent months but despite disruptions in supply, an energy economist at Purdue says prices at the pump should still be 40 to 60 cents below last summer’s prices.

Gas prices around Michiana expected to jump yet again – 953MNC.com

For the second time in a week, in are jumping, and this time they’re expected to get to the highest price of 2016 so far.

Trump trusted over Ryan to lead GOP, poll says – Talk Media News

The majority of Republican voters to lead the Republican party over House Speaker (R-Wis.), according to a new NBC/Survey Monkey released Tuesday.

Birthday Cake Hate Hoax Crumbles, But Without Legal Consequences To The Hoaxer | VDARE – premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

Anderson Cooper Gets Busted Lying To Protect Hillary Clinton

‘It’s not , it’s’ must REALLY like egg on their faces. I’m thinking it’s some kind of internal beauty secret.

Higher Min Wage, Smaller Military Leads to More Male Unemployment

policies may have played a role in the significant jump in unemployment and imprisonment among , according to a new report.

Should we be storing the DNA of newborns indefinitely? « Hot Air

And in , the of a 9-year-old suburban Indianapolis girl are seeking the same for up to 2.5 million samples collected over two decades and stored in 600 boxes at a state warehouse.

‘s former platoon-mates Donald

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl trial postponed to next year

The start of the trial of Army Sgt. , who faces desertion and misbehavior charges for abandoning his post in Afghanistan, has been postponed until next year to give his defense team time to sift though thousands of pages of secret documents.

High School Bans Flying Flags on Vehicles, Threatens Violators’ Graduation Rites | Truth Revolt

NBC 11 reports that Colt Chatfield came to school with a flying from his truck and was told to take it down because some students found it . He complied even though he said he has flown it many times before without complaint. However, the next day he came back with both the and the American flag waiving. The school then told him to remove both of them or lose his graduation rite to walk and receive his diploma.

Govt surveillance exposed in Bay Area…

Hidden microphones that are part of a clandestine government surveillance program that has been operating around the Bay Area has been exposed.

I can explain porn sites on my screenshot, says politician – really, I can | Technology | The Guardian

An American congressional candidate wants you to know that the porn tabs he had open in a screenshot posted to his Facebook page are absolutely nothing to be concerned about.

Electric Vehicles Emit More Pollutants Than Fossil Fuel-Burning Cars, Says Study

A from the University of Edinburgh shows that electric and hybrid vehicles emit as many, if not more, atmospheric toxins than fossil fuel-burning vehicles.

Parent Sends Self-Made Permission Slip to School: Let My Kids Run, Play, Climb Trees | Truth Revolt

“Obviously, some safety measures make complete sense. Bike helmets? Absolutely! No playing tag on the playground because you might tag hard and cause someone to fall and hurt themselves? Give me a break.”

Show Prep: Mon, Dec. 21

‘Intentional’ Accident: Oregon Woman Accused in Deadly Las Vegas Crash Identified | TheBlaze.com

Clark County Nevada authorities identified Oregon woman, Lakeisha N. Holloway, as the driver in Sunday’s crash that killed one and injured more than 30 outside of a casino.

‘Inclusive Terminology’ Guide At University Of Missouri Raises Awareness Of ‘Adultism’ | The Daily Caller

The guide is titled “The Language of Identity: Using inclusive terminology at Mizzou” and defines “adultism,” for example, as “prejudice and accompanying discrimination over young people.”

Sports Radio Host Tries to Educate on Second Amendment With a Tweet. You’ll Likely Understand Why He Deleted It. | TheBlaze.com

CBS college basketball analyst and Doug Gottlieb took to Twitter on Sunday night, arguing that the Second Amendment isn’t actually in the U.S. Constitution.

WaPo Accused of Using ‘Deliberately Misleading Headline’ on Gun Deaths — Here’s the Evidence | TheBlaze.com

Many readers might assume that means gun deaths have skyrocketed in recent years, but the data included in the Post’s own story tell a different story.

Shocker: As Gun Ownership Hits Record Highs, There’s Fewer Murders Than Ever – Christine Rousselle

Electric Vehicles Make Europe Dependent On Fossil Fuels | The Daily Caller

Research shows that the Norway’ growing market forces the country to be more dependent on coal-fueled power plants — but, according to the researchers, this is a good thing for the climate.

