Daily : Monday, June 15

Hour 1

Tim Scott resigns from South Bend Common Council


Mayor Mueller, with police chief, calls press conference on “racial justice”

Co-Worker Retracts Claim That Ex-Officer Chauvin and Floyd Didn’t Get Along as Nightclub Staff


Shay Mikalonis: Shot Las Vegas Police Officer Paralyzed from the Neck Down


24 Hour Fitness Files for Bankruptcy, Closes 100 Locations

Hour 2

54 NIH scientists lose positions during investigation into foreign financial ties



Media Falsely Reports Trump Administration “Reversed Health Protections” for Transgender People

Principal accused of posting image calling Black Lives Matter a ‘leftist lie’ — and district opens probe



Hour 3

White House: Executive order to be ‘good glue’ to unite communities and police

Trump’s birthday marks best fundraising day for reelection campaign, RNC

Dem Data Firm Backed by Former Google CEO Dismissed Employee for Linking Violent Protests and Voter Turnout

Academics Demand Econ Journal Purge Prof For Criticizing Defund Police Movement





Daily : Monday, August 21


I’m back from vacation. Let’s do this.


The Eclipse Is Racist Suggests The Atlantic | The Daily Caller

The Atlantic’s very lengthy essay on the failure of to occur where a sufficient number of black people reside is entitled “American Blackout.” It clocks in at a remarkable 4,544 words and does not appear to be satire.

Judge orders IRS to reveal who took part in Tea Party targeting | Fox News

A federal judge has ordered the to release the names of specific employees involved in targeting Tea Party groups, after years of litigation over what conservatives have long called “chilling” behavior by one of the government’s “most feared” agencies.

Feds Spend $438,699 Studying If ‘Gender Norms’ Make LGBTQ People Get Drunk

The is spending over $400,000 studying whether of masculinity and femininity lead LGBTQ individuals to drink too much.

Hour 2


Vermont Attorney General T.J. Donovan said his office has concluded an investigation into the invoices and billing practices of Dr. , an economic consultant who contracted with the state to provide policy expertise, research and economic modeling for Vermont’s abandoned single-payer healthcare system.

Trump Justice Department Ends Operation Choke Point

Republican House members announced Friday that the has ended the controversial Obama-era program targeting payday lenders, gun shops, and other legal businesses, in response to several House Republicans who requested be shut down.

Farmer fined $1 million for plowing his own field – Red Alert Politics

A California farmer agreed Tuesday to pay $1.1 million for plowing federally protected wetlands on his wheat field, according to the Department of Justice. This ends a five-year legal battle over the reach of the Clean Water Act.

95% of lawmakers who support $15 minimum wage don’t pay their interns: Study – Red Alert Politics

The majority of lawmakers supporting raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, in fact, pay their interns $0 an hour, according to a new study by the Employment Policy Institute (EPI).

Hour 3

‘Full net censorship is HERE’: Google moves to de-platform Gab for being a ‘hate site’ – twitchy.com

has removed the Gab app from Google Play because they claim it violates their speech policy:

‘The Rebel’ Domain Gets Shut Down | The Daily Caller

The conservative Canadian website, The Rebel—also known as Rebel Media—had its domain shut down today. The “alt-media” website previously offered a platform to prominent voices on the right including Vice co-founder Gavin McInnes and right-wing activist and journalist Lauren Southern.