Daily Show Prep: Friday, Oct. 21

Daily : , . 21

Hour 1

The FBI raided the home of an Emmy-award-winning journalist co-authoring a book critical of the Afghanistan withdrawal, and he hasn’t been seen since.

Newsmax cuts ties with Lara Logan after she said world leaders ‘dine on the blood of children’

This was biggest of the afternoon . It was everywhere and a trending story.

Was her comment worse than Ethan Klein’s comment Shapiro getting gassed by Nazis?

has been a media blackout on a darling, Klein, making this disgusting comment but Lara Logan is blasted everywhere?

Interview: Andy Rutten

Hour 2


BREAKING: RealClearPolitics predicts Tudor Dixon to win Michigan governorship over Gretchen Whitmer

The Detroit News Endorses Tudor Dixon for Michigan Governor

Hour 3

Vaccination Poses Higher Risk of Myocarditis Death for All Age Groups: Study


95 Percent of Corpses Had Received COVID Vaccination Within 2 Weeks of Death: Funeral Director

The data points do not support giving your child an experimental mRNA vaccine and you don’t have to follow the CDC’s absurd and indefensible dictate to do it.

Daily Show Prep: Wed, Sept. 7

Daily : Wed, Sept. 7



Democrats Threaten Civil War if They Lose in November

Democrats Don’t Believe Their Own ‘Democracy in Peril’ Rhetoric


Hour 2

Amazon took all U.S. solar rooftops offline last year after flurry of fires, electrical explosions


Why Nuclear Power Is (Quietly) Making a Big Comeback All Around the World

Biden EV Tax Credit May Not Be Usable

DC panics because Politico may drop its bias

Come on, Hurricanes, Get With the Climate Change Program

Hour 3


Embalmers Have Been Finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots That Lack Post-Mortem Characteristics

Omicron finally got me after two years of being a COVID hermit. Then, doctors made it worse

Daily Show Prep: Monday, July 25

Daily : , July 25


Bombshell: Possible Fraudulent Images Used In Key Alzheimer’s Study Has Misled Research For Years, Report Says

: . Arthur Laffer

Interview: Jonathan Lindsey

Hour 2

NEW: Twitter Bans ‘Groomer’ Insult

Multiple Trans Activists Arrested for Sex Crimes Involving Children

COVID expert Deborah Birx says she ‘knew’ vaccines ‘were not going to protect against infection’

Hour 3

Interview: Run

Lunatics with Nazi flags driven away from TPUSA conference by attendees

WATCH: Ben Carson says ‘hard to convince people’ monkeypox is serious after COVID-19

Show Prep: Tues, Nov. 24

Show : Tues, Nov. 24

Putin: Downing Of Jet A ‘Stab In The Back’

However, a rebel group has said shot dead the two pilots as they tried to land safely in northern Syria after ejecting from the jet.


Turkey reportedly shot down a Russian SU-24 jet on Tuesday by Turkey near the Syria-Turkey border.

Syrian rebels chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ over the body of dead Russian pilot in video | Daily Mail Online

chanted ‘Allahu Akbar’ over the dead body of a Russian pilot shot down by a Turkish jet today in shocking footage released shortly before a separate group blew up a chopper sent to survivors.

California Girls Demand to Be Boy Scouts | Truth Revolt

Maybe their approach should have been to go to the Girl Scouts and say: Instead of painting our nails and clipping our — whatever they do — to do archery and do climbing. through that process.

ACLU wants judge to block Gov. Mike Pence’s refugee order – 953MNC.com

The Indianapolis Star reports that the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana filed the lawsuit night on behalf of Indianapolis-based nonprofit Exodus Immigration. It accuses Pence of violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act by accepting refugees from other countries but not from Syria.

Far Left’s “Islamophobia” Poster Child Is Caught at Syrian Border Trying to Join ISIS

US Muslim Saadiq Long made headlines after he was not allowed to fly to Oklahoma from Qatar to see his ailing mother.

Oops! 150 Passengers from Mexico Skip Customs at JFK | Truth Revolt

When the plane landed, passengers walked out of the airport without having their passports or bags checked by Customs and Border Protection, sources told The News.

Breaking: SHOTS FIRED! Several Wounded – In Standoff in French Border Town of Roubaix – The Gateway Pundit

Several people were reportedly wounded in a stand-off between officers and hostage-takers in the French border town of Roubaix.

