Daily : Friday, July 28


New York couple commit suicide ‘over health care costs’ | Daily Mail Online

The couple who jumped to their deaths from a 17-story New York City office building Friday morning, after struggling with debt, have been identified.

Article has been changed from when I first read it to remove numerous references to as the reason for their suicide.

The night John McCain killed the GOP’s health-care fight – The Washington Post

A seven-year quest to undo the Affordable Care Act collapsed — at least for now — as Sen. (R-Ariz.) kept his colleagues and the press corps in suspense over a little more than two hours late Thursday into early Friday.

John McCain Releases Statement After Screwing GOP, Americans by Killing Obamacare Repeal

Senator McCain released a statement after he killed repeal.

Dems Show Single-Payer Hypocrisy With “Present” Vote | NTK Network

Single-payer health care received zero votes in the U.S. on Thursday, as 57 senators voted against an amendment that would establish ‘Medicare-for-all’ and 43 senators voted “present.”

Study: Women Are Happier With Less Attractive | The Daily Caller

A new study shows that women are happier when their significant other is uglier than them, Maxim reports.

Senate Witness William Browder Testifies that Fusion GPS Worked for Russia

, a U.S.-born investor who championed a U.S. sanctions law against , testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday that Fusion GPS, the firm that created the Trump dossier, had also worked for Russia.

75% of the media coverage is on Russia, yet just 6% of voters see it as a top issue – Red Alert Politics

According to a study by the Media Research Center, a whopping 75 percent of recent evening coverage by the major networks focused on the Russia-Trump probes. The latest to-do with Kushner will only inflate that number.

George Washington’s Mount Vernon Becomes Gun-Free Zone – Breitbart

is most certainly turning in his grave now that his beloved Mount Vernon has been turned into yet another dangerous ‘gun-free zone’ for all visitors. It amazes me how little some know about criminal or terrorist behavior. It is not in the nature of either to obey laws, much less somebody’s ‘policy.’ This policy should be reversed as an anathema to the very rights which Washington fought to protect.

Hour 2

IRS makes shocking discovery as to why they have so many “problematic employees” – Hot Air Hot Air

According to an internal IRS audit, one key reason has been discovered. After they identify and eliminate a delinquent worker, they keep hiring them back the following year without bothering to ask why they were let go the last time.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: Awan Bros Helped Wasserman Schultz Screw Bernie Sanders Campaign – Taught Her How to Disguise Calls (VIDEO)

There is evidence now that at least one of these brothers was helping her to do the malevolent activities.

FLASHBACK: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Uses Voice Changer to Call Law Firm Suing DNC – Forgets to Disable Caller ID!

Breaking News:

Reince Priebus fired.


Hour 3

Poll: Republicans think courts should be able to shut down media that’s “biased or inaccurate,” 45/20 – Hot Air Hot Air

Media wars: 34% of Americans approve court-ordered fines for biased or inaccurate news stories – Washington Times

A majority of Americans — 51 percent — now disapprove of the news media’s treatment of , a sentiment shared by 77 percent of Republicans and even 26 percent of Democrats. Another 53 percent don’t like the way Mr. Trump deals with the media as well; 23 percent of the GOPers and 79 percent of Democrats agree.

Tuesday, July 25 – Hour 3 Podcast


Senate Approves First Step Toward Obamacare Repeal – Breitbart

The passed Majority Leader ‘s motion to proceed on the upper chamber’s bills Tuesday, a move that will allow senators to vote on both the 2015 Obamacare repeal bill and the leadership’s healthcare reform legislation. If either bill ultimately passes, it will repeal large sections of .

BREAKING: Senate Secures 50 Votes Needed to Open Debate on Obamacare

on Tuesday secured the 50 votes needed to move forward on their seven-year pledge to repeal portions of Obamacare, approving a to begin debate and assemble details of a final healthcare bill.


Daily : Tuesday, July 25


Here We Go: Senate to Vote on Whether to Proceed to Obamacare Replacement Bills – Guy Benson

The Senate can do so again now, and President Trump will use his pen to sign such legislation. The first step this time, the first vote we will soon take, is on whether or not to begin the debate at all.

Boehner Says He Used to ‘Sneak Into’ White House to See Obama

Former said at an event in Las Vegas last week that he used to “sneak into” the White House to see President Barack Obama to avoid scrutiny from the “right-wing press,” according to a report by the Washington Post, which obtained a videotape of Boehner’s remarks.

Boehner Predicts Republicans Will Never Repeal and Replace Obamacare – Breitbart

Boehner said, “Here we are, seven months into this year, and yet they’ve not passed this bill. Now, they’re never — they’re not going to repeal and replace Obamacare. It’s been around too long. And the American people have gotten accustomed to it. Governors have gotten accustomed to this Medicaid expansion, and so trying to pull it back is really not going to work.”

The Obamacare Facts That Liberals Don’t Want You to Know

Roy wrote that “of the 22 million fewer people who will have health insurance in 2026 under the Senate [health care] bill, 16 million will voluntarily drop out of the market because they will no longer face a financial penalty for doing so: 73 percent of the total.”

$1.6 Million To Study Effects of Soda | The Daily Caller

The National Institute of Health (NIH) awarded physiologist Ruth Harris $1.6 million to study the health effects of soft drinks on people.

