Daily : Tuesday, May 17

Despite Supply Disruptions, Summer Gasoline Prices Should Stay Relatively Low | Indiana 105 | THE Country Station from Chicago to South Bend | Northwest Indiana

Gasoline prices have gone up in recent months but despite disruptions in supply, an energy economist at Purdue says prices at the pump should still be 40 to 60 cents below last summer’s prices.

Gas prices around Michiana expected to jump yet again – 953MNC.com

For the second time in a week, in are jumping, and this time they’re expected to get to the highest price of 2016 so far.

Trump trusted over Ryan to lead GOP, poll says – Talk Media News

The majority of Republican voters to lead the Republican party over House Speaker (R-Wis.), according to a new NBC/Survey Monkey released Tuesday.

Birthday Cake Hate Hoax Crumbles, But Without Legal Consequences To The Hoaxer | VDARE – premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

Anderson Cooper Gets Busted Lying To Protect Hillary Clinton

‘It’s not , it’s’ must REALLY like egg on their faces. I’m thinking it’s some kind of internal beauty secret.

Higher Min Wage, Smaller Military Leads to More Male Unemployment

policies may have played a role in the significant jump in unemployment and imprisonment among , according to a new report.

Should we be storing the DNA of newborns indefinitely? « Hot Air

And in , the of a 9-year-old suburban Indianapolis girl are seeking the same for up to 2.5 million samples collected over two decades and stored in 600 boxes at a state warehouse.

‘s former platoon-mates Donald

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl trial postponed to next year

The start of the trial of Army Sgt. , who faces desertion and misbehavior charges for abandoning his post in Afghanistan, has been postponed until next year to give his defense team time to sift though thousands of pages of secret documents.

High School Bans Flying Flags on Vehicles, Threatens Violators’ Graduation Rites | Truth Revolt

NBC 11 reports that Colt Chatfield came to school with a flying from his truck and was told to take it down because some students found it offensive. He complied even though he said he has flown it many times before without complaint. However, the next day he came back with both the and the American flag waiving. The school then told him to remove both of them or lose his graduation rite to walk and receive his diploma.

Govt surveillance exposed in Bay Area…

Hidden microphones that are part of a clandestine government surveillance program that has been operating around the Bay Area has been exposed.

I can explain porn sites on my screenshot, says politician – really, I can | Technology | The Guardian

An American congressional candidate wants you to know that the porn tabs he had open in a screenshot posted to his Facebook page are absolutely nothing to be concerned about.

Electric Vehicles Emit More Pollutants Than Fossil Fuel-Burning Cars, Says Study

A study from the University of Edinburgh shows that electric and hybrid vehicles emit as many, if not more, atmospheric toxins than fossil fuel-burning vehicles.

Parent Sends Self-Made Permission Slip to School: Let My Kids Run, Play, Climb Trees | Truth Revolt

“Obviously, some safety measures make complete sense. Bike helmets? Absolutely! No playing tag on the playground because you might tag too hard and cause someone to fall and hurt themselves? Give me a break.”

Daily : Wednesday, April 13

Couple facing jail time over library fees for one book that was returned late and one that was lost – WXYZ.com

Cathy and Melvin Duren kept forgetting about two books they checked out of the Tecumseh Public Library and failed to return.

FLASHBACK: Woman arrested for overdue library books | Local News – KHBS Home

Megan Owens- was on suspicion of theft of rental property,  handcuffed and told she had a $3,000 bond Sunday, Owens-Jordan and Keith Foster with the Rogers Police Department told 40/29 . Police released her with a written citation and court date after they learned the warrant had been issued on three overdue library items, Owens-Jordan said.

Steal billions from investors, no problem, but have an overdue library book… | Flopping Aces

“He told me that I had a warrant for my arrest for Shawano County due to overdue ,” Oost said.

FLASHBACK: Man arrested for… overdue VHS!? – The Horn News

A North Carolina man says he was arrested for failing to return a VHS tape that he rented in 2002.

Meet the ‘Beast,’ the Little Iraqi Tank That Could | Foreign Policy

Psychiatrist: Overprotective Parents Are Creating Easily-Offended College Students – Hit & Run : Reason.com

If we continue to walk on eggshells to avoid offending these hypersensitive young adults, we are empowering their victimhood status. If we continue to indulge their irrational demands, we are robbing them of the opportunity to learn how to function independently in the real world. If we continue to overparent our kids, we are in danger of raising further generations of adolescents that are missing three key virtues of character: self-reliance, self-confidence, and resilience.