Amazon plastered New York transit with Nazi imagery and nobody is happy

Blue Origin Lands First Reusable Private Rocket | The Daily Caller

Blue Origin, a private space company, announced Tuesday its New Shepard reusable successfully flew 100.5 kilometers into space and returned to its launch site.

One Nativity Scene in Indiana County Is Swapping Baby Jesus With the Bill of Rights | TheBlaze.com

This Christmas, the Freedom from Religion Foundation will give their own nativity a nontraditional makeover. The hallowed scene — on display at the county courthouse — will include the Statue of Liberty, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, all huddled around a manger, cradling the Bill of Rights instead of Jesus.

Ahmed ‘Clock Kid’ Mohamed’s Family Demands $15 Million From City of Irving, School District — and That’s Not All | TheBlaze.com

Attorneys representing the family of Ahmed “clock kid” Mohamed sent a letter to Irving, Texas, officials demanding $15 million in compensation for “damages” as well as written apologies from the city’s mayor and police chief.

EXCELLENT! Charismatic Navajo Indian and Democratic Senator Switches Parties to GOP (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

Carlyle Begay, an Arizona state senator and Navajo, switched parties from Democrat to Republican this morning.

Gunfire erupts at the site of Black Lives Matter protest; 5 are injured – StarTribune.com

Protesters said at least two gunmen opened fire just outside of the Plymouth . encampment.

VIDEO PROOF=> 5 Black Lives Matter Protesters Shot AFTER REPEATEDLY Beating White Videographers – The Gateway Pundit

The witnesses say the protesters pursued and caught with the three men, punching them . The men made gestures as if reaching for their guns but apparently did not brandish them at that point.

University yoga class canceled because of ‘oppression, cultural genocide’ – The Washington Post

a yoga class designed to include disabled students has been canceled after concerns the practice was taken from a culture that “experienced oppression, cultural genocide and diasporas due to colonialism and western supremacy,” according to the group that once sponsored it.

Western Is Openly Embracing Nazis Now?

I know, you are sick and tired of everyone flippantly throwing around the word ‘.’ So am I. The frivolous use of the word as a catch-all slur for anyone liberals disagree with is annoying. However, real neo-Nazis do exist. A lot of them are in Ukraine.

Point of clarification since are inevitably going to take this out of context.

Ukraine is not a Nazi country. Most of the country is very tolerant. In the east, however, there are Nazis. Not as many as Putin would have you believe, but they are there and they have committed war crimes against the people Putin is claiming to protect.

Recently, the UK Mail ran this :

Russian separatist warlord who led Neo-Nazi ‘Sparta’ mob is shot dead during battle in eastern Ukraine town in fresh blow to Putin’s floundering invasion

Interesting that the Russians are alleging the Ukrainians are Nazis and now the Western media is declaring Russian allies as Nazis. Zhoga is called a neo-Nazi in dozens of Western media outlets after he was killed. No one provides any actual evidence of this.

For the record, Zhoga has been accused of and appears to have admitted to war crimes. He’s no peach. But is he a neo-Nazi?

I can’t find anything about Zhoga or the Battalion (who DM refers to as a ‘mob’) Nazis. I have found a LOT about them accusing Ukrainians of being Nazis and fighting against those Nazis murdering their people.

In fact, even in the Daily Mail’s article accusing Zhoga of being a neo-Nazi, they printed that the announcement of his death accused the Ukrainians of being Nazis.

Sparta fights for the DPR. Denis Pushilin is the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). He announced the death of Zhoga on his Telegram.

He was mortally wounded while ensuring the exit of civilians from this settlement. Scouts “Sparta” covered the evacuation of civilians, mostly women and children. The Nazis opened fire on them…

The Nazis in this announcement are the Ukrainian forces. The head of the DPR said Zhoga was killed protecting civilians from the Nazis who opened fire on the civilians.

The Daily Mail published that nearly halfway down their article after they accused Sparta of being neo-Nazis. Daily Mail either missed it, as did everyone else repeating the claim, or they are intentionally lying to you.

It gets worse …

Look at this screengrab from just a few minutes before I wrote this article.

That’s the Wikipedia page on the Sparta Battalion. There is no reference to them being neo-Nazis in the entire article. Zero results for ‘neo’ for ‘Nazi’ and for ‘white.’ No one has considered Sparta Battalion to be neo-Nazi before now when it suits the Western powers that be to push that narrative.

