Monday, March 5 – Hour 3 Podcast

Millennials get scammed more than anyone.

asked users if it was ok if men solicited naked pictures of 14-year-old girls.

Student accuses Parkland teacher of locking kids out of the classroom during shooting.


Daily : Monday, May 2

I’m back from Ireland!

Long lines and heavy police presence ahead of Trump rally in South Bend – South Bend Tribune: Local

Long lines have already formed outside the Century Center, and to streets beyond, as Donald supporters wait for the rally this evening featuring the GOP presidential front-runner.

Cruz Scolds Boy After Child Tells Him ‘You Suck’ At Indiana Rally [AUDIO]

Sen. Ted said a kid growing up in his household would have been spanked if they acted out the way a boy did towards him Sunday during a rally. The pre-teen boy was escorted out by local law enforcement when he told Cruz during a rally, “.”

Ted Cruz’s Support Softens Among the Delegates He Courted

It turns out that delegates — like ordinary voters — are susceptible to shifts in public opinion. And as the gravitational pull of Mr. Trump’s recent primary landslides draws more Republicans toward him, Mr. Cruz’s support among the party’s 2,472 convention delegates is softening, threatening his hopes of preventing Mr. Trump’s nomination by overtaking him in a floor fight.

I side 92% with Ted Cruz

Your candidate results visualized…

Sandy Rios: 1.1 Million Families Join AFA’s Target Boycott, Stock Takes $2.5 Billion Hit – Breitbart

The Family Policy institute says they estimate that to be a loss to the company of $2.5 billion dollars.

Micah Tyler

Dear , I am one of you. I turned 33 years old 2 weeks ago while emceeing Watermark Community Church’s “Church Leader Conference 2016.”

Monday, April 4 – Hour 1 Podcast

Michigan Parents: No Boys In Girls Shower | The Daily Caller

In response to a proposed guidance from the state’s Board of Education that would pressure schools to let children choose their gender-assigned bathroom of choice, parents, teachers and students have flooded the Board with pleas to change the policy.

California Man Dressed as a Woman Busted For MAKING VIDEOS IN A LADIES ROOM – Progressives Today

When Pomare was contacted, he was wearing a wig and women’s clothing, including a bra, a statement from the LASD revealed. “The deputy noticed he was wearing a wig and appeared to have breasts,” LASD Sergeant Brian Hudson told the Los Angeles outlet.

Top Stories – Up to a Million Americans May Lose Food Stamps as States Restore Pre-Recession Requirements – AllGov – News

Hundreds of thousands of people could soon lose as states reimpose time limits and work requirements that were suspended in recent years because of high unemployment, state officials and advocates for the poor said Friday.

Millennials are being dot.conned by cult-like tech companies | New York Post

Tech startups love . Tasty, tasty millennials who get underpaid, overworked, churned up and turned into nourishment for venture capitalists. Millennials are the Soylent Green of the tech world.