Gary teens ask city to ban saggy pants – 953MNC.com

Wearing pants low enough to expose underwear could soon be against the law in Gary, .

Lindsey Graham Drops Out Of Presidential Race | The Daily Caller

South Carolina Sen. announced Monday that he is dropping out of the .

What Ryan got in his Omnibus – Conservative Intelligence Briefing

1. Obamacare Repeal: Believe it or not, the stage for repeal of this law has now been set. By keeping the 2014 Rubio provision intact, which bars any taxpayer bailout of insurers losing money in Obamacare’s exchanges, this omnibus prevents the Obama administration from wasting taxpayers’ money to delay the Obamacare law’s day of reckoning.

CNN Anchor: Fact-Checkers Have Debunked Hillary’s Trump Lie… “But We’ll Leave That Aside” (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

“The fact-checkers at this time say there is no proof that ISIS used Trump in their videos… But, We’ll leave that aside.”

Hillary Clinton roundly CONDEMNED for LYING about ANOTHER FRICKIN’ VIDEO!! » The Right Scoop –

Even CNN couldn’t help her out on this one:

Somebody Tell Hillary… ISIS Recruitment Video Featured Bill Clinton the “Fornicator” (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

There is an ISIS recruitment video which features a prominent American politician, but it’s not . It’s ‘s husband, Bill Clinton.

Somebody Tell Hillary… ISIS Recruitment Video Featured Bill Clinton the “Fornicator” (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

For the record… Obama and Kerry also were shown in the video – NOT Trump.

Sanders Apology Over Data Breach Comes Six Months Faster Clinton Apology Over Private Server | The Daily Caller

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders apologized to Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton at the ABC News debate in New Hampshire Saturday night.

Hillary’s Debate Fact-Check Request Backfires | The Daily Caller

And such a review reveals that the biggest donors to Clinton’s 2016 campaign committee, Hillary for America, come from the legal, business services, and securities and investment industries. The education industry is the fifth largest source of contributions to the Democratic front-runner’s effort.

Maryland girl writes notes to her parents after they tell her Santa is not real

Barack Obama Says He Didn’t Realize There Was Fear Of Terrorism Because He Doesn’t Watch Cable News | RedState

In an off-the-record meeting with journalists on Tuesday, Obama said that he did not watch enough cable news to fully recognize the extent of people’s fears, sources with knowledge of the meeting told CNN.

Convicted Killer Sues Over Waffles and Grilled Cheese. Here’s How a Judge Reacted. | TheBlaze.com

A Michigan killer imprisoned for murdering his brother with a knife is suing the former food-service provider of the of Corrections. The reason? Unsatisfying food options.

Tanning bed age restrictions proposed by federal administration – Fox 28: South Bend, Elkhart IN News, Weather, Sports

New proposed steps by the FDA would prevent sunlamp products from being used by minors and reduce the risk of using these devices for adults.

CDC investigating another outbreak of different E. coli strain at Chipotle

Shares of Chipotle Mexican Grill hit a 52-week low Monday after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced it is investigating another, more recent outbreak of a different strain of E. coli linked to the restaurant chain.

Kenyan Muslims shield Christians in Mandera bus attack – BBC News

A group of Kenyan Muslims travelling on a bus ambushed by Islamist gunmen protected Christian passengers by refusing to be split into groups, according to eyewitnesses.

Show Prep: Wed, Oct. 28

House GOP begins impeachment against IRS chief – Washington Times

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz began the process against Commissioner John Koskinen on Tuesday, accusing him of misleading the public and destroying documents that were sought under a congressional subpoena.

Sicko Jared bragged about child sex on secret recordings | New York Post

Disgraced Subway pitchman was caught on secretly recorded audio tapes boasting of his sick attraction to children — and said he wanted to travel “across the world” to fulfill his desires.

Why “5+5+5=15” is wrong under Common Core – Business Insider

If you answer the question with 5+5+5=15, you would be wrong.

