Daily Show Prep: Friday, May 22



Suspect arrested after video surfaces showing violent beating of elderly nursing home patient

Church that defied stay-at-home orders burned to the ground in suspected arson

School board member resigns after making death threats against people not wearing masks who come near her or her family

CDC admits to giving misleading COVID-19 testing data. Several states have been making the same mistake.

Horowitz: The CDC confirms remarkably low coronavirus death rate. Where is the media?

Well … not exactly.

Here’s the disclaimer on the CDC data Horowitz is talking about:

Table 1. Parameter Values that vary among the five COVID-19 Scenarios. The scenarios are intended to advance preparedness and planning. They are not predictions or estimates of the expected impact of COVID-19. The parameter values in each scenario will be updated and augmented over time, as we learn more about the of COVID-19. Additional parameter values might be added in the (e.g., , household transmission, and/or race and ethnicity).

Parameter values are based on data received by CDC prior to 4/29/2020


Daily Show Prep: Thursday, May 14

Hour 1

Gretchen Whitmer: State Police ‘Monitoring All of the Conversations’ of Capitol Protesters

Gov. Whitmer admits she has no proof to back up her claims that anti-lockdown protesters are spreading the virus to rural areas

Many Americans say enough is enough with social distancing and business closures, poll says


Here’s why the media is ignoring the obvious facts and pushing the ‘stay at home forever’ narrative

DOD study raises a tantalizing question: does flu shot increase vulnerability to coronaviruses?

Hour 2


Cop who hid behind his car during Parkland high school massacre wins his job back

Report: NYC Health Commissioner Rebuffed Call For 500,000 Police Masks: ‘I Don’t Give Two Rats’ A**** About Your Cops’


Study: Over 100,000 Small Businesses Have Closed Forever As Result Of Coronavirus Pandemic

Former Emory Professor Pleads Guilty to Hiding Role in Chinese Program Deemed a ‘Threat to National Security’


Gowdy Explains Which Part of Flynn Unmasking Is a Felony

Biden camp responds to Flynn ‘unmasking’ report — and blames racism for the outrage

Samantha Power Caught Lying Under Oath, Testified She Had ‘No Recollection’ of Making Unmasking Request Related to General Flynn

Graham to probe origins of Russia inquiry; won’t call Obama



Daily Show Prep: Monday, May 11

Hour 1


Obama Defense Official Evelyn Farkas Admitted She Lied On MSNBC About Having Evidence Of Collusion

Hour 2

‘YOU’RE CORRECT’: NBC’s ‘Meet The Press’ Admits Their Segment On AG Barr Was Not Accurate


Twitter adds ‘manipulated media’ label to Jimmy Kimmel’s video of Mike Pence


Georgia reports lowest number of COVID patients in a month

Churches Sue Michigan’s Whitmer, Alleging Lockdown Is Violating First Amendment

U.S. coronavirus patients, businesses sue China: ‘We need to right some of these wrongs’

US tightens visa regulations for reporters from China

MORE evidence emerges that smokers are protected from coronavirus: Italian study finds them FIVE TIMES less likely to end up in hospital (but almost twice as likely to die if they do)

New study shows staggering effect of coronavirus pandemic on America’s mental health

Hour 3

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case


Donald Trump Signals ‘Obamagate’ Investigation: ‘He Got Caught’

Gowdy Names Reporters Who Helped ‘Peddle’ Schiff Leaks During Russia Investigation



President Trump Orders The Navy To Destroy Iranian Ships … FINALLY! – April 22 Hour 2

Listeners say they’ve never heard of Waco.

California Announces If Crisis Hits, They Have A Point System To Decide Who Survives

FLASHBACK: HHS Says Elderly and Disabled Pandemic Patients Have Equal Rights

WATCH: YouTube CEO: We’ll Remove Any Content That Goes Against WHO Recommendations

Donald Trump: I’ve Ordered Navy to Destroy Iranian Ships if Provoked

Devin Nunes: ‘Obama’s dossier’ a subject of criminal referral to Justice Department