Show Prep: Monday, June 20

Lynch: “Partial Transcript” Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To Islamic Terrorism Removed | Video | RealClearPolitics

“What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this man’s pledges of allegiance to groups, and further his propaganda,” Lynch said. “We are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance [to the Islamic State].”

DOJ Scrubbed References to Islam From Transcripts of Orlando Terrorist’s 911 Calls | Fox News Insider

The transcripts of those calls, however, do not include Mateen’s oath of loyalty to ISIS or any other religious justification for the .

Psychologist: I Never Evaluated Omar Mateen | NBC Bay Area

Nudelman said in a statement to NBC she never administered the test to Mateen and was not even practicing in Florida at the time when G4S ordered the evaluation.

Nothing To Do With Islamic Terror? 60% Of Democrats Interpret Orlando As Domestic Gun Violence

While 79% of Republicans view it primarily as an act of Islamic , the majority of Democrats, 60%, see it as an act of domestic violence.

Lynch Says FBI Didn’t Arrest Orlando Shooter Because “He Had The Right To Be A Radical Muslim”

“For better of for worse, had every right to be a radical Muslim in this country, and every other citizen of America has the same right, despite of their religious beliefs.

Omar Mateen threatened a mass shooting…in elementary school « Hot Air

A former classmate at Mariposa elementary school in Port St. Lucie, Florida tells CNN, Mateen once threatened to bring a gun to school and kill everyone. That was in fourth or fifth grade. He was nine or ten years old. The classmate could not recall what punishment Mateen received, but said it was “a very big deal at the time.”

Weaponized drones could soon be banned in Michigan – 95.3 MNC

Legislation would make it a crime in Michigan to weaponize an unmanned aerial vehicle.

New Report: FBI Can Access Hundreds of Millions of Face Recognition Photos | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Today the federal Government Accountability Office (GAO) finally published its exhaustive report on the ‘s face recognition capabilities. The takeaway: FBI has access to hundreds of millions more photos than we ever thought. And the Bureau has been hiding this fact from the public—in flagrant violation of federal law and agency policy—for years.

Oakland Police – “It’s a Cesspool” – Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children

According to ABC news, the teen sex worker claims to have slept with 14 police officers while she was  underage. One of the officers committed suicide in 2015, and left a suicide note with information on the sex offenses.

EPIC Response From Landowner When Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Requests Access to Land »

We have divided our 2.26 acres into 75 equal survey units with a draw tag for each unit. Application fees are only $8.00 per unit after you purchase the “ Survey License” ($120.00 resident / $180.00 Non-Resident). You will also need to obtain a “Frog Habitat” parking permit ($10.00 per vehicle). You will also need an “Invasive Species” stamp ($15.00 for the first vehicle and $5.00 for each add’l vehicle) You will also want to register at the Check Station to have your vehicle inspected for non-native plant life prior to entering our property. There is also a Day Use fee, $5.00 per vehicle.

Blog: CIA Director Brennan contradicts Obama on ISIS threat

Less than 48 hours before his testimony, President Obama had tried to soothe the nation’s concerns in the wake of the Orlando massacre,

More than 50 active US Diplomats trash Obama’s Syrian policy – HYPELINE

The Wall Street Journal reports: The “dissent channel cable” was signed by 51 State Department officers involved with advising on policy in various capacities, according to an official familiar with the document. The Wall Street Journal reviewed a copy of the cable, which repeatedly calls for “targeted military strikes” against the Syrian government in light of the near-collapse of the ceasefire brokered earlier this year.”

Liberal Reporter Seeks to Show How Easy It Is to Purchase an AR-15 in America — He Definitely Didn’t See This Coming |

Steinberg recently traveled to Maxon Shooter’s Supplies in Des Plaines, Illinois, with intentions of purchasing a Smith & Wesson M & P 15 Sport II semi-automatic rifle.

Show Prep: Thursday, June 16

Orlando Gunman Apparently Searched Facebook During Attack – ABC News

“The real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west,”

Omar Mateen Told Us in His Own Words Why He Carried Out His Terror Attack… But Why Believe Him? | Truth Revolt

It is likewise plausible that Mateen’s alleged homosexuality catalyzed an internal desire to “prove himself” in the eyes of and seek redemption all the more.

West Hollywood Inundated With AMAZING Pro-Gun, Pro-Gay Posters | Daily Wire

FDA approves stomach-draining obesity treatment – | Continuous News | Colorado Springs and Pueblo

The AspireAssist system consists of a thin tube implanted in the stomach, connecting to an outside port on the skin of the belly. About 20 minutes after finishing a meal, users connect the port to an external device, which drains some of the recently-consumed food into the toilet.

(8) American Flag Profile Picture Tool

We did not plan to launch this website yet, but considering the horrible , America needs unity more than ever. Here it is

Hour 2

Michigan man cited for illegal pit bull after posting happy photo online | Fox News

Detroit Dog Rescue says Diggy has paperwork from a veterinarian and animal control to prove he is not a .