US troops heading back to combat in Iraq AND Syria | RedState

The third and final “R” is raids, signaling that we won’t hold back from supporting capable partners in opportunistic attacks against ISIL, or conducting such missions directly, whether by strikes from the air or direct action on the ground. Last week’s rescue operation was led by Iraqi Kurdish forces, with U.S. advisers in support. One of those U.S. accompanying advisors, Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler, heroically acted to ensure the overall success of the mission and lost his life in the process. The death of any service member is a tragedy, and as I told his family and teammates this weekend, I offer my condolences to Master Sergeant Wheeler’s loved ones for their loss. While our mission in is to train, advise, and assist our Iraqi partners, in situations such as that operation – where we have actionable intelligence and a capable partner force – we want to support our partners.

Denmark Punishes Woman for Fighting Against ISIS

A 22-year-old Danish-Kurdish woman who fought against the terror group in Iraq has had her passport confiscated by Danish authorities.

Scientists Claim High CO2 Levels Are Making People Dumber | The Daily Caller

“Data collected on nine nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines indicate an average concentration of 3,500 ppm with a range of 0-10,600 ppm, and data collected on 10 nuclear-powered attack submarines indicate an average CO2 concentration of 4,100 ppm with a range of 300-11,300 ppm,” according to a 2007 National Research Council report on exposure issues facing submarine crews.

Kansas City Royals, MLB Broadcasters Kept Painful Secret From Starting Pitcher Until After Game 1 of World Series | TheBlaze.com

Edinson Volquez strode purposefully to the mound for Game 1 of the World Series on Tuesday night, apparently unaware his father had passed away hours earlier in the Dominican Republic.

Grocery Store Refuses to Sell Eggs to Minors Ahead of Halloween Due to ‘Safety Concerns’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

That’s right. Minors will not be able to purchase at Warehouse Market in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, until after November 1.

Republicans Nominate Paul Ryan for House Speaker

Behind closed doors and by secret ballot, 200 Republicans nominated Ryan for speaker. The only other competitor, Rep. Daniel Webster, R-Fla., received 43 votes, mostly from members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus.

SLEEP Is Racist Now, Scientists Assure America

Scientists have determined that is the latest thing to be racist.

Feminist Freshman: The Word ‘Too’ has Ravaged Women Long Enough | Truth Revolt

We should call on both genders to cut the word from their vocabulary when discussing women. If we ever want an end to the way females are put in boxes, this is the beginning of an important and tumultuous journey ahead.

Student Told He Can’t Wear Halloween Costume Because It Appropriates HIS OWN CULTURE – Progressives Today

Joshua Sewerynek, a ninth grade student at St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School, planned to dress up as part of a mariachi band with his friends. The school, however, stated the Colombian student’s costume is “very ” and would not be allowed because “culture is not a costume.”

WALMART Israeli soldier costume for children sparks outrage…

“Might as well sell a Hitler outfit for children as well!”

Show Prep: Wed, Oct. 21

Joe Biden won’t run for president in 2016 – CNNPolitics.com

Vice President ended months of intense speculation about his political future on Wednesday with a sudden announcement that he wouldn’t seek the presidency, abandoning a dream he’s harbored for decades and putting Clinton in a stronger position to capture the Democratic nomination.

RealClearPolitics – Election 2016 – 2016 Democratic Presidential Nomination

Clinton +22.1

Rick Snyder signs changes in police forfeiture of assets – 953MNC.com

Law enforcement will have to adhere to new reporting requirements and meet a higher evidentiary standard for seizing and taking ownership of people’s property under laws signed by Gov. .

‘Unbelievable Is Too Gentle a Word’: Bill O’Reilly Explodes on Left After ‘Kate’s Law’ Dies in Senate | Video | TheBlaze.com

Fox host Bill O’Reilly skewered the left for actively opposing “Kate’s Law,” which would punish so-called “sanctuary ” that refuse to cooperate with federal authorities and shield . Senate Democrats blocked the law from advancing on Tuesday.

11 Million Illegal Immigrants Could Help Elect Hillary | The Daily Caller

The electors are distributed among the 50 states according to each state’s population share based upon U.S. Census data. That means that states with a large number of illegal aliens and noncitizen residents end up with an inordinate number of electoral votes, according to Goldman and Rozell. And that helps Blue states, given that they house more residents from those two groups than do states that historically support Republicans.