Now, look at this from the search results for that exact same Wikipedia article:

The search results for that Wikipedia page claim Sparta are neo-Nazis but the actual article doesn’t … yet.

Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger recently:

Larry Sanger has warned that the website can no longer be trusted — insisting it is now just “propaganda” for the left-leaning “establishment.”

“If only one version of the facts is allowed then that gives a huge incentive to wealthy and powerful people to seize control of things like Wikipedia in order to shore up their power,” he said.

“There’s a global enforcement of a certain point of view on issues like COVID,” he insisted.

The Ukrainian AZOV Battalion is widely recognized as neo-Nazis. The government attempted to ban any funding of them with Ukrainian aid packages. A ban that was removed for … reasons.

AZOV Battalion – NBC News

NBC – News: German TV Shows Nazi Symbols on Helmets of Ukraine Soldiers

The Ukrainian AZOV Battalion and the DPR Sparta Battalion are enemies. Are the neo-Nazi groups fighting each other? Why does Sparta constantly refer to their enemies as Nazis in a derogatory way?

It seems that Sparta Battalion and their former leader Vladimir Zhoga are not actually neo-Nazis but are, in fact, in a war against actual neo-Nazi units.

Sidebar: The AZOV Battalion used to be a privately funded gang that was funded by rich oligarchs but was officially absorbed into the Ukrainian Guard by former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko. Poroshenko praised AZOV as:

“These are our best warriors,” he said at an awards ceremony in 2014. “Our best volunteers.”

In fact, so did NATO’s Atlantic Council.

40 members of the US Congress tried to have AZOV declared a terrorist organization. This is a great writeup about that situation:

Is the Azov Battalion a terrorist organization as 40 US House Democrats claim?

This brings me to the next story.

Russian soldier THREATENS Ukrainians with two grenades in his hands, demands surrender

Remember that story? The mayor of Konotop appealed to the city and asked if they wanted to fight or surrender. They chose to fight. I even covered it on my show. A harrowing story of bravery, right? What I didn’t know is that the mayor being lionized by the West is a for-real neo-Nazi.

His name is Artem Semenikhin. He’s the mayor of Konotop in the North East of Ukraine.

From 2015:

Local Jews in shock after Ukrainian city of Konotop elects neo-Nazi mayor

According to reports, Semenikhin drives around in a car bearing the number 14/88, a numerological reference to the phrases “we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” and “Heil Hitler”; replaced the picture of President Petro Poroshenko in his office with a portrait of Ukrainian national leader and Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera; and refused to fly the city’s official flag at the opening meeting of the city council because he objected to the star of David emblazoned on it. The flag also features a Muslim crescent and a cross.

Oh my.

From 2019:

Anti-Semitic politician beaten in Ukraine

Ex-mayor of Konotop severely maimed, attack linked to his political activity

Semenikhin attempted to run for Parliament and a mayor was elected in Konotop but died of COVID shortly after that in late 2020.

Oleksandr Luhovyi, who was elected mayor of Konotop in the October 25 election, has died from an illness

New elections were held and Artem Semenikhin regained his old post as mayor of Konotop.

Given that Artem Semenikhin is a neo-Nazi with a criminal history, why did PBS put him on their programming to promote his bravery?

PBS Hosts Neo-Nazi Ukraine Mayor, Blurs Image of ‘Hitler Accomplice’ Behind Him.

Now, when I covered the story of Konotop’s ‘surrender or die’ predicament, I didn’t know who Semenikhin was. I could forgive PBS for the same except they tipped their hand.

You see, behind Semenikhin in the PBS story is a painting of Stepan Bandera. Bandera was a Ukrainian politician and Nazi sympathizer during WWII. PBS knew that and that’s why they blurred the painting out.

Here’s the picture blurred on the wall of Stepan Bandera:

Screenshot for posterity:

I suppose you could say PBS didn’t do this intentionally and it was just a standard blur filter that streamers use all the time, but I’d find that claim dubious, at best.

Just so we are clear … Western media seems to have falsely accused a -Russian commander and his whole unit of being neo-Nazis when they are actively engaged in hostilities with a confirmed neo-Nazi unit while PBS knowingly put neo-Nazi on their programming and hid a painting of a well-known Nazi ally hanging on his wall while they did it.

Good thing the West has banned all Russian media outlets so their narrative doesn’t get challenged like with so many fake Ukrainian stories exposed so far in the conflict.