Obamacare enrollees without subsidies face big premium increases « Hot Air

those making over $47,000 a year—who face paying the full cost of the mandated coverage. The Associated Press highlights what that looks like as rates are set to go up as much as 60 percent in some areas:

If liberals have no problem taking rights away from people on ‘lists’ then they should have no problem packing them up and deporting them.

Hour 3

Jo Cox dead after Labour MP is shot and stabbed by man in Birstall | Daily Mail Online

A Labour MP has died after she was shot three times and repeatedly stabbed in a shocking attack as she arrived at her constituency surgery.

Mass Shooters Prefer Gun-Free Zones

Of the 54 incidents that fit these criteria, the shooter chose locations where were 37 times (69 percent). Alternatively, the shooting occurred where guns were legally allowed only 17 times (31 percent). See graphic.

Daily : Tuesday, June 14

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Obama Opposed Life-Saving Police Armaments

Florida Gun Store Owner Schools Media on How Buying a Gun Works in Press Conference

“I just hope that you do some truthful reporting and get to the facts and stay focused, at least for the incident and say your prayers for the victims. It is horrific and we all feel that same pain.”

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Could Congress Have Stopped Omar Mateen From Getting His Guns?

Yet while lawmakers argued that their legislation would prevent future massacres, they had no definitive answer for whether it would have stopped the killing in Orlando, or whether the had simply let Mateen slip through its screening procedures.

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Hour 2

Suit: Car’s automatically unlocking doors led to day of terror

A “design flaw” that caused the doors of a SUV to unlock when the vehicle was placed in park led to the carjacking, kidnapping, and sexual assault of a woman, and to the subsequent hit-and-run murders of a mother and her three children, a alleges.

Chick Fil A Did WHAT After Gay Club Shooting? Why Isn’t This Viral? ⋆ Dc Gazette

Then, instead of making a single dime, they crated the product of their labor to the One Blood donation center. The food and drinks were handed out, free of charge, to all the people who had lined up to donate blood.

Hour 3

Orlando updates.

SURPRISE! London’s New Muslim Mayor Bans Sexy Women in Advertisements

, ‘s first , announced Monday that “body shaming” advertisements will no longer be allowed in ‘s public transport.


Tuesday, March 29 – Hour 2 Podcast

Apple’s encryption battle with the FBI is over, for now

The Department of Justice has dropped its case against . After over a month of court motions, congressional hearings and public fights over circumventing the security of the iPhone 5C used by San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook, the government has decided it doesn’t need Apple after all. Instead, the third party brought in to break Apple’s encryption has been successful according to court documents.

‘Batman v Superman’ earned $166.1 million during opening weekend –

Warner Bros. on Monday revised down the film’s weekend gross by $4 million, lowering it from the Sunday estimate of $170.1 million to $166.1 million. Such corrections are common, though the difference for “Batman v Superman” was slightly more than normal and had an effect on the film’s place in the record books.

Feds to Fine Schools For Not Following Obama’s Lunch Rules

The federal government is taking steps to fine schools that do not comply with first lady Michelle Obama’s school lunch rules.

Japan Admits 27 Muslim Refugees, Now Look What Happened Next… Trump Is Right

The incident occurred only a few weeks after the men had received refugee status. They applied for the status back in August and October, telling the Immigration Bureau of Japan that they did not want to return to Turkey due to “problems that exist between relatives.”


Show Prep: Fri, Dec. 18

Indiana lawmakers may consider regulating daily fantasy sports sites like FanDuel –

lawmakers are considering the possibility of regulating daily sites.

Toy Guns Banned in New York | Truth Revolt

College Student Suspended for Stating Opinion: Black Women ‘Not Hot’ | Truth Revolt

What started off as raising awareness quickly became “mud slinging,” Pryor told The College Fix in a phone interview. When someone wrote “#blackwomenmatter,” Pryor said he joined in, anonymously replying, “They matter, they’re just not hot.”

UPDATE: School Canceled After Backlash from Making Students Write ‘No God But Allah’ | Truth Revolt

Yet, according to the announcement, there was no threat whatsoever:

School Kids to Sing ‘Allahu Akbar’ at Holiday Concert | Truth Revolt

Minnesota are not happy that a holiday concert at their children’s high school will feature a song celebrating Ramadan in which their kids will sing, “Allahu Akbar.”

Hey! Let’s see if the Freedom From Religion Foundation is pitching a fit over these assignments in schools.



Clarence Moses-EL imprisoned for 28 YEARS after woman dreamed he raped her to be freed | Daily Mail Online

A man imprisoned for 28 years after a woman said she dreamed that he raped her could be freed after a Denver judge overturned his conviction, saying he would likely be acquitted at a new trial because someone else confessed to the crime.


The House of Representatives just passed the incredibly huge spending bill and according to the AP, the Senate will vote for it later today and then send to Obama for his signature:

Here Are the 95 Republicans Who Opposed the Omnibus Spending Bill

Ninety-five Republicans split with House GOP leadership to vote against the spending bill. Another 150 Republicans supported it, while just 18 opposed the legislation.