US ‘clock boy’ Ahmed Mohamed to move to Qatar – BBC News

Ahmed has accepted a scholarship from the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, where he will study.

How Close Was Back To The Future To Predicting 2015? – The Burning Truth

Now wallow in knowledge that everything that happened in the movie will have happened in the past after today.

BREAKING: State Dept. SUDDENLY DISCOVERS 1,300 Emails from Ambassador Stevens – 2 Days Before Hillary’s Testimony – The Gateway Pundit

The suddenly discovered and turned over 1,300 pages of from former Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Paul Ryan’s demands include ‘non-starter’ – Washington Times

An influential Republican conservative said at least one of Rep. ‘s demands for becoming House speaker is a “non-starter” as the GOP gathered Wednesday morning to figure out if enough members can unite behind the young star.

Show Prep: Monday, August 20, 2012

Will Ryan’s fundraising boost Romney’s campaign? (+video) – CSMonitor.com

Now, as Romney’s vice presidential pick, Ryan is already energizing donors, especially those on the Wall Street scene.

With Paul Ryan on ticket, GOP is now the party of change and the future | Fox News

Suddenly, instead of Somebody vs. Nobody, the campaign is becoming Something vs. Nothing. Because of Ryan’s substantive agenda and ability to articulate it, the GOP ticket is now the Something running against the Democrats’ Nothing.

Obama campaign offers Romney 5-year tax disclosure – Chicago Sun-Times

Barack Obama’s re- campaign kept up pressure against Republican rival Mitt on two fronts Friday, launching a new ad defending the president’s record on Medicare while challenging Romney to release at least five years of returns.

Baker Refuses EBT Cards, Outrage! | The Burning Truth

The feds don’t want me eating fries, popcorn, or drinking large drinks, but they are ok with recipients eating any damn thing they want.

Butcher refuses to accept EBT cards for his meat

Because every welfare recipient deserves
$30 a pound steak while I eat Walmart steaks.

Tim Tebow Birthday Pizza Featuring Face of God Cooked Up at Alabama Pizzeria (Photo) – New York Jets – NESN.com

Alabama pizzeria decided to mark the occasion. Joe Carlucci, owner of Famous Joe’s Pizzeria, is a huge Tebow and Jets fan, so he decided a Tebow-themed pizza was the way to go, according to WAAYTV.

Elkhart girl shot, passes away, after apparent home invasion

7 year-old Kristyana Jackson was in the . She underwent emergency surgery to relieve swelling of the brain, but died on Sunday.

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange asks Obama to get U.S. off his back | Nation/World | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange called on President Barack to end what he called a “witch hunt” against his secret-spilling website, appearing in public Sunday for the first time since he took refuge inside Ecuador’s embassy in London. He sought sanctuary there two months ago to avoid extradition to Sweden on sex crimes accusations.

Dancing & Fertility: Women Seen As More Attractive Dancers During Fertile Phase Of Menstrual Cycle, Study Suggests

Women in the fertile phase of their menstrual cycle are judged as more attractive dancers by men than are women in a less-fertile phase, a new study finds.

Cantaloupes linked to deadly salmonella outbreak | The Town Talk | thetowntalk.com

Consumers are once again doubting the safety of , a year after a deadly outbreak of food poisoning caused by tainted melons killed at least 30 people and sickened 146 people.

In all fairness, cantaloupe warns you it’s bad for you with it’s bright color and awful flavor.

Obama’s America: Above Average Students Lose Privileges | The Burning Truth

This is just nuts. High achieving students should be getting extra , not losing basic privileges. Is there a better example of how backwards this country has become?

Morning Show Drills Obama With Tough Questions | The Burning Truth

This gives true radio professionals like myself a headache.

Steve Jobs’ stolen iPad unwittingly used by ‘Kenny the Clown’ after burglary – San Jose Mercury News

Police said Kariem McFarlin, a 35-year-old Alameda resident, gave Kahn a silver 64GB that was stolen out of the Waverley Street home on July 17. McFarlin also allegedly gave another iPad to his daughter, and both devices were returned to the Jobs family after McFarlin was arrested on Aug. 2, police said.