Daily : Friday, May 13

Homeland Security asks for patience as airport security lines grow – Chicago Tribune

Travelers across the country have endured lengthy lines, some snaking up and down escalators, or through food courts, and into terminal lobbies. At some airports, lines during peak hours have topped 90 minutes. Airlines have reported holding planes at gates to wait for passengers to clear security.

Lawmakers to Airlines: Drop Baggage Fees to Shorten TSA Lines – NBC News

This will cut down on the amount of carry-on luggage fliers haul on planes and speed up inspections at the notoriously slow checkpoints, U.S. Senators Edward Markey and Richard Blumenthal wrote in a letter to a dozen major U.S. airlines.

It’s your fault security lines take forever, according to the TSA | New York Post

New Yorkers can blame themselves for unbearably long lines at area airports, the said in response to criticism from the Port Authority.

TSA officials say Phoenix airport bag-screening issue fixed | Fox News

A bag-screening issue that caused more than 3,000 checked bags to miss their outbound flights has been fixed, Transportation Security Administration officials said Friday.

Big Brother Obama Forces Public Schools to Allow Trans Students to Use Bathroom of Choice

“A school may not require students to use facilities inconsistent with their gender identity or to use individual-user facilities when other students are not required to do so,” the letter says, according to The New York Times, which obtained a copy.

Conservatives outraged over Obama transgender directive to public schools | Fox News

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, speaking to reporters Friday, said his state “will not yield to blackmail from the president of the United States.”

[bctt tweet=”Texas will not yield to blackmail from the president of the United States.” username=”CaseyTheHost”]

Environmental Activist Marries 1,000 YEAR OLD TREE

Peruvian activist and actor Richard Torres contracted matrimony with Mexico’s famous 1,000-year-old Arbol del Tule, or Tule Tree, in an Inca ceremony replete with incense, grains and conch shells.

Ecosexuals: Weird sexual fetish where a person makes the land their lover

This is the sex house of an , a person who makes the land their lover, bringing a whole new meaning to “environmentally friendly” and “whore-ticulture”.

ObamaCare Silver-Plan Deductibles Now As High As $6,850 | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis – IBD

The bad is that the help won’t kick in until after the $6,850 deductible is exhausted. The bottom line: The new pays $7,010 out of the $7,540 in costs.

Congress Moves Forward With Impeachment of IRS Commissioner – Katie Pavlich

Hearings to determine whether Commissioner John should be impeached for misconduct will soon be underway on Capitol Hill.

Ben Rhodes Had A Hand In The Benghazi Narrative | The Daily Caller

The White House aide responsible for fabricating the narrative on the also had a hand in spinning the events following the attack on a U.S. consulate in , an email reveals.

Asthmatic Smokers Reap Health Benefits Switching To Vaping | The Daily Caller

Asthmatic smokers who switch to could enjoy significant recovery in their lung and respiratory function, according to a new study published in Discovery Medicine.

Hospitals Abandon Vape Ban Due To E-Cigarette Safety | The Daily Caller

“We’re now allowing e-cigarettes on our grounds to give our patients, staff, and visitors more choice in how they quit smoking,” Fowlie added.

Trump Leading Hillary With Hispanic Voters In New Poll | The Daily Caller

Donald leads  Clinton by ten points among , according to a shocking new general election match-up released Friday.

[bctt tweet=”Donald leads Clinton by 10 points among .” username=”CaseyTheHost”]

Daily : Thursday, April 7

Obama administration pushes banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit – The Washington Post

The administration is engaged in a broad push to make more available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.

Tesla has received 325,000 preorders for the Model 3 | The Verge

 announced Thursday that it has received 325,000 preorders for its recently unveiled Model 3. If it sells every car that’s been reserved, the company says it will earn enough revenue to make this the “biggest one-week launch of any product ever.” A few days ago, the electric car company was saying it had received twice the number of preorders it originally expected to get. Now it’s quickly approaching three times that number, which raises questions about the company’s ability to meet its increasingly complex production goals.

Americans Will Spend More On Taxes Than Basic Necessities | The Daily Caller

The Washington, D.C.-based nonpartisan think tank said Americans will pay a total of $4.9 trillion in this year – 3.34 trillion in federal taxes and $1.64 trillion in state and local taxes. The combination of the three basic necessities totals $4.105 trillion, with $1.629 trillion spent on food, $360 billion on clothing and $2.117 trillion on housing.

McDonalds Responds To Minimum Wage Hikes, Launches McCafe Coffee Kiosk | Zero Hedge

When it comes to jobs growth in the US, all one can say is thank god for waiters and bartenders: after all, a Starbucks barista is precisely what a recently fired oil chemical engineer making half a million dollars really wants to do with their life.

Indiana trooper sued a second time for proselytizing

An State trooper faces a second accusing him of preaching to citizens while on duty.

