Monday, 28 – Hour 1 Podcast

Ohio State University assailant dead and multiple people injured at Columbus campus | Daily Mail Online

Abdul Artan, 18, has been identified as the assailant behind a stabbing attack at OSU’s Columbus campus

Police Believe Ohio State Slasher a Somali Refugee | LifeZette

In early October, ISIS called on its followers to engage in a “campaign of knife attacks” in the West, and it appears that ‘s attack could very well be the result of one radical Muslim’s taking that call to heart.

Donald Trump to inherit ‘weak’ Army, military too small to win major wars, report finds – Washington Times

The Washington think tank that helped forge the defense views of President-elect Donald says in a report that the armed forces are too small to win major wars.

Jimmy Kimmel Hilariously Lampoons Political Correctness And SJWs With Ridiculous Thanksgiving Pageant

Jimmy Kimmel skewered social justice warriors and their virtue signaling with the first-ever “politically correct Thanksgiving pageant.” The now allegedly controversial story of Pilgrims and Native Americans sharing a meal together was altered to not offend the perpetually offended. “So we thought it might be a good idea to update the story of Thanksgiving to reflect our modern sensitivities,” Kimmel explained.

Fake news quickly spread again with the CNN Porn scare – HYPELINE

Like the sites didn’t question it almost at all. The NY Post even had its headline “CNN accidentally airs transsexual porn on Thanksgiving” without even potentially including room for doubt there.


Daily : , 28

Ohio State University assailant dead and multiple people injured at Columbus campus | Daily Mail Online

Abdul Artan, 18, has been identified as the assailant behind a stabbing attack at OSU’s Columbus campus

Police Believe Ohio State Slasher a Somali Refugee | LifeZette

In early October, ISIS called on its followers to engage in a “campaign of knife attacks” in the West, and it appears that ‘s attack could very well be the result of one radical Muslim’s taking that call to heart.

Donald Trump to inherit ‘weak’ Army, military too small to win major wars, report finds – Washington Times

The Washington think tank that helped forge the defense views of President-elect Donald says in a report that the armed forces are too small to win major wars.

Jimmy Kimmel Hilariously Lampoons Political Correctness And SJWs With Ridiculous Thanksgiving Pageant

Jimmy Kimmel skewered social justice warriors and their virtue signaling with the first-ever “politically correct Thanksgiving pageant.” The now allegedly controversial story of Pilgrims and Native Americans sharing a meal together was altered to not offend the perpetually offended. “So we thought it might be a good idea to update the story of Thanksgiving to reflect our modern sensitivities,” Kimmel explained.

Fake news quickly spread again with the CNN Porn scare – HYPELINE

Like the sites didn’t question it almost at all. The NY Post even had its headline “CNN accidentally airs transsexual porn on Thanksgiving” without even potentially including room for doubt there.

Hour 2

Bloomington Indiana union upset over changes in holidays’ names – 95.3 MNC

Rick Albright is president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 2487. According to the Bloomington Herald-Times , he emailed the mayor saying the changes amounted to changes in the union’s contract. Albright said he plans to file a grievance.

Dealers using THC-laced ‘edibles’ to attract young people | WANE

“They’re getting them through some sort of black market,” said Jerri Lerch of the Allen County Drug and Alcohol Consortium. “That could be online or on the web, or some sort of physical transaction of some kind.”

Indiana TV Station Claims Kids Are Ordering Cannabis Candy Online – Hit & Run :

These numbers are nonsensical. A lollipop that was 100 percent would not be a lollipop; it would be pure THC. Even a product that was 70 percent THC would not have the taste, consistency, or appearance of a lollipop, which consists mostly of sugar. And if it were possible to create such a thing, a seven-gram lollipop that was 70 percent THC would contain 4,900 milligrams of marijuana’s main psychoactive ingredient. The label on the 2 Baked Gerrls package indicates that it contains 50 milligrams of THC, or 25 milligrams per lollipop (assuming both pictured lollipops came from the same package).

Indiana Chamber of Commerce unveils top legislative priorities for 2017 – 95.3 MNC

“We need to completely fund both maintenance needs and important new projects, and ensure that every user pays their fair share.”