Hospital Roadblocks Gard’s Parents Wishes | The Daily Caller

Charlie Gard’s hospital opposed his parents’ last wish to take him home to die Tuesday, but Gard’s mom wants the dispute aired publicly.

Hour 2

BREAKING: Appeals Court Strikes Down D.C. “Good Cause” Handgun Carry Ban – Firearms Policy Coalition

Today, the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit struck down Washington, D.C.’s ‘good cause’ carry rule that plaintiffs in 2 cases argued constituted a ban on the .

Snopes on the Verge of Collapse as They Beg For Money on GoFundMe

“We’re hoping [the $500K goal] can get us by until the end of the year,” he said, cautioning that specific dates or numbers hadn’t been thought out. “We’re just trying to cover operating expenses, it’s all very standard: salaries, we have 16 staff that work at Snopes, various kinds of overhead, travel, that kind of thing. There’s no telling how much we’re going to have to end up frittering away on legal fees.”

San Jose businesswoman pleads guilty to H1-B visa fraud

A San Jose businesswoman who secured H1-B visas for skilled foreign workers by telling immigration officials they had job offers from Cisco Systems Inc. when they did not has pleaded guilty to , according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Michigan fruit growers say ‘Trump effect’ is making their life harder | MLive.com

Migrant workers in the Great Lakes region were being paid an average of $12.28 an hour this spring, a 5.5 percent increase over the same time last year, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture statistics.

Grades going up, SAT scores down: Experts say grade inflation is to blame – Red Alert Politics

A tougher SAT makes the painful rite of passage even more grueling, but it also makes it easier for colleges to differentiate between applicants. A more difficult test means that the bell curve of scores will be more spread out, making it easier for colleges to differentiate between candidates.

Hour 3

Senate Approves First Step Toward Obamacare Repeal – Breitbart

The Senate passed Majority Leader ‘s motion to proceed on the upper chamber’s bills Tuesday, a move that will allow senators to vote on both the 2015 bill and the leadership’s healthcare reform legislation. If either bill ultimately passes, it will repeal large sections of Obamacare.

BREAKING: Senate Secures 50 Votes Needed to Open Debate on Obamacare

on Tuesday secured the 50 votes needed to move forward on their seven-year pledge to repeal portions of Obamacare, approving a to begin debate and assemble details of a final healthcare bill.

Daily : Tuesday, July 18


BREAKING: McConnell Abandons ‘Repeal and Replace’ — May Just Repeal Obamacare Law Instead

late Monday announced he was abandoning efforts to pass a bill to “repeal and replace” Obamacare, and said he would instead push a bill to fully repeal the law and give Congress two years to figure out a replacement.

Trump Fires Off Tweet After GOP Senate Fails to Repeal Obamacare

VIDEO: Students love socialism!…whatever that is…

Last year, a poll was released showing 53 percent of Americans under age 35 are dissatisfied with our nation’s current economic system and think socialism would be good for the country.

Hour 2

Second Amendment Foundation

“We know we are violating numerous constitutional rights here, but if you do not comply, we will remove the boy from your home.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is preparing to ramp up asset forfeiture – The Washington Post

“We hope to issue this week a new directive on — especially for drug traffickers,” Sessions said in his prepared remarks for a speech to the National District Attorney’s Association in Minneapolis. “With care and professionalism, we plan to develop policies to increase forfeitures. No criminal should be allowed to keep the proceeds of their crime. Adoptive forfeitures are appropriate as is sharing with our partners.”

The IRS raided their store and sold their stuff within hours. Now they’re fighting back – Red Alert Politics

Although the Thangsongcharoens’ accountant demonstrated they actually owed no debt, 20 IRS agents and Dallas officers entered the store and asked for a $10,000 check or forfeit their inventory. Four hours later, the IRS had auctioned off 1,600 designer dresses and other store items $598,000 underneath the IRS’ own valuation — violating perishable good sale requirements.

Hour 3

$1 million in marijuana found in brand new Ford Fusions | Fox 59

Authorities are looking into how marijuana worth $1 million was hidden in the trunks of brand new, Mexican-made at a dealership in Ohio, according to Silverio Balzano, agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Youngstown office.

No Justification for Importing More Low-skilled Labor, Study Claims

At the national level, it is worth pointing out that there is no evidence at all of labor shortages in the labor market that are significant enough to move national data trends. Despite much-welcome progress in reducing the national unemployment rate in recent years, and despite the fact that the unemployment rate has now reached pre-Great Recession levels, many other labor market indicators signal an economy that still has some way to go before genuine full employment is attained.

Maine town resorts to hiring Americans as visas run out – Hot Air Hot Air

Because the program has already reached its annual quota, ‘s hotels, restaurants and shops can’t bring in any more foreign workers for the rest of the busy summer tourist season. Like hundreds of similar coastal resort towns, Bar Harbor has for many years depended on the H-2B visas for temporary workers. The program allows non-agricultural companies to bring in foreign labor if they are unable to find suitable employees domestically.

Trump, McConnell, Call For Clean Repeal | The Daily Caller

President and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called for the full, clean repeal of Obamacare in late-night statements Monday.

Straight Obamacare Repeal Is Dead | The Daily Caller

Sens. of West Virginia, Susan Collins of and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska said they won’t vote in favor of the proposal.