Monday, August 21 – Hour 2 Podcast



T.J. Donovan said his office has concluded an investigation into the invoices and billing practices of Dr. Jonathan Gruber, an economic consultant who contracted with the state to provide policy expertise, research and economic modeling for Vermont’s abandoned single-payer healthcare system.

Trump Justice Department Ends Operation Choke Point

Republican House members announced Friday that the Justice Department has ended the controversial Obama-era program targeting payday lenders, gun shops, and other legal businesses, in response to several House Republicans who requested Operation Choke Point be shut down.

Farmer fined $1 million for plowing his own field – Red Alert Politics

A California farmer agreed Tuesday to pay $1.1 million for plowing federally protected wetlands on his wheat field, according to the Department of Justice. This ends a five-year legal battle over the reach of the .

95% of lawmakers who support $15 minimum wage don’t pay their interns: Study – Red Alert Politics

The majority of lawmakers supporting raising the federal to $15 an hour, in fact, pay their interns $0 an hour, according to a new study by the Employment Policy Institute (EPI).


Daily : Monday, August 21


I’m back from vacation. Let’s do this.


The Eclipse Is Racist Suggests The Atlantic | The Daily Caller

The Atlantic’s very lengthy essay on the failure of to occur where a sufficient number of black people reside is entitled “American Blackout.” It clocks in at a remarkable 4,544 words and does not appear to be satire.

Judge orders IRS to reveal who took part in Tea Party targeting | Fox News

A federal judge has ordered the to release the names of specific employees involved in targeting Tea Party groups, after years of litigation over what conservatives have long called “chilling” behavior by one of the government’s “most feared” agencies.

Feds Spend $438,699 Studying If ‘Gender Norms’ Make LGBTQ People Get Drunk

The is spending over $400,000 studying whether of masculinity and femininity lead LGBTQ individuals to drink too much.

Hour 2


T.J. Donovan said his office has concluded an investigation into the invoices and billing practices of Dr. , an economic consultant who contracted with the state to provide policy expertise, research and economic modeling for Vermont’s abandoned single-payer healthcare system.

Trump Justice Department Ends Operation Choke Point

Republican House members announced Friday that the has ended the controversial Obama-era program targeting payday lenders, gun shops, and other legal businesses, in response to several House Republicans who requested be shut down.

Farmer fined $1 million for plowing his own field – Red Alert Politics

A California farmer agreed Tuesday to pay $1.1 million for plowing federally protected wetlands on his wheat field, according to the Department of Justice. This ends a five-year legal battle over the reach of the .

95% of lawmakers who support $15 minimum wage don’t pay their interns: Study – Red Alert Politics

The majority of lawmakers supporting raising the federal to $15 an hour, in fact, pay their interns $0 an hour, according to a new study by the Employment Policy Institute (EPI).

Hour 3

‘Full net censorship is HERE’: Google moves to de-platform Gab for being a ‘hate site’ –

Google has removed the Gab app from Google Play because they claim it violates their speech policy:

‘The Rebel’ Domain Gets Shut Down | The Daily Caller

The conservative Canadian website, The Rebel—also known as Rebel Media—had its domain shut down today. The “alt-media” website previously offered a platform to prominent voices on the right including Vice co-founder Gavin McInnes and right-wing activist and journalist Lauren Southern.

Daily : Monday, July 31


Boy Scouts Officially Apologize for President Trump | Truth Revolt

I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree. That was never our intent. The invitation for the sitting U.S. President to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition that has been extended to the leader of our nation that has had a Jamboree during his term since 1937. It is in no way an endorsement of any person, party or policies. For years, people have called upon us to take a position on political issues, and we have steadfastly remained non-partisan and refused to comment on political matters. We sincerely regret that were inserted into the Scouting program.

U.S. Companies Post Profit Growth Not Seen in Six Years – WSJ

America’s largest companies are on pace to post two consecutive quarters of double-digit profit growth for the first time since 2011, helped by years of cost-cutting, a weaker dollar and stronger consumer spending.

Indiana Michigan Power asking for almost 20 percent rate hike – 95.3 MNC

The utility is asking that the 19.7% increase, which would amount to less than $1 a day for a residential customer that uses 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per month, to be phased in over two steps, first in summer 2018 and then in early 2019.

FDIC Ordered to Turn Over Documents in Operation Choke Point Lawsuit – Washington Free Beacon

The (FDIC) was ordered to turn over documents related to late last week.

Hour 2

Remarks by President Trump to Law Enforcement Officials on MS-13 |

Now, we’re getting them out anyway, but we’d like to get them out a lot faster.  And when you see these towns and when you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon — you just see them thrown in, rough — I said, please don’t be too nice.  (Laughter.)  Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over?  Like, don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody — don’t hit their head.  I said, you can take the hand away, okay?  (Laughter and applause.)

Judge Orders Review Of Airline Seat Sizes, Legroom « WCCO | CBS Minnesota

A federal judge has ordered the to review seat sizes and legroom on commercial airlines.

International Study Finds That Sperm Counts Have Plummeted 60% Over 40 Years

A team of international researchers from Israel, the US, Denmark, Brazil, and Spain published a report in the journal Human Reproduction Update, that sperm counts around the world are declining at an alarming rate based on 185 studies, featuring 42,935 men. From 1973 to 2011, sperm count plummeted by 59.3% and sperm concentration declined 52.4% in men from Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand. The same trend was not seen in other parts of the world such as South America, Africa, and Asia, however, researchers said fewer studies had been carried out there and the data was not conclusive. The scary part is that the rate of decline had shown no sign of “leveling off” in recent years. There has been a steady decline of 1.6% a year for total sperm count since 1993.

Oh, great. Federal court rules that officials can’t block trolls on social media – Hot Air Hot Air

Davidson sued, alleging a violation of his free speech rights. As U.S. District Judge explained in his decision, Randall essentially conceded in court that she had blocked Davidson “because she was offended by his criticism of her colleagues in the County government.” In other words, she “engaged in viewpoint discrimination,” which is generally prohibited under the First Amendment.

Hour 3

Democrat Freaks Out After Trump Threatens to Take Away Congress’s Special Obamacare ‘Carve-Out’ – The Burning Truth

“If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!” Trump tweeted.

The ‘Trump Option’: Basic Health Care for All, Private Insurance for Everything Else – Breitbart

The “Trump Option” could be a system where the government covers basic health care for all — a yearly checkup, immunizations, emergencies, and minor medical expenses — and optional private insurance covers everything else.