Daily Show Prep: Friday, Feb. 5

Hour 1

WATCH: Tucker Carlson Says Bank of America Is Giving Customer Data to Feds Without Consent

Facebook removes page of international disease experts critical of COVID lockdowns

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Launches Ambitious Crackdown on Big Tech

During Pandemic, China Sent Millions of Counterfeit Masks, Test Kits to US: Customs Data

Hour 2

Open Lines

Why Has Wisconsin Done Nothing With the 200,000 Ballots Its Supreme Court Claimed Were Likely Invalid In the 2020 Election?

Supreme Court to consider election lawsuits in February

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

Time Magazine: ‘Secret,’ ‘Well-funded Cabal’ Worked to ‘Protect’ 2020 Election

Hour 3

Trump will not testify in ‘unconstitutional’ Senate impeachment trial

Trump Appointee Sues Biden Administration, Alleges Illegal Termination Threat

The Second COVID-19 Shot Is a Rude Reawakening for Immune Cells

Exclusive: Indiana Republican Sen. Mike Braun will support Biden’s EPA pick, but not his agenda

. Braun knows how to lose, doesn’t he?


Daily Show Prep: Monday, Jan. 18

Hour 1

And yet, they continue telling us even more lies.

PHOTOS: Feds Build Walls in D.C. for Anti-Border Wall Joe Biden, Kamala Harris

Yelp data shows 60% of business closures due to the coronavirus pandemic are now permanent

If Biden’s Inauguration Doesn’t End the Lockdowns, Maybe This New Study Will

Hour 2

Study shows extremely low rate of coronavirus transmission in school, 0% from child to adult

New Trump Administration Rule Bars Banks From Denying Services To Gun Manufacturers, Others

NY Democrat Seeks to Ban Citizens from Owning Bulletproof Vests

Hour 3



All 25k National Guard troops being vetted by FBI; insider-attack fear spins up days before inauguration

Twitter, Facebook Hemorrhage $51,200,000,000 Combined in Market Value after Trump Ban

Defiant NJ Gym Has Bank Account Wiped by Democratic Governor

‘Insurrection’ Redefined in the Revolutionary Dictionary