Eating Red Meat, Cheese, Butter, Pork and Cream Is Not a Death Sentence After All – Hit & Run : Reason.com

“The results flew in the face of what people believed at the time,” said Broste. “Everyone thought cholesterol was the culprit. This theory was so widely held and so firmly believed — and then it wasn’t borne out by the data. The question then became: Was it a bad theory? Or was it bad data? … My perception was they were hung up trying to understand the results.”

Trump Fans Send Delegates Death Threats | The Daily Caller

Craig Dunn — chairman of ‘s 4th Congressional district, and one of the 27 Republican selected this weekend to represent the state at the national convention — is shocked at the response to his assertion that he would only consider voting for if Satan was also running “and was the alternative.”

Grocery store gas stations can now sell beer and wine in Michigan – 953MNC.com

Big-box grocery stores such as Meijer can now sell beer and wine at their convenience stores under legislation signed by Republican Gov. Rick Snyder.

POLL: What should Indiana residents be called, Hoosiers or Indianans? – 953MNC.com

Indiana’s two U.S. senators are asking the federal Government Publishing Office to refer to all state residents as “Hoosiers.”

Daily : Monday, March 28

Parents ‘Bum-Rushed’ Easter Egg Hunt, Injured Children In Mad Scramble To Be First (VIDEO) | Truth Revolt

Welch told Eyewitness that children were trampled, knocked over children and eggs were stolen out of peoples’ baskets. Peterson said the crowd was “kind of like locusts.”

US Capitol on lockdown after reports of shots fired | Fox News

One person is in custody after gunshots reportedly were fired at the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center, according to The Associated Press.

Legislator renews call for seatbelts on school buses – 953MNC.com

Calls for on ‘s are growing after a bus carrying a high school basketball team overturned in a crash.

Capitol Hill shooter caught after shots fired | Washington Examiner

“No one will be allowed to enter or exit any buildings,” the police emailed all Capitol buildings. “You may move about within the buildings and underground between buildings.”

Let’s Scrap the Homework Our Little Kids Are Doing | LifeZette

is mainly a problem because it’s a theft of time,” Heather Shumaker, author of “It’s OK to Go Up the Slide – Renegade Rules for Raising Confident and Creative Kids,” told Today.com. “It’s a grave opportunity cost. And kids feel it. Homework steals kids’ time at home — time they desperately need to play, connect with family, cope with big emotions, be outside and get (a) good, long sleep.”

Ex-Social Worker for 6-Year-Old Girl Who Was Seized From Her Longtime Foster Home Because She Is One-and-a-Half Percent Native American Reveals Her ‘Biggest Shock’ | TheBlaze.com

The former social worker for a 6-year-old girl who is one-and-a-half percent Choctaw Native American and was recently removed from her longtime foster home due to a 1978 federal law mandating that “Indian children” be raised by Native Americans, is speaking out.

CBO cuts Obamacare enrollment projection « Hot Air

The latest enrollment estimate is an even steeper drop from the ‘s estimates from 2015, which predicted 21 million people would have marketplace coverage by this time.

Here’s What You Need To Know About Supposed Ted Cruz Sex Scandal

has been accused of having multiple affairs, but there is no evidence the story is true at this time.

Kirsten Powers: Anti-Trump Operative Was AGGRESSIVELY Shopping Cruz Sex Scandal (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

“The Daily reported it was shopped around by two — reporters by somebody who was a Rubio person. I also happen to know that one of the people who was shopping the story around very aggressively was somebody who was completely anti-, and was anti-Cruz also, but who was not a person who in anyway was supporting Trump.”

Show Prep: Mon, Nov. 23

New Research Shows 40% Of Millennials Think The Government Should Censor People Who Make ‘Offensive’ Statements

Latest: 17 injured, witness recalls 50 shots in Sunday shooting at Bunny Friend Park; live video of NOPD press conference at 2 p.m. | The New Orleans Advocate — New Orleans, Louisiana

Parents Face Fines for Kids’ Repeated Bullying Behavior | Parenting

In an effort to make parents accountable for their kids’ , one Wisconsin town is enacting fines on parents for their kids’ repeated bad behavior.

Antibiotic resistance: World on cusp of ‘post-antibiotic era’ – BBC News

“If MCR-1 becomes global, which is a case of when not if, and the gene aligns itself with other antibiotic resistance genes, which is inevitable, then we will have very likely reached the start of the post-antibiotic era.