Army Chief of Staff Opposes Private Weapons for Protection on U.S. Military Installations

“I’ve been around guns all my life. I know how to use them, and arming our people on our military bases and allowing them to carry concealed, privately owned weapons — I do not recommend that as a force protection,” Chief of Staff General Mark Milley told Congress on Thursday.

School’s new policy bans parents from walking children to school | KRIV

Pick your child up from school and you could be charged with trespassing. That’s the threat against parents at Bear Branch Elementary School in Magnolia ISD. This is the school’s tactic to keep parents who live close to the school from walking on school grounds.

Young kids walk to McDonald’s alone; Mom charged

A Spartanburg woman has been arrested after police say she allowed her 3-year-old son and 9-year-old nephew to walk, unsupervised, to a McDonald’s restaurant near her home.

Bill Clinton Wants ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protesters To Shut Up

One of the activists reportedly carried a sign that referenced Clinton’s use in 1996 of the term “super-predator” to describe young black people. That sign prompted to launch into a lengthy defense of his administration’s crackdown on crime and welfare abuse in the 1990’s, policies which have come under repeated attack by black activists.

Listen: ‘I Think My Dogs A Democrat’ By Bryan Lewis | The Burning Truth

Bryan Lewis’ original song ‘I Think My Dogs A Democrat’

Court hears case of teen who sent beau texts urging suicide

Dozens of text messages that a teenage girl sent to her boyfriend that encouraged him to kill himself were just words and do not constitute a crime, her lawyer told the state’s highest court Thursday.

Daily : Tuesday, April 5

Obama Admin: Landlords Can’t Refuse To House Criminals | The Daily Caller

The Fair Housing Act doesn’t include criminals as a protected class, but the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) says refusing to rent based on a criminal record is a form of racial discrimination, due to racial imbalances in the U.S. justice system.

WOW! Watch Idiot Fast Food Worker Defend $15 an Hour Minimum Wage (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

Naquasia Legrand: No, I say this is great that this is happening fast. People are losing their jobs now as we speak. Whether we fight or not people are already losing their job, losing their homes. This is a way that us standing in solidarity, standing together, this is a way to keep us together and have job security. So by this movement rapidly the way it is is definitely great for all low wage workers around this country.

Automation: McDonald’s Introduces Kiosks So Customers Can Have (Money-Saving) Non-Human Food Ordering

Automation: McDonald’s Introduces So Customers Can Have (Money-Saving) Non-Human Food Ordering

Consumers Prefer Self-Service Kiosks at Banks | Acuant

According to a study by Source Technologies, self-service retail banking kiosks can offer significant improvements to physical branch locations. Usually it takes customers 9 minutes to get an official check from a bank teller. When banks provide self-service kiosks for their customers to use, the time it takes to get an official check gets cut down to 40 seconds. Customers can get their checks 13.5 times faster with a self-service .

Survey: Millennials Want In-Store Mobile Payments, Not Human Cashiers

Among all respondents, nearly half (49 percent) wanted more self-service kiosks and 20 percent wanted to be able to pay with mobile or a smartwatch. Once again, among , the figures were higher: “26 percent want to be able to pay at self-service kiosks using mobile devices . . .”

BREAKING: RNC Releases New Video – Pushes Rule Change to Help Party Elites Steal Nomination – The Gateway Pundit

But maybe you still don’t understand why’s all this necessary? Why can’t the rules stay the same for each convention? Listen, if you were a delegate you wouldn’t want to be governed by the rules of past conventions. There’s no reason that the rules that governed Romney’s should be used to govern you. After all, this is a new convention for new candidates.

GOP Elite Matt Schlapp: Trump Should Endorse Eventual GOP Winner at RNC After They Steal Nomination from Him – The Gateway Pundit

Matt Schlapp: I think, so much of this Bill, depends on what Donald decides to do. Donald Trump, obviously if he gets the nomination he’s gonna be plenty happy. If he doesn’t get it does he endorse? You know, Ronald Reagan in 1976 lost that grueling nominating contest to Gerald Ford but he stood up there at the podium, put his arm around Gerald Ford and endorsed him. If that happens, my party is going to be OK. If we don’t get that moment my party has a big problem.

Um yeah, no. What Schlapp didn’t say is that Reagan wasn’t the frontrunner going into the 1976 convention. Far different scenario.

1976 Republican National Convention – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Going into the convention, Ford had won more primary delegates than Reagan, as well as a plurality in popular vote.

New IIHS ratings show most headlights are lacking

The Toyota Prius v is the only midsize car out of 31 evaluated to earn a good rating in the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s first-ever headlight ratings.

Taxpayers footing bill for lawsuit | Indiana | www.journalgazette.net

Hoosier taxpayers have paid $160,000 in legal fees to shield House and Senate communications from public view in just eight months.

