Monday, 13 – Hour 2

Hour 2


‘Trumpville’ Site Chosen on -Held Golan to Honor


Media’s Covington Obsessives Skip Disturbing Video of Muslim Kids Reading Death Poetry

Seattle School District Wants Teachers To Bless Muslims During Ramadan

Imam of Portland’s Largest Mosque Has Citizenship Revoked for Ties to Osama Bin Laden

ABC : Have Let ‘Dozens’ of Terrorists Into Country As Refugees

Report: FBI Finds Child Remains, ‘Obstacle Course’ at Suspected Jihad Camp Alabama


2 decorated French soldiers in rescue mission that saved American, other hostages in Africa

Whatever Happened To That “We Build The Wall” GoFundMe?


Daily : Monday, May 13


Wednesday, July 27 – Hour 2 Podcast

Superhuman Tech? Most Americans Fear the Worst

Results from new Pew survey show that majority of are worried about technology that could enhance human abilities, fearing a “slippery slope.”

Mosques ‘Lead' Rally Against Terrorism At National Mall In DC -20 Muslims Show ⋆ Freedom Daily

‘s going to take a much louder outcry from many, many Muslims before anyone takes them seriously.


Show Prep: Wed, Nov. 25

Sheriff’s ‘politically incorrect’ sign draws strong reaction | Columbus Ledger-Enquirer

Over 30 White Student Union Pages Associated With Universities Created on Facebook Last Week – Progressives Today

than 30 ‘‘ pages created on Facebook in last week

Students Referred to Counseling Services After a Confederate Flag Was Seen on a Laptop | MRCTV

Elkhart family whose pit bull was shot by police in October issued citations for loose dog – Elkhart Truth

After an Elkhart family’s pit bull was shot and killed in their front yard by police officer who believed it was charging him, the family has been issued citations for failing to control the animal.

Meat Tax Should Be High On Paris Climate Change Agenda | The Daily Caller

The U.S., along with other with the rest of the world, should aim “to increase the price of meat and other unsustainable products,” through a carbon tax. This proposal was greeted with deep skepticism by Marlo Lewis Jr., a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

7-Year-Old Texas Boy Who Donated Piggy Bank to Vandalized Mosque Gets Surprise – ABC News

The 7-year-old boy who donated all the money in his piggy bank to a mosque vandalized in Texas recently had his act of kindness returned.

After Email Leak, Rand Paul Campaign Demands CNN ‘Address This Bias and Lack of Journalistic Integrity’ |

“The liberal media has taken their Clinton sycophancy to a new low. CNN needs to address this bias and lack of journalistic integrity,” Doug Stafford said in a statement. “This email revelation should give Republicans pause as to their coverage and possibility of fair treatment towards Sen. Paul during the next debate. All eyes will be on CNN’s response to their employee colluding with Hillary Clinton in order to attack a prominent U.S. senator on their dime.”

Family of euthanized Chihuahua sues PETA | Local News |

A family is suing People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals after workers for the nonprofit snatched a pet Chihuahua their porch and killed it.

Rider Could Save E-Cigarettes From FDA Prohibition | The Daily Caller

A rider attached to the omnibus spending bill would change Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requiring all e-cigarette products released after February 15, 2007, to undergo the costly Pre-Market Tobacco Applications (PMTA) process.

Russian pilot killed when Turkey shot down jet over Syria pictured | Daily Mail Online

This is the Russian jet pilot who survived being shot down by the Turkish and was rescued in a dramatic 12-hour military operation earlier today.

Putin bombs the crap out of the Turkmen who killed his pilot; Surviving pilot claims NO WARNING by Turkey » The Right Scoop –

Putin has retaliated against the Turkmen in Latakia, Syria (west coast) who killed one of his pilots yesterday as he parachuted out of his plane that was shot down by Turkey, heavily bombing them from both air and sea:

This father is fighting to get his daughter back in his arms — wait until you find out why she was taken | Rare

A Utah father is fighting for custody of his newborn daughter, Kaylee. Colby Nielson said watching his daughter being taken away was the hardest thing he’s ever experienced. He was forced to give up his daughter after the baby’s biological mother gave her up for last week.

How A Movie About The Men’s Rights Movement Did A 180

What started as a film about the ‘s rights movement became a parallel about the men’s movement and Jaye’s journey as a modern feminist. In a recent conversation, she would not tell me the details of her moment of realization. It is a pivotal event in her film, and it informs the title, “The Red Pill.”

Study: Liberals Use ‘Low Effort’ Thinking On Environment | The Daily Caller

Researchers determined liberals have a pronounced tendency to use extremely simplistic arguments and refuse to grant legitimacy to any opposing viewpoints when discussing the environment. The study found liberals “think less” about the environment and act emotionally, not logically, on such issues.