Clinton Goes after Laugh Factory Comedians for Making Fun of Her – Judicial Watch

In what appears to be a first for a serious presidential contender, Hillary ‘s campaign is going after five comedians who made fun of the former Secretary of State in standup skits at a popular Hollywood comedy club.

After Ohio Bakery’s ‘Politically Incorrect’ Front-Door Sign Goes Viral, Staffers Describe How Customers Have Reacted | TheBlaze.com

“We say , God bless America, we salute our flag & give thanks to our troops, police officers and firefighters. If this offends you, you are welcome to leave. In God we trust.”

Obama’s VA Facility Bans Christmas Trees and ‘Merry Christmas’

President Barack Obama’s Department of Veterans Affairs has banned employees at its facility in Salem, Virginia, from saying “Merry Christmas” to veterans.

Russia destroys 472 ISIS targets in Syria bombing missions over the weekend | Daily Mail Online

Russian air force flew 141 bombing raids over this weekend, destroying almost 500 ISIS targets in the country

Russia Sends France A Puppy To Replace Diesel, The Police Dog That Died In Raid After Paris Attacks

Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev said the offering was a “sign of solidarity with the people and police of France.” He shared a picture of the on Twitter and wrote a letter to France saying, “I ask you to accept from Russia’s police dog handlers this shepherd puppy, who will be able to take his place in the ranks of Diesel, your dog who died doing his duty.”

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg among 3 Indiana mayors signing letter supporting Syrian refugees – 953MNC.com

Three mayors are among 62 U.S. mayors who’ve signed an open letter supporting the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the United States.

Federal Law Enforcement: ‘No Effective Means’ to Block ‘Prospective Terrorists Hidden Among Throngs of Refugees’ | TheBlaze.com

“The truth of the matter is there is no effective means or magical litmus test to assess prospective terrorists hidden among the throngs of refugees applying for entry into the United States,” said Nathan Catura, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association.

China declares war on ISIS after terrorists claim to have executed Chinese hostage – Mirror Online

will join the war on ISIS after four of its citizens were killed by Islamist terror groups in two separate attacks this week.

Report: Canada to Exclude Single Men from Syrian Refugee Welcome Plan | TheBlaze.com

In an effort to prevent the infiltration of terrorists, the Canadian government is set to limit its Syrian refugee acceptance program to only women, children and families, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported Sunday night.

Obama Blocking 75 Percent of Air Strikes Against ISIS

The Washington Free Beacon is reporting that U.S. military pilots fighting against the Islamic State in were blocked from dropping 75 percent of their ordnance on terror targets because the Obama administration would not give clearance to launch a strike.

Barack Obama Dropped Leaflets- Gave ISIS 45 Minutes Before Bombing Them – The Gateway Pundit

The worst part is that this is Obama’s version of an “escalation”. He could have taken out ISIS tanker trucks a long time ago, but then the drivers would have died. (Via J.E. Dyer)

Jordan’s King Abdullah: This Is a War ‘Within Islam’

President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton can’t bring themselves to publicly acknowledge that Islam and “Muslims” are inextricably linked to . Remarkably, however, one Muslim world leader has no problem in speaking openly about the war “within Islam.”


Three Syrians traveling with fake Greek passports are being held in the Dutch Caribbean island of St. Maarten, authorities said, while officials in the Central American nation of Honduras reported detaining a Syrian and two Pakistanis traveling by bus Saturday.

DHS Knew Illegal Aliens Falsely Claimed “Credible Fear” to Stay in U.S. – Judicial Watch

The Obama administration let hundreds of illegal immigrants stay in the U.S. even though federal authorities knew in advance that an open borders group coached them to falsely claim “credible fear” to get , according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Congress Learned Of Syrian Refugees Entering The U.S. Just Recently

The Obama administration did not tell Congress, until recently, that Syrian Refugees were arriving in Louisiana. According to a House Homeland Security Committee aide, Congress did not know about 13 Syrian refugees who arrived in New Orleans over the past two fiscal years until it was reported by a local news outlet 10 days ago.


The son of a New York mob boss has given Islamic State a stark warning, saying if they are planning any attacks in New York, they will have to contend with the Sicilian mafia. The notorious crime syndicate say they want to do their bit to protect locals.

Asylum Seekers Buying Fake Taliban Threat Letters to Get Into Europe

Afghan asylum seekers are buying fake Taliban threat letters in order to get into Europe.

Labor Department throws football party, but bans Redskins jerseys – Washington Times

There was only stipulation: no Washington Redskins jerseys, paraphernalia or memorabilia.