Mishawaka joins St. Joseph County in fight for big box stores’ property taxes – 953MNC.com

The Mishawaka City Council voted unanimously to join the city of South Bend and St. Joseph County in paying for legal fees in court cases involving local big box stores seeking lower property .

Federal judge rules on special Wal-Mart tax; liberals are FUMING – Allen B. West – AllenBWest.com

Another politically-motivated attempt to keep out was made explicitly clear in Puerto Rico, where a law was introduced to effectively tax the company at a rate three times higher than other companies. The tax is applied to companies with revenues over $2.75 billion – and Wal-Mart is the only company on the island that even comes close.

Talk Radio Wars: Seismic Struggles In Talk Radio As Hosts Battle Their Listeners | The Daily Caller

Many hosts are engaged in open warfare with their audiences. Even among those who are not, there is a palpable awareness that this election is different from any other and may well change the future of talk radio and their individual careers.

Footage Surfaces of Bernie Sanders Praising COMMUNIST BREAD LINES (VIDEO)

Video Surfaces of Praising Breadlines and Food Rationing

DEVELOPING: We Have the DC Madam’s Phone Records – Pages and Pages of Phone Records – The Gateway Pundit

We have the ‘s phone records. Pages and pages of phone records. We are deciding how to present this evidence.

Monday, April 4 – Hour 3 Podcast

Chipotle Almost Killed A Guy Yesterday. Like For Real.

Marion County mother charged with neglect for making children walk to school | Times Free Press

A 32-year-old Marion County, Tenn., faces an April court date on charges after deputies found her driving ahead of her young daughters as she made them walk miles to school on Valley View Highway.

Barack Obama flashes the peace sign for nuclear security summit ‘team photo’ | Daily Mail Online

Edinburgh Student Violates Safe Space by Raising Her Hand | Truth Revolt

According to the association’s rules, student council meetings should be held in a “safe space environment” where “discriminatory language and actions” are prohibited. Such “actions” include “refraining from hand gestures which denote disagreement” or “in any other way indicating disagreement with a point or points being made.”

THE FIX IS IN=> GOP Leader Priebus Says He Won’t Turn Over Party to Trump if He Wins – The Gateway Pundit

If Donald wins the Republican presidential nomination this summer, Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus is vowing not to give the billionaire’s campaign control over the party leading up to the November election, according to a report in The New York Times.


Daily : Monday, April 4

Michigan Parents: No Boys In Girls Shower | The Daily Caller

In response to a proposed guidance from the state’s Board of Education that would pressure schools to let children choose their gender-assigned bathroom of choice, parents, teachers and students have flooded the Board with pleas to change the policy.

California Man Dressed as a Woman Busted For MAKING VIDEOS IN A LADIES ROOM – Progressives Today

When Pomare was contacted, he was wearing a wig and women’s clothing, including a bra, a statement from the LASD revealed. “The deputy noticed he was wearing a wig and appeared to have breasts,” LASD Sergeant Brian Hudson told the Los Angeles outlet.

Top Stories – Up to a Million Americans May Lose Food Stamps as States Restore Pre-Recession Requirements – AllGov – News

Hundreds of thousands of people could soon lose as states reimpose time limits and work requirements that were suspended in recent years because of high unemployment, state officials and advocates for the poor said Friday.

Millennials are being dot.conned by cult-like tech companies | New York Post

Tech startups love . Tasty, tasty millennials who get underpaid, overworked, churned up and turned into nourishment for venture capitalists. Millennials are the Soylent Green of the tech world.

Supreme Court rules electoral districts must be drawn by population, not eligible voters – 953MNC.com

The has unanimously upheld a Texas law that counts everyone, not just eligible voters, in deciding how to draw electoral districts.

I address an email accusing me of being pro-.

Interview: Justin Maust from Lead Michiana.

Children on Easter egg hunt form human arrow to direct British police to suspects | Fox News

Children on an formed a human arrow to direct a helicopter to two suspected burglars.

Chipotle Almost Killed A Guy Yesterday. Like For Real.

Marion County mother charged with neglect for making children walk to school | Times Free Press

A 32-year-old Marion County, Tenn., faces an April court date on charges after deputies found her driving ahead of her young daughters as she made them walk miles to school on Valley View Highway.

Barack Obama flashes the peace sign for nuclear security summit ‘team photo’ | Daily Mail Online

Edinburgh Student Violates Safe Space by Raising Her Hand | Truth Revolt

According to the association’s rules, student council meetings should be held in a “safe space environment” where “discriminatory language and actions” are prohibited. Such “actions” include “refraining from hand gestures which denote disagreement” or “in any other way indicating disagreement with a point or points being made.”

THE FIX IS IN=> GOP Leader Priebus Says He Won’t Turn Over Party to Trump if He Wins – The Gateway Pundit

If Donald Trump wins the Republican presidential nomination this summer, Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus is vowing not to give the billionaire’s campaign control over the party leading up to the November election, according to a report in The New York Times.