The Oil War Is Over And America Has Won | The Daily Caller

On 30h OPEC will meet to admit they have lost that conflict.

Hour 3

Michelle Malkin | » ‘Green’ initiative: Jill Stein raising millions for election recount (read the fine print)

If we raise more than what’s needed, the surplus will also go toward integrity efforts and to promote voting system reform.

Straight From the Alinksy Playbook: Hillary Clinton Joins Jill Stein’s ‘Recount’ Efforts in Three States | Truth Revolt

It’s been announced that failed presidential candidate  Clinton will join another loser, Communist , for a futile  in the States of Wisconsin, and likely Pennsylvania and Michigan, too.

Team Hillary: Yeah, there’s no evidence the election was hacked — but we’re joining the recount anyway; Update: Conway responds, “What a pack of sore losers” « Hot Air

“We stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people,” a senior administration official told POLITICO late Friday.

FAKE NEWS: Washington Post Writes Fake Story About Russia Meddling In US Election Using Fake, Discredited Sources – The Burning Truth

This reminds me of the time the Washington Post published an article about how Hillary Clinton may have been poisoned by Vladimir Putin when she collapsed on the anniversary of 9/11. They did this while simultaneously mocking people who said there may be an issue with Hillary’s health.


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Penn Professor: Still No ‘Human Recovery’ from Recession | LifeZette

“We have clearly had a market recovery since 2008,” said Amy Castro Baker, a social science professor at School of Social Policy & Practice, speaking to the Knowledge@Wharton and radio show. “However, we have not had a human recovery.”

School Bus Driver Charged in Deadly Chattanooga Crash

A school bus driver who authorities say was speeding along a narrow, winding Tennessee road when he wrapped his vehicle around a tree was arrested and charged with vehicular homicide in the deaths of five children.

Grief turns to anger in Chattanooga after school bus crash

Lowenstein Smith, who said her grandson had been injured in the crash, came by Woodmore on Tuesday morning and chatted with other community members. She said her grandson had complained about Walker’s speeding before but that those complaints were not taken seriously by the school system.

Grieving Chattanooga mother says she notified the school about the bus driver months before the deadly crash – Rare

Jasmine Mateen, the mother of one of the Chattanooga school bus crash victims, says she repeatedly complained about the bus’s driver for months prior to ‘s accident. The crash resulted in the deaths of five students, including Mateen’s daughter.

Bus Driver Charged In Fatal Crash That Killed 5 Kids | The Daily Caller

In a chilling development, CBS  is reporting that a mother of three children who were on the bus, said that the just prior to the crash, the driver asked, “is everyone here ready to die?”

Chattanooga school bus driver was involved in another collision just two months ago | Daily Mail Online

Walker sideswiped the Kia Seoul after crossing into oncoming traffic, but and the damage to both vehicles was considered minor.

Nikki Haley: Trump chooses her for UN ambassador –

President-elect Donald has picked South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to be the US ambassador to the United Nations, the transition team announced .

School-choice advocate selected for education secretary – HYPELINE

President-elect Donald Trump has selected a school-choice advocate and GOP donor from Michigan to be education secretary.

Ben Carson says he’ll be Housing and Urban Development secretary | Daily Mail Online

Dr. Ben Carson wrote Wednesday that he will accept a role in President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet, and strongly suggested that he will be secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

Acknowledging domestic terror threat, Pentagon says troops, recruiters can carry concealed guns

U.S. personnel can now request to carry concealed handguns for protection at government facilities, according to new Defense Department directive issued last week in response to a series of deadly shootings over the last seven years.

This Lawsuit Could Shatter ALL Federal Gun Control Laws

When Shane Cox began selling his homemade firearms and silencers out of his military surplus store, he stamped “Made in Kansas” on them to assure buyers that a Kansas law would prevent federal prosecution of anyone owning firearms made, sold and kept in the state.

Hour 2

Denver Sheriff Department penalized for wrongful hiring practices – The Denver Post

The Denver Sheriff Department has run afoul of the U.S. Department of Justice because it made U.S. citizenship a job requirement for its deputies during a hiring spree in 2015 and early 2016.

Hour 3

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