German Professor: NASA Has Fiddled Climate Data On ‘Unbelievable’ Scale

From the publicly available data, Ewert made an unbelievable discovery: Between the years 2010 and 2012 the data measured since 1881 were altered so that they showed a significant warming, especially after 1950. […] A comparison of the data from 2010 with the data of 2012 shows that NASA-GISS had altered its own datasets so that especially after WWII a clear warming appears – although it never existed.

Climate Science Isn’t Settled | Wizbang

Democrat David Siegel used to be a fan of climate alarmism until he took a close look at the science data.

Al- Was Perfectly Legal

The debate has raged for some days now … was the of al-Awlaki in Yemen ?

Rep. Ron Paul says it was, but he says everything is illegal.

There are two arguments alleging the illegality of al-Awlaki’s killing.

First, he was a US citizen, and as such, was due a trial.

Second, the US violated international law by assassinating him in Yemen.

Neither argument holds up, both morally or legally.

First I’ll address international law.

Neither the Hague Convention of 1899, or the Protocol Addition to the Geneva Convention of 1949 forbid al-Awlaki’s killing by international law.  Right off the get go, proponents of this argument are off to a bad start.  In , the international law has often taken the stance that killing an adversary can often within the confines of international law.

Harvard Law addressed the issue a few years back.

The clauses that traditionally have been construed as prohibiting “targeted killings” are far from clear prohibitions. In the Hague Convention (II) with Respect to the Laws and Customs of War on Land (29 July 1899), Article 23b states that it is prohibited “to kill or wound treacherously individuals belonging to the hostile nation or army.” Treachery is not explicitly defined, and it can be argued that using missiles to attack a car in which a target is traveling, while brutal and having a high probability of injuring bystanders, does not fall within the purview of treachery. Similarly, targeted killings can be argued to fall outside the Protocol I Article 37 prohibition on killing, injuring, or capturing “an adversary by resort to perfidy”—described as “acts inviting the confidence of an adversary to him to believe that he is entitled to, or is obliged to accord, protection under the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict, with intent to betray that confidence.” Article 37 gives examples of perfidy including “the feigning of an intent to negotiate under a flag of truce or surrender” and “the feigning of civilian, non-combatant status.”

Basically, you can’t ‘assassinate’ under false-flag circumstances.  No such circumstance existed with the al-Awlaki killing.  It should be noted that this provision addresses someone belonging to a hostile nation OR army. While al-Awlaki did not belong to a hostile nation, he did belong to a hostile army.  This is important later when I argue the relevance of his US citizenship.

In addition to this international law, the US has NO LAW forbidding foreign assassinations.  We do, however, have a policy of not undertaking assassinations.  Policy does not equal law.

The second component to this operation is that Yemen fully approved, and supported the killing of al-Awlaki. So no argument can be made that we violated the sovereignty of a foreign nation.

The other argument making its way around is that al-Awlaki’s killing was illegal because he was a US citizen. As such, an assassination order by the would violate his constitutional right of due process.  It should also be noted that al-Awlaki was not the only American killed in the attack.

Al-Awlaki’s ties to terrorism are not in dispute, his actual influence is.  So can the president order his killing, or not?

8 U.S.C. § 1481 addresses the issue of US citizenship in situations like this.

(a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality –

(1) obtaining naturalization in a foreign state upon his own application or upon an application filed by a duly authorized , after having attained the age of eighteen years; or

(2) taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after having attained the age of eighteen

The law also addresses taking up arms against the United States in section 7. Considering al-Awlaki’s Yemeni citizenship, which does not recognize dual-citizenship, and his taking up arms against the US, it would appear that he renounced his US citizenship long ago.

Section 7 automatically revokes his citizenship because of his terrorist activities, but requires capture and tribunal. Since he was in Yemen, we revert to international law which permits his killing in order to prevent a further loss of life.  More relevant is local Yemen law.  Again, they assisted in the killing of al-Awlaki.

Is his killing a gray area?  Only in the perpetually unrefined laws of US citizenship.  Laws that most Americans agree need to be revamped, but the law nonetheless.

The only component missing to classify al-Awlaki as a non-citizen appears to be a mere formality of choreographed theater that would only serve to satisfy the selfish needs of third party citizens, not the parties directly involved.  It’s pretty clear that al-Awlaki, the US, and Yemen were all on the same page.

Both al-Alwaki and Yemen agree that he is a citizen of Yemen.  The US agrees that he revoked his citizenship. Who are you to swoop in and negate those facts?

The only sources of outcry appear to come from the ignorant, and those with a vested interest in ideological pacifism.  Not from a position of morality or legality.

Ultimately, this is a debate that will fall upon opinion.  If you think al-Awlaki’s killing was illegal, you’ll likely never your mind.  Same goes for those who think it was legally justified.  Each individual will have to decide for themselves if international law, US law, or Yemeni law should reign supreme.

Of course, you can always consider al-Awlaki’s wishes too.