Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, February 4

Disgusted Matthews Mocks ‘Three Car Funeral’ of Iowa, Preview of Dem ‘Disaster?’

App blamed for botched Iowa caucus created by Hillary Clinton campaign alum


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Hour 2

Bice: DNC Host Committee leadership sidelined amid allegations of toxic work environment

Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: ‘When Speaker Pelosi Called, Of Course, I Said Yes’

Virginia Senate Blocks Gun-Control Bill Supported By Northam

Somehow it’s Trump’s fault a Democrat app broke.


Hour 3

Joe Biden Helped Launch Business for Son-in-Law from the Oval Office, Repeatedly Briefed Investors Privately

‘Schiff is clearly out of his mind’: Adam Schiff’s warnings about what Donald Trump could do if acquitted suggest he’s legit ‘lost his marbles’


Daily Show Prep: Thursday, January 16

Hour 1

GOP senator says Dems running for president must recuse themselves from impeachment trial

Pelosi Pulls A Schiff, Deliberately Misquotes Trump-Zelensky Call on House Floor

CNN nixes Mike Pence-Wolf Blitzer Israel interview, citing impeachment

Iran Claims It Arrested Source of Damning Ukrainian Plane Video

New Video Shows Two Iranian Missiles Hit Ukrainian Plane

Iranian Military Now Claims US ‘Cyberattack’ Brought Down Passenger Plane

Joe Biden Isn’t Using Hunter’s Name Anymore, Has New Way Of Referring To Him

Entire Russian Government Resigns As Putin Moves To Extend His Rule. Pelosi’s Daughter Takes Trump Jab.

New CDC Report Highlights the Risks of Black-Market THC Vapes


Hour 2

Which of these 2020 Democrats agrees with you most?

Arizona Democrat to get treatment for alcohol dependence after suffering fall

Facing Intense Backlash, Northam Praises NRA Members. NRA Levels Him In Response.

Tortoise Believed Extinct For 100 Years Reemerge In Galápagos

Kangaroo Island Mayor says Barack Obama ‘Wrong’ On Blaming Climate Change For Bushfires

Dental Assistant Fired For Expressing Support For Trump on Facebook


Hour 3

Trump Administration Illegally Withheld Aid From Ukraine, GAO Finds

Flashback: Ukrainian Officials Speak Out — Say Schiff’s Surprise Witness Lev Parnas Is COMPLETE LIAR About Meeting with Zelensky and They Didn’t Believe His Words on Trump

Man At Center Of New Ukraine Allegations: Democrats Have ‘Their Panties In A Bunch’ Over ‘Colorful’ Jokes On WhatsApp

South Bend Police Dept. reconsiders ban on beards

STUDY: Women Like Men With Beards Over Guys Who Are Clean Shaven

Michael Flynn Moves to Withdraw Guilty Plea

NO SWIMMING! ‘We Build The Wall Inc.’ Constructs FIRST EVER Border Wall On Rio Grande River


Thursday, January 9 – Hour 3

Far-Left Internet Thinks Mayor Pete Is a Secret Agent

Ebola-infected woman crosses America’s open border and dies in a Texas hospital… “human weapons” infected with Ebola are being sent into the USA

Court Approves $3.6 Billion For Border Wall; Trump Responds

Exclusive: Rep. Bradley Byrne Moves to Censure Pelosi for Holding Up Impeachment

Carnival Cruise Line bans ‘offensive’ clothing and accessories



Wednesday, January 8 – Hour 3

Two Earthquakes Hit Iran ‘Close to Nuclear Power Plant’

Iran plane crash: footage appears to show burning wreckage – video

PRESIDENT AND THE ‘PIMP’ Bill Clinton poses with Epstein’s ‘pimp’ Ghislaine Maxwell and a sex slave on board private jet the ‘Lolita Express’

Two rockets reportedly hit Baghdad Green Zone a day after Iran missile attacks on US targets in Iraq

Derek Hunter


What a pile of garbage. https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1215011792860135424 

Tom Elliott@tomselliott

.@IlhanMN says she has PTSD and the talk of conflict w/ is making her uneasy

Embedded video

56 people are talking about this


What about 4,400 dead is so funny to Omar? https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1215009273580834817 

RNC Research


Ilhan Omar laughs and jokes around as her colleague discusses U.S. casualties in https://youtu.be/W5ynxOvUT2E 

Embedded video

6,829 people are talking about this

U.S. Army Warns Of Hoax: You Will Not Be Drafted For ‘WWIII’ By Text Message

Feinstein Fed Up with Pelosi Delay Tactics – Demands She Send Articles of Impeachment to Senate as Speaker Clings to Articles, Refuses to Let Go

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, January 9

Hour 1

Reports: Downed Ukrainian Flight Was Hit By Anti-Aircraft Missile Over Iran

Iran plane crash: Ukrainian investigators want to search crash site for Russian missile debris

Ukrainian Flight 752 Shot Down by Missile System: Report


Iranian investigators on Thursday said the black boxes that belonged to the plane have been damaged and some parts of their memory were lost

Iran plane crash: burning Boeing was trying to turn back, say Tehran investigators

Ukraine plane did not radio for help before it crashed

Trudeau says Canada has intelligence Iran shot down Ukrainian airliner


Hour 2

Indiana panel rejects proposed $291M teacher pay hike

No Charges for Brittany Ingle

Retention ponds a ‘growing threat’? Mishawaka deaths raise questions about barriers, safety


Hour 3

Far-Left Internet Thinks Mayor Pete Is a Secret Agent

Ebola-infected woman crosses America’s open border and dies in a Texas hospital… “human weapons” infected with Ebola are being sent into the USA

Court Approves $3.6 Billion For Border Wall; Trump Responds

Exclusive: Rep. Bradley Byrne Moves to Censure Pelosi for Holding Up Impeachment

Carnival Cruise Line bans ‘offensive’ clothing and accessories
