Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Sept. 10

Hour 1

John Bolton Fired: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

FIREWORKS! Bolton Hits Back – Accuses President Trump of Lying, ‘Let’s Be Clear, I Resigned!’

‘I’m Never Surprised’: Pompeo Gets Laughs In Press Briefing After Question About Bolton’s Exit

WATCH LIVE: Massive fire after train derailment in Dupo, Illinois

Leftists’ D.C. ‘Impeach Donald Trump’ Protests a Bust

Three New 2020 Polls Show Joe Biden in Second Place

Study Finds That the Vast Majority of Respiratory Diseases in Vapers Are Linked to Illegal THC Products

School removes bathroom stall doors to crack down on student vaping


Hour 2

TSA Admits Coke Bottles Shaped Like Fictional Weapons Aren’t a Threat, Will Allow Them on Planes

Breaking: FBI Arrests Top FEMA Administrator, Two Others For Hurricane Maria Relief Fraud

Obamacare Caused Premiums to Spike. Here’s How States Are Lowering Them Again.

AG Curtis Hill stalls BMV gender change rule

Dem Congressman Joe Cunningham’s Wife Outraged Obamacare Won’t Cover Couple’s Marriage Counseling


Hour 3

Chicago Mayor Goes After Ted Cruz On Guns… Poorly

Poll: 28 Per Cent of Democrats Think it Should be Illegal to be an NRA Member

NRA takes San Francisco to court over ‘domestic terrorist’ declaration

IAEA Found Uranium Traces at Iran ‘Atomic Warehouse,’ Diplomats Say

AMAZING! Conservative Activist Scott Presler Returns to Baltimore for Another Cleanup #PromisesMadePromisesKept


Monday, August 6 – Hour 3

Good guy with a gun prevents a in back to school event.

Government funded research discovers basic .

Anti-gun hired armed security for anti-NRA protest.

Parkland shooter requested help but the school district didn’t provide it.

FBI violated rules to have keep feeding them information after the election and after he had been fired by the FBI.

FBI logged a cyber-security intrusion request one day after the election. After the investigation had been closed.

New Documents: Hillary hid the existence of a second email server from the FBI, the one she used on, then negotiated with the DOJ on what she would show them.

Turns out a ‘racist’ doll was just a group of kids (diverse races) playing a prank.


Monday, May 7 – Hour 3 Podcast

Restaurant in , TX told patrons they were donating proceeds to groups during NRA annual meeting. They then claimed it was all a misunderstanding until the owner’s own personal posts were exposed.

Gas prices are going up but here’s why.